Transformers Energon Cube

For those of you who may not yet know, in the upcoming Transformers movie, there is an artifact called the Energon Cube (not the same as the energon cubes in the 80’s cartoon show). The Energon Cube is the device that giveslife to Transformers… imparting the “Spark”. The decepticons are looking for it… and Spike has it. The image below is Spike (Shia LaBeouf) holding what I’ guessing is the Energon Cube. Either that or his dad’s secret stash o’ porn.


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15 thoughts on “Transformers Energon Cube

  1. looks like they’re gonna go all ‘war of the worlds’ on this movie.. don’t get me wrong, I liked the film a lot… but kids as big characters, or getting in the way etc.. god I hate it!! (ET is pile of rubbish for the record)

  2. Actually ASH1138,

    That car will go into production soon. It was a prototype that garnered a lot of attention on the car show circuit. So much so that Chevy is putting it into production in ’08 or ’09.
    They are currently gearing up production facilities.

    VW would not give the filmmakers the rights to use the Bug as one of the characters.

  3. If ever there a trainwreck in the making, this is it. The more and more I hear about this film, the more sure I am that this is going to be the biggest steaming pile of doo since Pearl Harbor. I realize the source material is a bit geeky, and that the filmmakers want to “mainstream” it up, but that almost never works.

    Look at the original Transformers movie. Sure it was a bit kiddified, but then again if you look deeper there was a meaty story there. It was Autobots vs Decepticons and lots of characters died! Important characters like Optimus Prime died! Bumble Bee saying “Holy Shit!” (or was it “oh shit?”) is fucking classic!

    Speaking of classic. VW bugs are classic. Bumblebee is a VW bug. Volkwagen still makes fucking bugs! So why the hell is he a Camero now? Chevy doesn’t even make Cameros!!

    God this movie is gonna suck.

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