More Negative Reaction For The Fountain

The other day we reported that the new Darren Aronofsky film, The Fountain, got a round of boos from the audience at the Venice Film Festival. Pretty confusing considering that expectations for this film are so high. Critics have been split on it as well. Some love it… some hated it.

But now you can add The Toronto International Film Festival as another audience that didn’t like the film too much. According to the good folks over at slashfilm the reception was cold:

In Toronto, about 25 people walked out and some movie-goers even hissed when the movie was screened on Monday. Both festival screenings were completely packed. Around the 90 minute mark is when the walk-outs started. According to SCIFI, the audience in one theater hissed after the final scene. Critics called the film “incomprehensible.

Yikes! I thought that maybe the Venice reaction was just an fluke… one bad audience perhaps. But maybe not. Could this film really be that bad? My good friend Tood over at Twitch doesn’t think so. He loved it:

a film like 2001 and Bladerunner that changed understandings of what the genre was capable of, a film that redefines the language of science fiction. Rich with dazzling imagery, elegaic in its bold embrace of large issues, built around a tragic romance and an effortless fusion of Mayan myth with Judeo-Christian faith, The Fountain is an out and out brilliant step forward from Aronofsky.

So who knows? But reaction has been pretty extreme on both sides. People seem to either totally love it… or… as in the case of the Toronto and Venice crowds… totally and 100% HATE it. This division is just making me more interested in seeing it, but I must confess my expectations for the film have dropped a couple of notches.

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15 thoughts on “More Negative Reaction For The Fountain

  1. I’ve been interested in seeing this film ever since I saw the trailer for it back in July. I say see the movie for yourself and come to your own conclusions. When it comes to something this subjective put other’s opinions in proper perspective; having some importance but still below your own. After all there are movies that everyone loves that I thought were lousy and there are movies that I love that everyone else hated.

    Make up your own mind. Don’t be swayed by the herd.

  2. It’s strange, all these stories of people hating the movie are making me absolutely determined to see it. I think it may be the arrogant snob in me that is hoping to spot something that most people have missed; it won’t happen though – I’m not that insightful, I didn’t even get Blade runner.

  3. Sad to see people booing in a movie! I think those people should do movies so we can boo them so they can know how it feels.

    Seeing more people loving and hating this movie, I just can’t wait to see the movie to make my own opinion! Just too bad I live in Québec where most indie, non-commercial or personnal movie don’t get too much screening…

  4. Now, the term “incomprehensible” is actually a very neutral term. Heck, Mulholland Drive was freakin’ incomprehensible, but everyone thought that one was great.

  5. Oi. I was disappointed when I first heard about the Venice boo’s and so the Toronto reaction isn’t very surprising however, I’m still looking forward to seeing this movie. If nothing else, it looks stunning.

  6. I hate to say it but The Fountain is fast becoming the next Serenity. A movie where the fans are all devoutly militant supporters of the director and refuse to believe for one second that anyone in their right mind could possibly disagree that the movie they’ve never seen yet, but the critics who hated it have, could be anything less than perfect.

    Disagree and feel their wrath and generally be put off going to see the movie.

    I dub thee Taupecoats.

  7. I believe this movie going to be awesome. First I trust twitch. Second I freaking loved the trailer. Third a lot of folks hate when they are asked to think in a Movie Theater. For example I personally loved the send and third matrix more than the first. I enjoy popcorn movie as the next guy but I also enjoy movies that challenges the boundaries of our thinking.

  8. Look, a sort of bug. The Picture of The Fountain is overlaying the “quoted” text with grey background. Doesn’t look all that good. Maybe with a border around the images it would look better?

    Other than that…. Awesome redesign. Slick and smooth like a motherffer!

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