Marvel Babies?

With all the buzz about XMen you know they are going to bleed every dollar out of this Franchise. Wolvering and Magneto already plotted for films and a number 4 too.

Back in the day, in the XMen comics there was an offshoot from the MojoVerse which introduced the X-Babies! No really, this happened. Well in the steam of the Muppet Babies Animated TV show, we might just see a babyfied version for our own generation.

Cinematical reports:

As far as I understand it, Marvel Babies is still in “idea” form, which means they haven’t officially sold the property to anyone. They were, however, shopping it around at the 2006 Licensing Show.

Well, this is really for our kids, because with the creative teams that are bringing us the next generation we can honestly say this isnt for us.

Is there no hope for new TV? They Pokemon’d the Transformers (and even girly’d it in Japan – see Transformers:Kiss Players) and anything that is a remake has been butchered for kids.

Now they are going to Muppet Baby the Marvel Universe?

Will Baby Wolverine have safety scissors? Does Baby Hulk look like BamBam? And what’s up with baby Doc Occ?? Tell me he isnt going to be the troublemaker.

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29 thoughts on “Marvel Babies?

  1. I buy about 100 bucks worth of comics each week. I am a comic geek, I can ramble off marvel continuity backwards in my sleep. I understand why people love comics and their characters, and I will buy and collect comics until the day I die.

    Here’s my 2 cents: I don’t care. Cancel the property or exploit it to the fullest. I could not possibly care less. It impacts nothing and means nothing to anyone who does not buy the Marvel Baby products, should there ever be any. If you like the idea, yay for you. If you think it should be stopped, you are an imbecile. Not because you’re wrong and its a great idea, you’re an imbecile because you actually took the time to form an opinion on something that means nothing. Its like taking a pro-active stance against people who like drapes. Its taking a position, not on an issue that should be ignored, but an issue that shouldn’t even be considered long enough to formulate the decision to ignore it. Please do the world a favor and stay in your parents’ basements and never leave. You can keep pretending you matter down there.

  2. Someone mentioned the Playskool line of Star Wars, which there are actually 2, called Jedi Force and Galactic Heroes though Galactic Heroes is mainstream Hasbro. It is one of the hottest lines out there for the Star Wars license. Recently, with Hasbro getting the Marvel license as well, they have announced and today actually released pictures of the first wave of SuperHero Squad and it is little kiddified versions of Marvel Heroes and Villians. Here is a link with all the pictures of them

  3. i know i’m being way geeky here but does the Marvel universe just go out the window? Spidey is not bit until high school. Bruce Banner isn’t hit with gamma rays until much later in life… how do you explain these terrible (and painful) mutations happening to babies/children?

    Muppet Babies? fine. they’re cotton or terrycloth puppets in the first place. Marvel’s universe is populated by super heroes who have mostly gone genetic mutation and or survived something horrible and came out the other side. this is a lame idea.

    forgive me… i just can’t wrap my head around it.

  4. I was in a toy store not to long ago and spotted these Marvel figures but they were manga babies or something. Green Goblin was a kid with Manga eyes so was Reed Richards.

  5. Bat-Mite! Thanks, darren j seeley, I had forgotten all about that little bastard.

    Surely there’s room in the world of summer blockbuster entertainment for a Bat-Mite Vs Beppo The Supermonkey film. Maybe in a few years, when they’ve done all the major comic characters like Ant Man and Power Girl and Doody Boy or whatever.

  6. And my day started out so well….

    If it’s a joke, fine. If it was an alternate Mojoverse, it was a stupid idea, but alright.
    If they are doing it for $$ and to line pockets at Christmastime, then someone give them a sharp pin and poke them in the head, there’s a lot of air that wants to come out. I’m serious as shit! They need to deflate!

    This stuff isn’t cute. It wasn’t cute with the muppet babies. It sure as hell wasn’t cute when WB pulled that crap on good ol’ Bugs Bunny and Wile E Coyote. Just leave well enough alone. What’s next? DC follows? I got it- BABY BATMAN, screw the BAT-MITE!

  7. Would this be some kind of alternate universe thing, where they’re the same characters but babies? I mean, otherwise baby Peter Parker is just a regular baby, right? Doc Oc – just a baby. Captain America, Hulk – just babies. I suppose Wolverine would at least be a baby with super healing powers, but no cool cutlery in his fists. I can’t see too many story opportunities there. Baby Wolvie fall down, go boom-boom… ahhhhhh, his owie disappeared!

    I don’t get it.

  8. I think it’s a good idea. It’s certainly not an idea for the usual fan of the franchise but it can expose younger people to the concept who will grow up reading comics. Comics needs all the help they can get to entice new readers.

  9. …what’s going to happen NEXT?

    Hopefully some studio exec doesn’t come up with the idea of turning the Thundercats into a band and having Snarf as the leade…wait…why do I hear the Twilight Zone tune playing…

  10. Jason, you havent seen the PlaySkool line of Star Wars figures then?

    Just sayin’

    And Hitokiri, I know TF started in Japan. I was a teenager when it first aired on TV in North America. I didnt suggest that it was American originating at all, I am saying that the Kiss Players version is craptastic and twists the franchise just to sell it to a new demographic. I mean really, the Transformers get bonus powers when they are KISSED by their adorable human female counterparts? That screams Hentai.

  11. They always do this stuff. It really comes as no surprise. I’m actually surprised George Lucas hasn’t cottoned on to the idea with BABY Star Wars figures…or a cartoon of similar style.

    Someone will like this.

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