Another Optimus Prime Pic

Here is a slightly better Optimus Prime pic (The Autobot Leader from The Transformers) than has been online so far. I’ve already said I LOVE it. Some of you hate it… fair enough. I doubt this image will change anyone’s mind. But there ya go. Thanks to the 100 people who gave me the heads up on this :) More can be seen over at AICN.


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25 thoughts on “Another Optimus Prime Pic

  1. I was being completely sarcastic with the dammit’s.
    I know you were kidding.

    And I know blocks exist…
    I have one firmly attached to my neck.

    Your right. The Megatron design looks nothing like a transformer.
    But I still like it.

    I cant think of a way to defend the Megatron design not looking like a classic transformer other than to say… I still like it.
    I’m just not as strict as you are. I dont care that it looks like a cross between the Predator and the Witch King. To me, since I like both those things, thats not a bad combonation. But I see your point that it looks nothing like a transformer. I doesnt. No argument.
    It just doesnt bother me the way it bothers you.

  2. So why does overly complictated messy designs make them more realistic? Do blocks not exist in the real world? I didn’t realise that spikes and squiggles and lots of little bitsy pieces are the only things that could possibly look real….

    If you read my post properly i said I was kidding …I know you have to make it realistic to work in a live action envidonment but I don’t get the whole blocky looking robots won’t work..I just don’t see why these messy ugly things that are being vomitted out by some modern coked up hyped up designer who thinks that making them more X – TREME!!!!!!!! is more important than giving them any kind of personality or making them stand out from the hundreds of other robot typr toys and cartoons that are out there that look exactly like these new transformers…..I just don;t see why these will look anymore realistic than keeping them close to the original look. I don’t mind updating them I am not saying they have to be exactly like the old ones but come on….megatron doesn’t even look like a trasnformer…he looks like the predator mated with the fucking witch king

  3. Guys, it’s called “SCIENCE fiction”. You HAVE to make it believable eventhough it’sfake or else you can’t really enjoy it. When you are a kid, it is much easier to believe shit, but as you grow older, you notice more things and not everything is believable. So, Alfie, realism IS important even in a movie about giant transforming robots from outer space.

  4. And yes, dammit. Its was silly to use the word “realism” when talking about a movie with transforming robots from outer space.

    But in my defense I was using more in the realm of the realictic laws of physics and matter.

    So nah nah na boo boo

  5. Oh.
    So your mister funnyman now, huh?

    OK. Ya know what? As real as giant transforming robots can be. Dammit.
    (all said with tongue planted firmly in cheek)

    They are already asking you to suspend your disbelief enough. Why add to it with feats of physics that wouldnt be possible even in the twilight zone.

    Aliens are a possibility. Alien robots are a possibility. But I say damn you and your ability to twist my words around and have them make perfect sense for your side of the argument. (seriously, I really do hate it when I leave the door wide open like that)

    I ask you this. Where do those blocky shapes hide when it is in vehicle mode? Where do those big thick blocky legs hide when he is a truck? Real trucks dont look like the toy did so dont say the toy did it. And what happened to the wheels?

    And again I say, I never said I didnt think the robot form wouldnt look cool in CGI in and of itself. I have always maintained that a real world truck trying to transform into that style robot would look horrible. Seeing the classic version of Prime walk around in his classic robot design would be a treat. As long as he didnt try to transform into a real truck. There is no way you can make me believe that that classic robot could ever transform into a believeable real truck outside of a cartoon when i was 12.

    Robots would be fine without all the pieces all over but robots who transform into cars need to have all their outside pieces go somewhere. Do me a favor, wait till you see it transform and maybe it will make more sense. And dont say the toys did it because then the robots would have almost no articulation or mobility.

    Yes. The flames are unneccesary, but to me its not really that distracting. I dont know what else to tell you aboyt the flames. I kinda dig the 2 colors and the flames on his feet are actually pretty cool.

    About the publicity… well, controversy breeds talk, talk breeds buzz, and buzz puts butts in seats. So maybe it is true that any publicity is good publicity. Plus, The negativity is relegated to the internet right now, and we all know how much internet buzz, good or bad, really affects a movie’s box office take. That is to say, not very much. I’ll give you 2 examples of when internet buzz resulted in the opposite at the box office, S.o.a.P and Serenity.

    Publicize the heck out of it about 3 to 4 weeks before release, start slow but build up over the course of that time, and then hope that good word of mouth and positive reviews keep ’em coming in.
    Do I know if Transformers is going to be a hit? Nope. I sure dont.
    But neither does anyone else.
    Do I know if Transformers is going to be a good movie? Nope. But neither does anybody else.
    I just have a lot of faith and plenty of hope. Hope by definition means to wish for something with expectation of its fulfillment. To hope for the best and expect the worst is an oxymoron. By definition you cant have one without the other.
    It seems to me that you want this movie to suck. I know you want there to be a Transformers movie that rocks but I think you are so thoroughly convinced that this isnt going to be that movie that even if this does turn out to be a cool flick you wont be able to see it.
    Alfie, I just go back to what I’ve always said, Dont judge a movie before you see it. Dont build up so much hate and animosity that when it does come out you are so comsumed with anger that you are mentally not able to even concieve of liking it. Dont go into it with the desire to be “right” so strong within you that it takes away your ability to judge it fairly. I know we all like to be right and you have said repeatedly that you hope this movie bombs. Thats like making up your mind to hate someone when all you have is a picture and who their parents are. You might appreciate the design a little more when you actually see them transform. Mike may knock this one out of the park. If I was looking at it from your point of view I might say to myself “Hey. The sun shines on every dogs ass once in a while.” Say to yourself, say “Hey self! This may not be the exact Transformers movie that I had built up in my head for 20 years but it still may be a cool sci-fi action movie.”

    Just think of it as “The Changebots from Outer Space”. Do you think that would help?
    Ah, who am I kidding? I know it wont, but you cant blame a guy for trying, can you?

  6. physics be damned…I want megatron to be standing next to starscream about 30 feet tall and then all of a sudden turn into a handgun big enough for starscream to shoot….

    I want soundwave to all of sudden go from being say 20 feet tall to turning himslef into a tape deck big enough for spike ,a fucking human, to pick up and hide in the transformers base…

    I want prime to have a trailer which juts backs away when he transforms and then he could walk 50 miles and all of a sudden he turns back into truck mode and there it is…..

    realism matters??? in a film about giant talking robots from cybertron who come to earth and disguise themselves as earthly vehicles??? yeah i guess when you are dealing with subject matter that deep realism is hugely important….

    I am kidding of course..megatron being a gun would be silly….I have never said I don’t want any changes to be made but the megatron change is ridiculous…

    would prime suffer from having no flames?? no….but if this is an adult version as you claim why have they given himk these cheesy childlike flames?? they make him look cheap and stupid….that would look cool to a baby I imagine and I guess thats whay bay likes them as I believe he has a mental age of about 7…”mom I like to look at things go boom boom”….

    I still don’t believe that prime has to be so bitsy and intricate to transform realistically…..I will either buy a talking robot transforming or I won’t…giving him all that detail won’t help the realisn to me at all… is just so busy on the eyes…

    I do love how they keep leaking this stuff to try and cool all the bad word of mouth out there…..originally they weren’t going to show us shit..they said it themselves but when those unofiicial leaked pictures got out and all the bad word of mouthg started they have leaked all this other stuff to try and impress and so far the genreral word is not good but this is the internet and everyone seems to hate everything so you can;t buy too much into that but even sites that have nothing to do with movies or geek stuff at all have commented on it…..especially megatron…the film makers can either take the whole any publicity is good publicity angle which they should…sure there is a lot of bad mouthing out there but there is also a ton of guys loving it too and the film is still nearly a year away and people are talking…I don’t hear too much talk about shrek the third….and they are not talkiing in a glib flippant snakes on a plane way..people are talking because they are genuinely excited about this film and lets remember guys like me that hate everything so far are only upset because we want to like it. Not eveyone is like that there are guys who hate on stuff to get a rise but I seriously want to like this film.
    And when campea was on set they said the honestly don’t pay attention to the bad stuff on the net but that is crap…don murphy is on the boards every day…even through the night fighting with guys and calling people names… they keep trying to get fans back on side by releasing these images…..these are not spy lealks…if they were they would be pulled…these are studio sanctioned attempts to turn the tide of bad word of mouth….makes sense…a lof of people have spent a lot of money on this film and it needs to be a big hit….

    I don’t get the whole argument that blocky looking robots wouldn’t work with live action photoreal CG…why wouldn’t it?

    are there no blocks anywhere in real life?? I didn’t realise that CG robots to look realistic have to have hundreds of intricate pieces and spikes and squiggly parts to look real…..

  7. Dont be ashamed.
    Its your opinion, you’re entitled to it.

    I could go an and on about the reasons I like the new designs…
    but what good would it do?

    I could say how much more realistic it is.
    I could say how much better it will look when you see it transform and in-motion.
    I could say how you cant “cheat” the way you could in a cartoon.

    …but alas, I refer back to my earlier point. What good would it do?
    I totally accept your opinion and respect your right to it, but just as much as you dont understand why I (or we) like the updating, I (or we) don’t understand why you are so against an updating.
    I know, I know. Transformers are iconic and dont need any changes or updating ever. They have a look that is instantly recognized and never disputed.
    Ask yourself this. Does this look more like optimus than say… a gorilla? Because to me that was the worst thing that has ever been done to the Transformers.
    Here, have a look.

    I ask you. Is this really worse than that?

    I think I have a different way of telling you how I’m looking at it.
    Remember X-men Evolution. Remember how they dumbed the comic book down to make it more kid-friendly and palatable to saturday morning/afterschool kid audiences by making them teenagers. Remember how silly that show was? How juvenile it was compared to the comic?
    To me, the Transformers situation is like that, but in reverse. I’m not saying I thought the Transformers were dumbed down perse, but they were aimed at a kid audience who didnt pay attention to little things… like the laws of physics. Go back and watch Optimus’s 2 slow-mo transformations at the beginning. Even in the movie they cant show what happens to his legs. They just dont show it from robot to truck and they use an explosion to hide it from truck to robot. Even the cartoon animators realize there is no way to show how this happens. And dont even get me started on his waist. How exactly does this area go from being his waist with an obvious thick trapezoidal shape that isnt as wide as his chest to being wider that the window area that made up his chest and thin and straight?

    This is the adult version of a kids show where physics matter and realism matters.

    I know none of this will change your mind, I’m just trying to tell you why I think this design better suits a live-action photo-real transformer.

  8. I know I am a broken record but i just let it go..I am sad and ashamed of myslef but here goes…..

    its ugly, messy and overly complicated. It has no charm or personality and if I had money to waste I could go and buy about 10 different toys that are out already that look exactly like it because it looks just like a whole bunch of other robot toys out there. Transformers werte distinctive. you knew what it was right away…..there is nothing iconic there…it is a messed up jumble.

    I tried to miss posting….I skipped the entire story at first but I just couldn’t do it…i just couldn’t do it..I just don’t see what you are seeing…where you see beauty I see poo.

  9. i thought Kittens had 9 lives or is that when they become adults, whatever the f*ck that means … so isi it our replies that killed the kittens wes-side bro? ..

    ok jokes aside … i vaguely recall transformers from my childhood & never did like it, *ducks-for-cover*, having said this partially this is coz all the kool kids loved it so me being me though .. well it has to be khack ..

    now if you haven’t grilled me & my family alive by the part you get this far reading .. all this put aside, i admit, thas a frickin sweet pic! :) i’m now more likely to perhaps anticipate this flick .. its the posters & trailers that really need to sell it to me ..

  10. Although, I must admit, I do love hearing your descriptive, hateful, funny take on these designs.

    “Not these idiotic ugly things they are shitting out” was one of my favorites.

    I’m not being sarcastic, I really thought that was funny. For some strange reason i thought of an ILM designer going to the toilet one day and looking back in and then going to get all his fellow designers to see it and they all have a collective epiphany…
    “Oh my God! Thats it! Thats Megatron!”

    Again, I like the Megatron design, but I just couldnt shake how funny I thought that scene would have been. Everybody’s high fiving each other. Yeah, I’m weird.

    Plus I should mention that Quint at AICN said that design was not the design that he saw at a set visit in New Mexico. So maybe it wont be as bad as you think.

  11. I have to offer my respect to any guy who has tires attached to his own ass. I mean, he could sit ANYWHERE and still be comfortable. That’s some forward thinking right there.

    Also, John, what the hell did kittens ever do to you?

  12. John I know it’s your site and all but cool it with the Transformer updates. I love the transformers too but every time you a pic a kitten dies. Think about that.

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