Fan Expo Day 2

Days 2 of the convention has come and gone. Doug, Darren and I had a great time. So here are just some quick highlights from the day.

Here is Doug, Darren and I at the start of the day.

We met some girls from the Pillow Fight League. An actual organization where the girls fight… with pillows… and put it on DVD. Here is Doug’s interview with tthem.

He is Doug and I talking about one of the bigger challenges of being at Fan Expo (Please note Doug being sarcastic)

Mike Mignola (creator of Hellboy) talking a little more about Hellboy 2

John with a great Balrog. This both had some wonderful movie models

In the games area, they had a fantastic Warhammer set up. One of the areas had this great Helms Deep game area.

Doug getting fresh with a Terminator

Doug making some new friends.

Like I said yesterday, there is a LOT more… but we’ll get to all that after the weekend. More to come tomorrow.

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21 thoughts on “Fan Expo Day 2

  1. Dre,

    Hellboy started in 1992, and those elements were introduced into the series not long after, so this all came long before Buffy was a television series, let alone the novels.

  2. as much as i dig Mignola & Del Torro,it sounds like they ripped the concept for Hellboy 2 from a set of Buffy The Vampire Slayer novels
    that came out many years ago called The Gatekeeper Trilogy with the whole creatures from mythology refusing to be banished from the earth thing..

  3. DOUG: “Who are we talking to today?”
    JOHN: “We’re talking to HER today, I don’t care who she’s with”

    hilarious! So did you end up talking to her?

    JOHN: “I know Doug is looking forward to Asian girls dressed as Animie”
    Doug: “That’s not true. I hate them. I’m going to burn them with cigarettes”

    OMG! Where do you guys come up with this stuf? Seriously? Do you pre-write it all or is it really just spontaneous?

  4. Babz is right John, you do have damn sexy eyes!

    Honestly, how do you guys not have a tv show yet? Your the most entertaining team I’ve seen in a long long time. I heard someone else say it before but it’s true. You guys are the entertainment A-Team.

    John = Hanibal (always has a plan, smart and quick)
    Doug = Murdock (hilarious guenius hidden in insanity)
    Darren = Face (brings balance to everything. What do you need? He’ll get it)

    Oh dear, i think I just gave away my age with the A-Team comparisson!

    I don’t know why no one is asking this, but does all this mean you guys are back together? I hope so. Can’t wait for the next expo update.

  5. DOUG: “..they deserved to get raped???”

    That is tasteless even as a joke. Enough with the misogynist bullshit. You guys can be funny without resorting to this kind of crap. Clean up your act, be professional, and talk more about what we are all here to enjoy: movie stuff.

  6. terrible. hate it. Darren doesn’t look at all like the darren in la femme nikita and I hate the doug redesign…..this is not the movie blog at the toronto comic book convention.

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