Show That Literally Ended Crossfire

This is just a little background the the upcoming Robin Williams movie “Man of the Year” in which Williams plays Jon Stewart.  No, not really Jon Stewart… but the character is obviously based on Stewart, and no one is denying that.

Remember that horrible CNN show called “Crossfire”?  Where 2 republicans would sit on one side of the table and 2 democrats sat on the other side and each  just yelled at each other as they spun their partisan garbage?  Well this is literally the episode that ended that show… when Jon Stewart was a guest and shot them both down.  Shortly afterwards the show was pulled.  And for good reason.

It’s incidents like this that have lead us up to Man of the Year.  Take a look:

It’s stuff like this that make a lot of people think Stewart really should run for president. I’m not one of them… but I can see why others would think so.

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23 thoughts on “Show That Literally Ended Crossfire

  1. Mogulus…You’re last comment made me think (but I disagree with you).

    “…that Stewart’s show, while a comedy show, is actually watched AS IF IT WERE a news show…he owes it to his audience to be a bit more fair”

    Huh? Are you serious? The show is a comedy show, on a comedy network, and he’s to change the format to actually talk more critically of the politics going on in the counrty because some assinyne people think it’s really a news show? Gimme a break. People think soap operas are real. Does that mean they need a disclaimer at the beginning telling them it’s “fictional” and “Brooke didn’t really sleep with her son, before she knew it was her son, then actually turns into her daughters’ husband”?

    Stewart was ready for the hosts of the show, who thought he was just some dumb comic making remarks, and was going to give them a ratings boost (cuz his show probably did better than theirs that week in the ratings), so they didn’t prepare for an actual debate (notice the hesitation a couple times when John was actually making his points?).

    Stewart won’t run for President, and I think it’s a good thing. He seens to have integrity, whereas when you run for office in the States, you have to throw that right out the window. Afterall. Most large corps in the US actually give money to both sides (Dems and Reps), thereby ensuring their needs are met no matter who wins, but don’t support any smaller players. Is that ethical?

    As for the new movie with Robin Williams, I’d love to see it. Don’t know anything about it, but political movies get me thinking (and in this movie’s case, probably laughing).

  2. i do want to point out that Jon had no real criticism other than “you’re killing me”…

    …debate is what it is. call it spin. call it partisan politics.

    deep down inside, we’re all partisan. we all have our beliefs. And I had no idea that crossfire was gone.

    I’ll miss it.

    I want to say, also, that Stewart’s show, while a comedy show, is actually watched AS IF IT WERE a news show by people who dont’ know any better. therefore I do think he owes it to his audience to be a bit more fair.

    The daily show was much better with Craig Kilbourne. They were much much brainier and much much more cynical to ALL politicians back then. When Stewart took over, it got REALLY liberal REALLY quick.

  3. For my own selfish reasons, I’d rather Jon Stewart stayed on the telly and made me laugh every night. He is a funny, funny man and I’d hate to lose him to something as humourless as politics.

  4. Yeah, these spin doctors at the major media outlets have done a great injustice to the truth…it happens almost every day and its pathetic. I don’t watch it anymore, it’s just propaganda.

    As for Stewart, its certainly easy to sit on the sidelines and play monday morning quarterback and assume the role of “man of the people”. Hey Stewart, how about some FEASIBLE ideas, you court jester??

    Steward, is right about these media guys being disingenous though, listening to them is tiresome and heartbreaking. Why heartbreaking?Look at us, we’re the world’s superpower and every move our president (whether it be Clinton or Bush) makes lands him with a lawsuit, a Supreme court battle, or some BS poll that some BS media outlet decides to conjure up (and let’s not kid ourselves folks, polls are easily manipulated….demographically, geographically, psychologically,etc.)

    Everyone in the media is so full of ….

    So, don’t shut up yet Stewart.

  5. we need a man who doesn’t need to read books to get the facts or to learn….he just reads his gut….someone who doesn’t get bogged down with “reality” … a man who lives in a “no facts zone” a man who only deals in truthiness….

    Colbert is the only hope for the future….

    in fact he wouldn’t even need a running mate

    colbert/colbert ’08

  6. Johnlan I agree completely agree with you.

    Jon Stewart doesn’t have the “typical” background of a presidential candidate and he absolutley has no experience in political office, but that is what makes him perfect for the job. Right now we choose people who have polictical experience and have the “typical” background and look how things are now. All of these “typical” politicians are getting worse and worse every year.

    You don’t get change by doing the same thing you’ve done over and over before. You get change by doing something different. Jon is different… and a GREAT diffrent. I trust a man who tells it like it is and I would LOVE to actually trust my president again…well, make that for the first time ever.

    I’m voting Stewart/Colbert in ’08


  7. I’ve read Jon Stewart’s books and listen to him talk very carefully. He is a very smart in the political science field. I’d go so far as to say he knows more than people already holding positions in our government. President? Maybe not. But he could definitely make a huge impact on the state or local levels.

  8. Would I vote for Jon Stewart? Sure. Not a Bush fan.

    But the bigger question you posed John was his qualifications. I ask this. What school did your mother go to, to become a mom? What degrees or certificates did she earn – prior to giving birth to you? I’m gonna venture a guess and say… none.

    Same deal here. With all the bullshit and misdirection at play right now, perhaps what is best needed is someone who doesn’t know the rules. For a time anybody who thought the world wasn’t flat was a nutcase, that was the accepted rule.

    Will he make a good President? I really don’t know. But I see a lot of common sense in him. That’s a good thing, something in so low quantity now. But should he run, yeah, I’d vote for him. If not, I’ll vote for Hiliary. But to be honest, I don’t like her either. It’s not a woman thing. She just bothers me, like a bad P.E. Teacher.

  9. I agree with basically everything Stewart says here.

    But one of the qualities we should look for in a president isn’t the ability to make fun of people. Particularly the people who are in charge of every level of government. Were he elected, just who would someone like Stewart be able to work with at all? Maybe the handful of “cool” senators?

    Then again, the near-omnipresent irreverence in so much of young people’s media suggests that we are becoming a nation of overgrown children…

  10. I remember watching that show live. It was … awesome!!!! John Stewart ripped them all new holes in places they didn’t even know they had. The best was when John made fun of Tucker Carlson’s bowtie.

  11. I love the Daily Show. He would be an interesting president but we all know he’ll never run, he doesnt have a party.

    but that show was terrible and i watched that episode when it first aired and he tore them to shreads. it was embarassing.

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