Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer is the (yet again) new name for the Fantastic Four sequel coming out next summer. But expect the name to change about 7 more times… getting worse and worse as they go. I suspect the FINAL title for the film will end up being “Ed Eats Tacos”.

The folks over at CHUD give us this:

I guess that the problem is that the title of the original Silver Surfer/Galactus comic (Fantastic Four #48) is “The Coming of Galactus,” which sounds like some kind of a gonzo porn. The rest of the original comic titles are equally grandiose/ridiculous/filthy, but certainly something better than Rise of the Silver Surfer could be found.

So what exactly is the problem with Gonzo Porn? Does he not realize Jessica Alba is in it?

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18 thoughts on “Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer

  1. I think it was relly bad. Fantastic 4 number 1 with dr. doom was totally better than 2 it was just so boring between a 1 throgh 5 stars I’ll give it a 1 and a half

  2. You guys are all idiots but like 2 of you. The 1st movie wasnt the greates just like hulk, spiderman, and xmen. I am a marvel fanatic and i knoe for a fact this one will be good so ya’ll need to shut up and stop being retarded. The silver surfer is friggin sweet so of course it will be good

  3. Hey J-Rock

    Ummm… are you SERIOUSLY saying that a movie WILL be good just because a certain character is in it? Are you REALLY saying that????

    Ummm… Batman is cool right? Well… the movie Batman and Robin in 1997 had Batman in it… and it was one of the worst films in history.

    Just because a movie has a certain character in it has NOTHING to do with the film being good or bad. Good grief.

  4. Rise of the Silver Surfer is a great title. It automatically makes the comic book fan wanna go see it because Silver Surfer is obviously gonna be a central figure thoughout the movie. Jesus Christ!!!! You people are so stupid sometimes. This movie is going to make you forget the flaws in the first one, BY FAR!!! I mean DR. Doom is going to be leader of Latveria and will be using his mystical powers as well as a suit more like the one in the comics. Galactus is going to be in the movie(And don’t you fags say that he won’t be, Jesus, you can’t have the Surfer without Galactus, everyone knows that). So quit ninny picking and just enjoy, Jesus Christ!!!

  5. Why is he rising, exactly? I’ve never read the comics, so I’m pretty ignorant about these characters. Will we get to see the young Silver Surfer, heading out into the… um… cosmos for the first time with his silver body board? Am I asking to much that the title make some sort of sense?

    How about Live Free Or Die Fantastic? That makes COMPLETE sense. Honest…

  6. They could do “Super Fantastic 4 Megafuck Starring Jessica Alba And None Of The Other Ones” and still manage to fuck it up. My mum could make a better F4 movie than that first one.

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