Another Reason I Love Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith is not my favorite filmmaker in the world. As a matter of fact I wouldn’t even put him in my top ten. He is however one of my favorite movie personalities in the world.

The guy is a master communicator, and has somehow found a way to maintain a "I’m really just like everyone else" attitude (or at least does a damn good job looking like it). I find his candor refreshing and his openness to fans a really nice change of pace.

Someone left a link to this video on Youtube that I’m sure many many of you have seen already at some point. It’s Kevin talking about a situation he had with Tim Burton once… and it’s just HILARIOUS! I love this guy. See it below.

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19 thoughts on “Another Reason I Love Kevin Smith

  1. I’m in nyc tonight with a head ache lying on my hotel
    bed at 4:00am.
    Today was a day off and I spent it playing backgammonand
    drinking whiskey
    with my best buds in new york. We went out tonight to
    a place called Jewish princess.
    It was pretty cool, many lessbians. I used to go there
    a lot when I lived here. Next up is Washington
    DC and then Atlanta and then San Diego. I’m having so
    much fun meeting all the people
    in these cities. But I do miss my dog.
    Wish he could have come along on the road trip.

  2. he is awsome kevin smith is so funny anything he says he rules and i do like him as a director he is one of my fav movie director for comedy films

  3. There’s a portion of that full length video where he talks about the 1st time he ever had sex with his now-wife before she was his wife. It is a freakin RIOT!

  4. Yeah that Burton story was good stuff….did anyone see the development designs for Burtons Superman costume….ugh!

    Has anyone here seen Vincent? Burtons college film. Good stuff. I like Burton movies. I say BURTON MOVIES cause he was a VERY specific style. Same one as in Vincent. But like Smith admiting he may not be an effective action film Director (Green Hornet), I don’t think Burton would make a good Superman ‘film’ maker either. Bats fit him, sort of, cause it has the that ‘gothic’ style. But I could be wrong.

    The Superman Reborn Story on A Night With Kevin Smith is even better stuff….”A F@#%en GIANT SPIDER!?!”

  5. The problem I had with Smith doing the script, is that obviously he as a fan knew that the character and universe were being compromised (some would say raped) yet he stayed on as long as possible. That’s called selling out.

    Bear in mind, that Tim Burton may have had no idea whatsoever about Jon Peters making demands. He may have just received the Kevin Smith draft and thought “this is a piece of shit” (many who read it would). Writing “Tim Burton sucks” is probably one of the most childish reactions I can think off.

    And people, you can call me whatever you like. Robert Paulsen your post was absolutely hilarious. Bear in mind though, that I would never write anything here or anywhere else with you in mind. If you dont like it, you are free to not read it.

    Varun, I couldn’t make out if your post was insulting or not. If you would elaborate on the points where I lack knowledge but you don’t, I would be happy to try and better myself for your personal enjoyment.

    Wtf is Vitriol though?

  6. Even Joel Siegel who hated Clerks 2 thinks that Kevin Smith is a talented important director….

    Tim Burton doing superman WITH smith could have worked, but i think Jon Peters got in the way of ever producing a great script after his request for Polar Bears and Spiders….


    Calling some one a fag is unnecessary….no need to demean homosexuals with your banter their are other ways to insult someone’s opinion….

    I disagree with Henrik and agree that his posts lack a certain knowlege here and there about certain things I might be slightly more familiar with. HOWEVER, underneath his vitriol he makes a good point and there is no need for the HATE language to disagree with him..

    Shape up or Ship out

  7. No hatred. I mean, gee, who would care if Tim Burton did Superman? Well…


    The only thing that would give ‘Superman Lives’ press is how controversial the damn film is! And how did Smith sold out? Shit, I’d do a novel of ‘AVP vs. Terminator’ for free if I wanted to!

    And that “shit” script has a cult following, even with Roger Ebert! Sure, Kevin’s script has some flaws, but it CAN be improved! Hell, we would still talk about him if the script was still greenlit.

    Beware, Henrik; if you want to flam, I be happy to waste your damn time! Ooh, I bet you’re thinking how much of an ass I am. I’m just expressing my opinion, so deal with it, or move on!

  8. Hey Henrik,

    HAHA!!! Smith Rules! Those comments of his were hilarious… and what proof exactly do you have that he didn’t mean exactly what he said? That’s called conjecture.

    Hey Robert,

    Seriously dude, there is no place for that. Say his opinion is stupid, say why you think it’s stupid and how stuid you think it is. But intelligent humand beings know how to make a point without resorting to childish name calling stuff dude. Come on man.. pull it up.

  9. ‘Henrik’ is steadfastedly becoming the worst ‘movie poster’ on the internet, to me. Not just because of that post up above, even though it does makes him sound like a bitch, but every single post I’ve read from this guy makes him sound like the faggiest faggot who’s ever exemplified pure faggotry.

    OOOOhh, now I’m probably gonna get hated on for calling this dude a ‘fag.’ Or somebody’s going to pull out the tried and true ‘hey everybody’s got their own opinions lol’ excuse. But no, I will stand by my previous assessment; ‘Henrik’ should have his fingers replaced with cinder blocks, imparing him for typing any kind of message.

  10. He’s an idiot. What kind of a moron would be surprised that the ‘tee-hee’s were missing? He knew perfectly well it would come off as an attack on Tim Burton.

    And what kind of a child makes fun of people’s names? Even though somebody has a ridiculous name, last time I checked people didn’t pick them themselves.

    I think he’s going too far. Who cares if Tim Burton does dark movies, and maybe sees Superman in a different way? Kevin Smith sold out like fuck and wrote a shit superman screenplay, apparently NOT because of the money (yeah, right) but because it was fun to do Superman? I mean what if that script had been made? Nobody on the internet would be talking about him anymore.

  11. Hey Darren,

    Smtih has said in a few other interviews that one of the reaons he jumped off of Green hornet is that he doesn’t think he’d be good at directing an action film.

    I think that’s great when a guy recognizes his limitations and sticks whith what he’s good at.

  12. Oh no!

    Will Youtube sell it?

    Anyway, Smith in a interview with Superherohype, said about Green Hornet:

    “It was between [Hornet] and Clerks II and I drove toward Clerks II in such a big, bad way and almost had to fight Harvey Weinstein to do Clerks II as opposed to a The Green Hornet movie, cuz he’s like, ‘it’s time for you to grow and stretch as a filmmaker’ and I’m like, ‘doesn’t anybody get it after twelve years? I’m not that talented. This is what I do [well].’ This is why I got into film, to tell stories like that. I love watching comic book movies. I’d love to watch a The Green Hornet movie, but would not want to be the guy at the helm of that movie. … I make one of those movies and I lose the right to make fun of other people for making those movies. I learned that the hard way making Jersey Girl I can’t make fun of Raising Helen anymore. If I raise one finger to Raising Helen, people are like, ‘Dude, you made Jersey Girl’.”

    Now, I don’t mind if a filmmaker chooses one project over another. That’s normal. Nothing unusual here. Considering the praise Clerks II is getting, it isn’t such a bad thing. But…when Smith got Hornet, he pumped it up with glee on his site, and then bailed…then he says ‘In doing a film like Green Hornet’ it stops him from ragging on other filmmakers when they mishandle comic book related films’?

    No, in my opinion, he loses that right. If you’re a filmmaker and you cry out high and mighty what’s wrong with films of a genre, then get the chance to show “them” what could be, and just…bail with an excuse like that, I’m sorry. If he just said “I was more interested in Clerks II” fine.

    And as for Smith’s Superman- what ihe hell is so wonderful about his fights/disagreements with Burton and/or Peters? His script featured the ENTIRE JLA didn’t it? And people bitch about Singer’s budget on ‘Returns’?


    Oh, all this (and my previous comment) reminds me. Let me check to see if it is still there on Triggerstreet…

    Hang on….yep…there it is…

    You might have become a member to view this short doc film “The Jay & Silent Bob Care Box” , but it is made by Justin Gordon.

    It is funny stuff.

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