Anthony Hopkins is Leo Tolstoy

I know I can sound like a gushing fanboy whenever I talk about Anthony Hopkins… but the man is pure liquid Awsomeness. The word has just come out that Anthony Hopkins is going to play Leo Tolstoy in the upcoming film “Last Station, and it sound amazing already.

The good folks over at M&C give us this:

Michael Hoffman is set to direct Anthony Hopkins, Meryl Streep and Paul Giamatti in the historical biopic of the last years of Leo Tolstoy’s (Hopkins) life. Torn between his professed doctrine of poverty and chastity and the reality of his enormous wealth, his thirteen children, and a life of hedonism, Tolstoy makes a dramatic flight from his home.

Too ill to continue beyond the tiny rail station at Astapovo, he believes that he is dying alone, while over one hundred newspapermen camp outside awaiting hourly reports on his condition.

Beautiful. Sounds like a great opportunity for some rich story telling. Hopkins excels in these kinds of pictures. It gives him the chance to take a movie on his shoulders and really carry it. Very few people in movies today can do it better than him.

The film is set to start shooting in February in Russia. I can’t wait.

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6 thoughts on “Anthony Hopkins is Leo Tolstoy

  1. He’s great in Silence of the Lambs but my favourite performance is in Coppola’s Dracula as Van Helsing. He’s fucking bonkers! The man makes quite a few shit movies though but I really like his attitude about it. I saw an interview one time and they asked him how he picks his movies and he basically just said “I’m in it for the money. It’s a stupid job anyway.” And then went on to admit that some of his films are crap, slagging off Bad Company (the one with Chris Rock) before it’d even been released. His lack of bullshit is to be admired.

  2. In the Indian DVD extras Hopkins mentioned that he is tired of playing psychos and repressed guys. Don’t know which category you would put Tolstoy but he doesn’t strike me as a cheerful guy =)

    But I agree… he has superior talent. Although he played an interesting character as Hannibal Lecter, I never really liked those movies. Silence of the Lambs is overrated, in my opinion. I’ve always preferred the original Manhunter for some reason.

  3. Speaking of Hopkins… I just watched the World’s Fastest Indian. Great movie and probably my favorite Hopkins performance. Highly recommended.

    This Tolstoy movie also sounds interesting. I’m not the biggest fan of Meryl Streep but I like Paul Giamatti a lot. He’s a busy actor nowadays.

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