Warcraft The Movie

Warcraft MovieYou’ll have to forgive me if I seem a little giddy. But they’ve just announced that Warcraft is indeed being turned into a motion picture!!! The good folks over at IGN give us the following:

Legendary Pictures, the production company behind Superman Returns and Batman Begins, may turn the wildly successful series of games from Blizzard Entertainment into a feature film.

This has now been CONFIRMED by The Hollywood Reporter!

The best news is that the studio isn’t going to bother trying to stick to the story of any of the games! This is fantastic because it gives them a lot more creative freedom. The film WILL take place in that same epic world… but they will write their own story. Folks… that is GOOD news. Most video game movies fail because they try to somewhat stick to a story that was never written or intended for the big screen. They were written for, and work well in games. I’ve always said you can’t just jump mediums and expect it to work without serious adaptation.

Years ago, the first 2 Warcrraft game just totally dominated my life…. and then World of Warcraft came out… damn that thing ate up like 25 hours a week for me. It just sucks you in and doesn’t let you go! I only got up to level 40, got my horse and then had to force myself to stop playing because everything else in my life was getting neglected.

However… I do have one little item of concern. Considering the similarities between the world of Warcraft… and the world of Lord of the Rings… isn’t there a danger that a Warcraft movie could come across as nothing but a Lord of the Rings rip off? Or a “poor mans” LOTR? I’m not saying it WILL, I’m just wondering if that danger is there.

Your thoughts?

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27 thoughts on “Warcraft The Movie

  1. Isnt it going to be like Final Fantasy Advent Children?? I mean made by computer u know if it is this will be like the pc version of LODR maybe jeje
    it will be awesome!!!!

  2. I think this movie will be awesome! i know people not knowing anything about shit will think this is a LOTR rip, but us true fans know better! As for not making the movie follow the exact game stroyline , its better for the companies to make it like they are in the game universe!
    i mean seriously you go out and find some Fan site and read there fiction and you see the potential this has since its in the universe and not following one of the games it has more room for developement and rich culture and story. and its NEW! not something 6 million of us have seen before! as for Blizzard having most of the say on this id have to disagree. i think their creative department and Chris Metzen should be important but so should Legendary studios, creators of Superman returns and Batman: Begins!so dont nay say any of the effort or talent and hard work that will go into this movie!
    as for a chance to screw it up? comeon! this is BLIZZARD!
    On their first try into the MMO market they totally thrashed the competition and created a game with probably the highest amount of customers on the market todate! SO for my final words of which theres only 4 I say “MORE POWER TO THEM!”

  3. First of all i think that this movie is a great idea and would just love to be sitting in the theater seats someday to watch a movie like “Bambi 2000” and see the preview to the game that made up a large part of my life have its title pop up in front of me with the loud drums of the WC 2 theme song rumbling the building.

    i love the lord of the rings. LOVE them. And i have many times thought about how it might affect the WarCraft movie. i say go ahead and just do it. if done well it will make its money and attract its crowds. Evryone will go see it. face it. people go see anything in the theaters that #1- get printed in the paper. #2- have big battle shots. #3- have a well known star in it.
    as for the movie sucking like all the other lame, cheezy, pointless game movies, (hence, Final Fantasy), I have come to trust Blizzard to make good descions. they will know who to give the movie rights to and under what conditions. so i say go for it! make this movie rock the earth long and hard! open the portal and let the orcs in! and make sure to have Hugh Jackman play a leading role!

  4. i agree that not keeping the storie is a bad more than good idea heck they could make 3 movie from W3 alone, i love the storie, and they could even continue with the orc campaign (which was really fun to play!)

  5. Freakin awsome. I’ve been waiting for this for years. Blizzard said them selves they’d love to make a Warcraft movie after all the fun they had making the CGI for WC3. I wonder if it’ll be live action or CGI. Either way I don’t think it’s a LOTR rip off.

    Ya it has some of the same races as LOTR and it’s a midevil fantasy, but it’s really alot diffrent other then that. The story telling and non Tolken races are pretty original. The world it’s self is just amazing and well worth telling about on the big screen. Also WC is all about war and racial conflict on a massive scale. LOTR was all about ending a great war to bring back peace across the land.

    Yes Warcraft is based on Tolken’s work, but so is pretty much all other american and european fantasy stories. As long as it’s done right and not cheaply made, the WC movie will stand out enuff as it’s own thing. Just like the WC RTS game stands out from the LOTR RTS game.

  6. “Most video game movies fail because they try to somewhat stick to a story that was never written or intended for the big screen.”

    I’m confused. There is a video game movie out there that actually follows the video game script? I actually thought that all the movies were failing because they tried to write their own plot. Cough, Resident Evil, cough…


  7. Hey there Fredo,

    No, I don’t think it goes against that at all. I still have all the same reservations. What I DID say in the post was that the one advantage this seems to have is that the producers are committed to a totally original story as opposed to some crap attemtp to stick to a stroy that was never created to be on the big screen in the first place.

    I sortta said the same thing for SPy Hunter if you look up my previous post on that too.

    Still… the high potential for “suckage” still exists. We’ll see what happens.

  8. when news comes out for a movie like this, attached to the press release crap should be names, home addresses, phone numbers, etc. of the people who think this is a good idea.

  9. Hmmmmmmm well I think that WoW has perfect potential to be a great movie, but the whole similarites to LOTR could detract from its overall awesomness… This probably should be pondered upon a great deal, but I will most certainly go see in theatres!

    I think that the game has such a following that fans will turn out in droves and all the critics will pan it but the fans will adore it and see it as many times as they can.

    This is being optimistic, though.

  10. Hey, Campea.

    If your, listening, I really hate to be off topic, but the ‘X-Men: The Last Stand’ offical website has a forum set up. The topic: who do you think will be cured?

    Now, I’ll admit, the only thing I saw coming was that the whole “cure” plot was only used to enforce the climax (and, maybe, Rogue would be cured). Now, it may be unlikely, but what if Wolverine was the one to be cured, of Professor X. Hell, what about Magneto himself. Jean, Storm, etc.

    Sure, it may be stupid to actually cure the big names. I say, DO IT! I don’t care how, but do something to piss me off! C’mon, this is the kind of big twist I’d like to see. I feel the The Matrix Revolutions failed was because it didn’t have a big plot-twist. Besides, DarKing keeps on saying that he’s hoping for the film to suck or not (I’d just see it for the chance that it will earn a Razzie).

    This is the kind of discussion for the blog; will the studio have the BALLS to do something this big. Kill a few, why not cure a few?

    I could be wrong, so we’ll see in 2 weeks. As for the WoW fans, sorry to have wasted your time. You can insult me now.

    Rant on, bitches! And remember, HAN SHOT FIRST!

  11. OK, you say that most of the studios that take game, comic, ect. type ideas and try to adapt it to the big screen following the same story flop?? Are you stupid…the reason the movies flop is because the studios take the game, comic, ect. and try to add in their own twists and their own ideas as to how the movie and story should look to them and that is what causes it to flop. The studios are the ones fucking shit up. Need examples…Hulk, Doom, Resident Evil, ect. Now those movies flopped hard cause the story wasnt followed like it should have been. I love WoW but the studio taking the story themselves and making a movie without any correlation with the original story sounds like one big suckfest to me.

  12. And as for the LOTR factor, yes it will be seen as a rip-off. But that is trivial concidering that Warcraft has a ginormus fan base that will see this movie at least 3-times each. So as for the success, yes it will make money; but this has the potential to rock the world of video game movies as we know it! I just hope that Blizzard has a majority say in the movie and the big movie execs don’t push them around to much. This could be the best movie all-time
    (thats right i said it) but it could also be the greatest tragedy since Jesus’ death if done wrong…

  13. Here is the thing. Most video game movies suck because the stories suck, you don’t need a good story to make a graet game (example… Halo) just a decent one. Now Warcraft is so succesful because not only is it a great game but it has an absolutely phenominal story line. If you have ever seen Blizzard’s CG Warcraft mini-movies you know what Im talking about. The messed up part is that they aren’t sticking to it, that think was the worst news, not best. The story is so rich, its a shame cause it will be nmothing like the true Warcraft heads would have hoped. It is a sad day.

  14. Hey Beejag here to drop his two cents on the topic. I think this is fantastic news all the way around, mainly because they have such a wealth of stuff to draw from, that it could easily escape the whole lotr ripoff feel, unless of course they decide to make it humans and orcs and thats it. Heres hoping this will overcome since i’ve played the hell out of these games for around the last four years or so, when i got the third game when i was eleven.

  15. I’m excited too but not enought to post 4 times! I hope this fares better than the other video game to movie adaptations because it certainly deserves better treatment. As for coming off like a LotR rip off – I’m not sure if fans are going to feel that way. After all when you’re making a movie out of a video game, you’re pretty much catering to a particular aspec of fandom. I think most of us are pretty forgiving (unless it’s total shit – watch out if it is)!!

  16. This movie is so going to ROCK! I am the owner. They call me your daddy. 1337! This movie will own all. This movie will be so 1333333333333333333333333333333333333333333337. I cant wait. I just got wet.

  17. This movie is so going to ROCK! I am the owner. They call me your daddy. 1337! This movie will own all. This movie will be so 1333333333333333333333333333333333333333333337. I cant wait. I just got wet.

  18. This movie is so going to ROCK! I am the owner. They call me your daddy. 1337! This movie will own all. This movie will be so 1333333333333333333333333333333333333333333337. I cant wait. I just got wet.

  19. This is great news, I haven’t played WOW but the old Warcraft strategy games absolutely ruled. All this movie needs are BIG I MEAN MASSIVE scale battles on large battlefields (Even bigger than the lotr ones). I think if done right this could be a lot better than any of the LOTR movies (love em) but on the other hand movies based on games tend to flop. But there’s always hope…

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