Tom Cruise Has Popularity Polls Free Falling

Yep… People are getting sick of Tom Cruise. The USA Today just released a poll they did on Tom Cruise.

Now, keep in mind that a year ago they did the same poll and came up with the following numbers for people’s approval of Tom:

Favorable: 58%
Unfavorable: 31% (with plus or minus)

The same poll done today show a totally different story:

Favorable: 35%
Unfavorable: 51% (with plus or minus and some undecided)

Couple that with the lower than expected turn out for MI:3 and you’ve for a brilliant career being in danger of a collapse. So what does Cruise’s publisist do? Does he act humble and say “yeah, we’ve got some work to do”? Nope. Does he say “Tom is committed to working hard to win back his fans who have been loyal for so long”? Nope.

Tom Cruise’s publisist comes out and blames… THE MEDIA for all of Tom’s woes.

Yeah, that’s right you jackass. It was the media that made Cruise go off on Brooke Shields after she had her baby. It was the media that forced Cruise to hop in Oprah’s couch like it was a bloody Saturday night slumber party. It was the media’s fault that Tom turned into a Scientology crusader. It was the media’s fault that Cruise decided to lecture about how he’s the world foremost expert on psychology on the Today Show.

Tom Cruise’s popularity tumbling because of his own stupid mouth and actions? Hell no! It’s the MEDIA’s FAULT!!!!

What an idiot.

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22 thoughts on “Tom Cruise Has Popularity Polls Free Falling

  1. It’s shame that people are boycotting Mission Impossible 3 because they don’t like Tom Cruise. I saw it last night and I must say I thought it was fantastic. Just what you would expect from a third M:I movie and then some. It boasts a clever plotline, intense action scenes, a flawlessly evil villain (in that of Philip Seymour Hoffman), a fast-paced soundtrack and a great back-up cast including Jonathon Rhys-Meyers, Michelle Monaghan and Laurence Fishburne. All of these aspects help to deliver a brilliant, thrilling movie.

    And I wasn’t going to leave out the star of the film. It’s a real shame that people are so one-eyed of Tom Cruise, because I know of a lot of people that think that if he is a mentally challenged moron, then Ethan Hunt will be too. Not true. I couldn’t find one thing wrong with Cruise’s character, and believe me I was looking. But none of his off-screen antics rubs off on Hunt, and even though I think Cruise is a twat, I loved M:I-3 and thought it was clearly the best one of it’s kind.

    So please, if you dislike Cruise but love a good action movie, see Mission Impossible 3 and just leave your opinions of him at the door.
    John said it best: Tom Cruise is a jackass, but he remains one of the best action movie stars in the world today. To me, Mission: Accomplished.

  2. At least he’s got a kid now to distract him from doing loads of interviews. Unless of course he sacrifices it to L Ron Hubbard. I’m not 100% sure that that’ll happen. Then again, I’m not 100% sure that it wont.

  3. Yeah, I miss the point quite a bit in life truth be told.

    but really, I just like pulling Camp into the comments section, I feel like I accomplished something when that happens hahahaha, lol, I made that post at the end of a shitty work day, so when I read it back this morning even I was like “that dude is a dick” lol

    But truly, I wasn’t countering your point specifically John, it was mainly for the uninformed media bandwagoners who do whatever the TV tells them to do: Tom Cruise bad? ok Tom Cruise is BAD!

    Someone made a good point though, there is no way EVER that Cruise could fall as badly as some in the past, he’s no Travolta and will never be, not when he has Spielberg calling him up on the phone to do a movie.

    Bottom line, he needs to lay low for a while.


  4. For my two cents, I really see this as another case of it being partially tom’s own fault and it also being a simple case of people puting thier oppinions of a person before his work. I for one enjoy much of tom’s acting and think he can really do a great job, and I do also think (and hate) any time the media follows and reports of everything an actor says, does, or just plan believes in.
    Now im not defending some of his antics, and that he has in fact, been a moron at times, but honestly, i find this as a clear case of cruise having the right to do and say whatever he wants to, and I have to at least respect that he has the balls to be himself (although some of himself needs to stay well, between his friends and family and himself) and I also find that many of these points used against him are really in fact none of anyones damn bussiness, unless of course cruise has been a dumbass and said it pubicly himself.
    Beejags two cents

  5. It’s pretty obvious that most people have a less positive opinion of Tom Cruise right this minute than they did a few years ago. And I will agree that he has been doing some wacky things and his scientology bullshit is annoying.

    Personally, however, I do not think Cruise is in danger of running his career into the ground. I don’t think he will ever fall to the level of, say, John Travolta, no matter how many times he jumps on Oprah’s couch. He picks good projects to star in, and he knows what he is doing in terms of producing movies and in terms of career decisions.

    This P.R. backlash will blow over, he just needs to take some time off and lay low for a while. Maybe try a few smaller roles and diversify his acting portfolio so to speak. People can’t stay mad at Cruise forever. He’s just too damn sexy for that.

    – Sean

  6. Nice rant, Noddeth. I would use that same tone to bash on X3 so everyone can disagree with me, [-D. BTW, I will continue to breath your air until a REALLY crappy movie kills you. Maybe you should get YOUR head out of your ass. Besides, life sucks, LOL. I’m just kidding. Do another rant on X3, HAHAHA!

  7. If you act like “freak” people will think and talk about you as a freak. This is about as simple as it gets.

    For many movie stars it won’t effect their movies careers, but for some it will. If a star offends their fans then that star runs the risk of those people not supporting their career. Some might not care, but others will. The public makes stars, so in a sad way they’re a slave to the public.

    I really don’t think that Cruise’s “approval rating” will continue to drop. Once people aren’t over exposed to him anymore they will move on and his career will move on. The public is easy to forgive, so I really think this is temporary.

    For someone who could careless about his popularity or movies I find it all amusing.

  8. So the guy talks about some religion in public, so what, I don’t care how he acts in public. My passion is movies not peoples lives. All I care about is his performance in movies. Does the way he act in public effect his movies? Yeah to some degree. So Tom done a couple of weird things in the past year but should people really hate the guy for it? No they shouldn’t. I can guarantee everyone has done or said something stupid in their lives, the difference for Tom is he’s got the media in his face everywhere he goes. People can judge Tom’s daily life and talk shit about him, but they can never and I mean never say the guy is a shit actor or stars in shit movies.

  9. I like Tom the actor but not Tom the celebrity. I think there is a difference but as John pointed out, the two go hand in hand. I think he’s at the point now where he needs to hide in a hole or at least minimise the headline grabbing antics for a while and let the public forget this hole TomKat fiasco. I’m not sure if even this will work but I think it’ll be a step in the right direction.

  10. It’s always been beyond me why people care so much about what celebrities say and do in their ‘real’ lives. Or in this scenario, caring about the lasting effect of the strange things a celebrity has said and done with regards to their Q rating.

    If people have an unfavorable opinion of Cruise because of his work, then fine. But dislike him because he’s believes in some strange shit and talks about publicly? Who cares.

    He’s a guy who makes pretty good, sometimes great films, and is a fine actor.

  11. Once again Norddeth you’re missing the point.

    Cruise is a “freaking International movie star” as you put it for one reason and one reason only…. the public makes him that. Public perception is a part of the career he’s in. And if you piss off… or annoy that public that has made you what you are… then they can take it away from you just as easy.

    I agree with you that he NEVER should have let his old PR people go. Big mistake.

    BUt… you’ve said NOTHING to counter my point. The only point here is that Cruise is at rish of flushing his career because he screwing himself with his new public image. Every bit of evidence points to that.

    All you’ve said is that being a jack ass SHOULDN’T effect weather people like his films or not… and I agree 100% with you on that… but in reality is does effect it weather it “should” or not.

    Facts are facts. Cruise’s popularity is plumetting like a rock in water… and he only had himself to blame for that. He’s risking ruining an otherwise brilliant career because of his public behaviour. The Fans make him… and if you annoy them too much and too often, the fans can end your career too.

    Personally I like Cruise as an actor very much. I actually thought he should have been nomintated AND WON best actor last year for his role in Collateral. But that doesn’t change anything. He is making people turn against him. Can you argue that? It’s pretty clear.

    And yes… world wide the effects hasn’t hit yet… but it always starts in North America… and the numbers don’t lie. The polls don’t lie… hell… some people in these very forum have confirmed they stayed away from MI:3 just because they’ve had enough of Cruise.

    Crusie and his people need to take his head out of the sand and stop blaming “The Media” for his slide. He needs to recognize the problem and fix it.

    If the man wants a career that relys on the public… then he better start learning how to behave for that public. Or give it up and go do whatever the hell he wants.

    I think he should get his old PR people back.

  12. God, screw you guys

    Unfortunately for Mr. Cruise, and the gossip loving public, the poor man does not know how to act in public, his previous PR person was godlike in her abilities and have kept Tom Cruise, the REAL Tom Cruise from us for pretty much his entire career.

    So the dude finally finds his hanging balls and ditches her so he can be himself, saying and doing what he really wants, and yeah, it isn’t going real well for him, but lets not cut the guy some slack right? lets all point and stare and talk shit right?

    Lets get something straight here you ass monkeys, there are people who you knew in high school that couldnt pick you out of a police line-up today, you havent even the slightest idea what its like being as famous as this dude is, he isnt just an American movie star, he’s a freaking International movie star, he starred in a movie that fucking made over 170 million dollars US around the world in ONE FUCKING WEEKEND.

    You people need to seriously pull your heads out of your collective asses and get a grip on the real world, I feel nothing but pitty for this poor bastard, he’s like a circus elephant relaesed into the African jungle after 20 years performing for crowds and you guys are shitting on him for not being able to adapt. He’s been represed so long he’s on a bit of a freak out.

    Media “not” to blame? are you shitting me? there is genocide taking place this very moment and the media would rather run a clever line “MISSION IMPOSSIBLE? MISSION FAILED” because a Tom Cruise movie ONLY made 170 million dollars.

    sigh, I need to get home a rub one out to my Tom Cruise poster, lol

    rant over!

    The rest of you get off my planet, you are wasting my oxygen.


  13. I agree with Kristina that there are a ton of actors who are way more talented than Cruise. As I’ve said many times, I’m not a fan, I’ve rarely found him entertaining.

    About this poll…I think it’s pretty sad that there has been a public opinion poll published on an actor and whether people like him or not. It reminds of a political rating poll…LoL Let’s see how much people dislike him/her this week!

    As for who’s to blame for all the “bad press” I think it’s both Cruise and the media. Cruise made himself into a circus freak for a time, which gave the media something to talk about and once you let them in they just don’t go away. In my opinion, Cruise’s biggest mistake was firing his long time PR rep and allowing the CoS take over his PR. Yea…I don’t know for sure if this new rep is part of the CoS, but I think it’s a pretty sure bet he is.

  14. hahaha, tom cruise has become even more popular since he started to be more open. if u want him to disappear so bad just stop talking about him.

  15. I don’t care even if Tom Cruise steals babies and sacrifices them to pig gods. Fact is the guy can act and is without a dout one of the best actors in Hollywood today.

  16. well…while cruise is not totally without blame, i think it is equally foolish to absolve the media of the same.

    i think there is plenty of blame to go around, think about it and i think you will tend to agree.

  17. You know, you don’t see Johnny Depp running around like a moron, mugging for the camera, and not only is he solidly on the A-list, he can act fucking figure eights around that midget Cruise. Same for Denzel Washington, Clive Owen, Edward Norton, Christian Bale, etc. Who gives a shit about Tom Cruise anyway?

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