Stay After The Credits In X-Men 3!!!

Post submitted by: Joel You can submit a post here

Quote from FilmForce:

You’re planning to see X-Men: The Last Stand this weekend, right? We expect most of you are. That being the case, apart from our regular reporting on the movie, IGN FilmForce now asks you to do one important thing. If you’re an X-Men fan, you’ll regret it if you don’t! At the theater this weekend, when the credits roll, when the audiences begins to filter out of the exits… keep your seat. And then, perhaps, share this little secret with a few of your friends: the movie isn’t over.

We don’t want to spoil anything for you, but we want you to know that the scene that follows isn’t your typical post-credits tack-on. It’s a coda for one of the main characters. The scene is maybe 30 seconds in length, but it’s enough. And it will surely be one of the more talked moments in the fan community.

Think you know what this scene is? Guess all you want, but chances are that you won’t see it coming.

Major mutant war happens this Friday! Wolverine yells, “Hold the line!” – that stand’s not easy. All you have to do is hold on through the end credits – that’s much easier. You don’t want miss the coda!”

So there you have it folks. If you go see X-Men 3, STAY IN YOUR SEATS when the credits roll.

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132 thoughts on “Stay After The Credits In X-Men 3!!!

  1. hey…I went and saw the movie a while back, and I never saw jean bring scott back to life, I remember her killing him, but never bringing him back to life, and I missed the prof x thing after the credits, I will have to go see it again now HUH

  2. True. If Scott was still alive it would be crap, but not as crappy as it was killing him and Xavier and lets not forget they killed Jean too. The whole thing was Crappy. Who knows what they are thinking and planning? Maybe they’ll bring Gambit as a woman next! They are not keeping to the Comic Books.

  3. Cyclops has to be dead, that would be the studpidest thing if he was still alive TOO, think about it, Jean, Xavier, if Scott is still alive, that would be crap.
    If he is alive, then why did Phoenix say she killed him? =P

  4. HELLO

    You have to be an idiot not to love this movie……its amazing however i to me it felt like it just dragged. And when Scott and X left the movie it felt like something was missing. I was really disapointed to find out blue thing from part two wasnt here. But all in all it was still very verey good. the action was outstanding. But iiam sure they could have tied in Apocolypse, and Angel a bit more…..AND WHERE THE HELL IS GAMBIT…AND WHY ISNT ROGUE AS SEXY AND POWERFUL AS IN THE MOVIE???/

  5. Common people. I movie doesn’t have to follow the comic books. Think of it as a movie based on the idea and universe found in the comic books. This happens all the time. Think of the movie ‘I, robot’. The action of the movie was nothing even close to the book, just the idea.

    HOWEVER, the movie as a movie product it wasn’t that good. It lacked depth. I’m a media studies student at university and i’m used to taking things appart and looking at the details, but with this movie… there wasn’t very much to take appart, the movie lacked depth.

    If the X3 movie would have been the first xmen movie ever than it could have been considered just as a low quality movie and that’s it, but everyone had expectations which were built by the previous two movies. The X3 movie had a much much simpler scenario than the previous two movies which makes it trough comparison a bad movie.

    I did not read the comics or watched the cartoons but I did notice that they tried to do “something” in the movie that didn’t feel right, and that “something” was that they were trying to relate the movie to the comic books i guess. In my opinion they shouldn’t have gone down that road because this always brings out the mob of people complaining about “the movie wasn’t true to the comic books”. sheesh.

    Well, it wasn’t a great movie, and personaly i was dissapointed of how it went as I was expecting more, now that they had the experience from the previous two movies; but even so, getting a movie out is a tremendious task and just because they succededed in doing so they deserve all the respect. When someone wants to criticyse something first try and do something similar yourself, and talk after that!


  6. Ok. About the deaths of Scott and Xavier.

    1. Scott isn’t dead. His body was never found. Rebember they found Jean unconscious probably from a fight with Scott. Scott lost his Sunglasses. Wolverine saw them floating. Scott is probably trying to find his way home with his eyes closed!

    2. Xavier MAY not dead. To begin with he probably was never seen in the movie. We just saw his mental image and thats what all the xmen saw. As for Wolverine sniffing him out. All the senses are connected to the brain s, so he could be fooled also. Remember Xavier is the most powerful psychic in the world. He could’ve made everybody belief he was there when he was not. He MIGHT be the guy lying in that hospital bed.

    Loved to see Iceman in ice.
    Hated I missed the last scene after the credits.

  7. Ok, so if the lovely Charles Xavier will still be alive in a (possinle) next X-Men Movie..he WON’T be Patrick Stewart though will he? (sad). No point in having Xavier back w/out the wonderful Charles.

  8. What a joke of a movie. If anyone read the comics here you’ll see that. Everything is wrong. Now i know it doesnt have to follow the comics completely but come on some things cant be changed. Just to point out the worst of it, Juggernaught isn’t a mutant why did that kid slow him down? He should have tore right on threw then. Plus where the heck is gambit. And why hasnt rogue stolen miss marvels powers yet? And if im not mistaken wasnt angel one of the original x-men?? Im sorry but for true x-men comic book fans, this movie sucks!!!!

  9. ok so i was pissed of when psylocke, caliban, and the porcupine guy died… i mean jean just blew them apart and psylocke definately has a bigger role in the comics… plus what about juggernaut? i mean what happened to him… i think the directors didnt think about this stuff when they were doing the movie…

  10. hey

    i thought the film was ok not great but not bad. ok it didnt stick to the comic and it didnt have all the characters in it ahh well, it only someones interpretation of the entire x-men story.

    ok i never read any of the comics and im not expert but i sure the cure work by destroyin all the current x-gene cells, but cells can be reproduce, therefore as time passes they will regain there powers. as for ppl who want to know who wrote the films his name is david hayter, hes the guy that does solid snakes voice in the metal gear solid games.

    He has said that gambit will not appear in the films as his powers r to much like cyclops and his personality is too much like wolverines.

    but there is goin to be an x-men 4 cos both the actor that plays iceman and the guy that plays pyro have alreay signed up for one.

    like i said im no expert.

  11. i don’t know too much and didnt read the comics. i would like to but I thought the movie was sweet so w/e. I can fill in the blanks in the movie as good as i need to i just wanna know wat happens next with Jean. She can’t be totally dead with the phoenix or maybe im bein stupid. I read the ultimate guide and that was pretty confusin cuz now the movie doesnt really relate to the phoenix storyline. Anyways, who really cares, their entertaining and I should just read the comics. Whoever cares about movies relating to comics should kill themselves, its not that big a deal, just read the comics and enjoy those. Let the oblivious ppl enjoy the movies.

    P.S. Ghost Rider looks sweet, whoever said it would be a flop is hated by me :D

  12. OKAY!!!!

    Guys I love seeing all the opinions but may I add some. But here are mine, the film was terrible, Not just the third but the last two too, I understand WHY they changed everything about the films from the comics but they cut out so much details from all the first two films that I was sort of excpecting it in the third one.

    Now that I have covered the first two films onto the third. The cure didn’t work on Magneto because he is a level 4 mutate, this means he is one of the strongest mutants in the world, the cure didn’t work because they were using Leech‚Äôs DNA, which wouldn’t have effected Magneto’s DNA because the X-gene is so strong in him. Therefore it wouldn’t affect anything near an OMEGA level mutant like Phoenix. That‚Äôs why he had to kill her, it makes logical sense.

    Other then that I’m disappointed that Mystiques didn‚Äôt’ wear off; she is suppose to be a level 4 mutant since she could be as old as Magneto or more. Phoenix on the other hand was a load of rubbish. How dare they crush something that was SO big in the comics to having Charles Xavier suppress it in Jeans mind? In fact the phoenix was an entity from space which inhabited Jean Grey whilst they were travelling in space (But that‚Äôs in the comic universe). They obviously had to twist things for the movieverse.

    I hated the fact that they didn’t give Cyclops more movie time, they had finally got the tormented side of him that has always been there and then they “Kill” him off in the film, this is also ridiculous since Jamesey boy had to take three films to actually get Cyclops to the tormented state, the way he should have been all the time.

    Wolverine on the other was as dense as ever, Explosion, explosion, one liner didn’t tickle my fancy at all, I’m not one of the biggest wolverine fan but Hugh Jackman did great in the last two. Famke Jansen on the other hand played a great torn-between two psyche‚Äôs Jean Grey, in the phoenix Sagas Good and bad she was always torn between two minds. This one was exceptionally accurate, probably the only one in three of the actors who did their research for the film.

    This has turned into less of a slight post why the cure wouldn’t have worked for Jean Grey and why it didn’t work for Magneto.

    I could probably predict that if there EVER was a X-4 it would revolve around the battle of Psyche’s in the man, at the end of the film (The end scene with Moira Mctaggert) Xavier is clearly in there, and no doubt, a strong telepathic mind like Xavier‚Äôs has to attract a psyche as strong as The Phoenix. Therefore I predict it will be a twisted version of the Onslaught Saga, (This is where Xavier and Magnetos psyche’s were mixed and created the being Onslaught) this would be a better storyline to have as the basis of number four.

    In reply to someone post about Apocalypse and sentinels, I think this would be a hard one to do, since in the comics the government were the ones, in the comic, to fund the sentinels, but in the film they government have said it’s all good with mutants and Humans.
    Apocalypse, as I stated earlier would be hard to construct,

    All in all I think the film was pointless, devoid of character and needed some more work from the actors (Except Patrick, Ian and Jamke). I would like to hear ALL of your comments on my lil rant. Thank you.


  13. okay someone mentioned that they should have thrown Leach at Phoenix. I think Rogue should have shown up and stolen Phoenixs’ powers and done something for the group… I didn’t like the movies plot for the most part, but I would have kept my mouth shut, but when you take one of the main characters of your past films and don’t even include her in a final battle, you got problems. I really wanted to see Scott die, would have made me smile (hes a pussy in the movies)…
    It doesnt matter weather they make another movie or not, they should have made this movie better, I literally wanted to hurt someone after seeing this, its not that as a movie standing on its own it was horrible, it was that the film makers should have respected the history, i read these comics, i watch the cartoons, i went to see both of the other films, im a fan and i was let down… someone should pay for this (or at least give me my money back)

  14. I am Appalled by this f***ing movie, I have read alot of responses from every tom dick and harry. I agree with some of you but i think the movie sucked how about having the characters playing the roles fit the roles( rogue,angel ect) And there are alot more.
    Whats up with the story line change. Resident evil, x-men, having a wimp play superman, ATleast they did not put a pu### in the hulk.And i am talking about bruce,the computer graphics for when bruce turned hulk looked good, and bruce was not all that bad.
    When does all this hollywood stupid a** scripts get cut I mean i wish they could for once,if they are going to make a marvel movie, make it right. Instead of worrying about stupid a** income.

  15. wait “stefan” are u stefan blondel?

    u guys are seriously hopeless. theyre is no way they can fit about 4000 x-men comics in 5 movies, so get over the fact that “this doesnt happen in the comics.” “this isnt in the comics” stop saying you wish gambit would be in the movies. he wasnt so suck it up. seriously im sick of people complaining about gambit. i love him too, but seriously, im not gay. and for the newbs, the wolverine movie isnt a continuation, but more or less a look on his past. Angel was only in the movie cuz his dad invented the cure cuz his dad hated mutants. Moira, the person after the credits, is prof x’s wife. they have a son.

  16. I saw the same thing. I really hope they add Gambit and Jubilee and Y THE HELL ARE PEOPLE SOOO OBSESSED WITH THE MOVIES BEING EXACTLY LIKE THE COMICS? THEY’RE NOT SO GET OVER IT!!!!!

  17. They are going to make another film! according to ‘Entertainment Tonight Canada’ and I quote: “We’ll be seeing more of Shawn Ashmore and Anna Paquin, Fox has confirmed that there will be more mutant movies.”

  18. I agree with many of the posted comments ‚Äì there will be a sequel ‚Äì otherwise the entire opening scene and the post-credit scene were for nothing. I also agree the ‚Äúcure‚Äù is temporary and Magneto and Mystique will get there powers back‚Ķ…in spades. The only question is, what will the movie be about? There needs to be a conflict of some sort and they have used the human / mutant conflict to death (excuse the pun). I guess it‚Äôs on to the aliens. Now that has some real possibilities.

  19. I recently saw X-men 3 the final stand and i loved it! I also loved the first 2 movies, the carttons and the comics. My favourite character is wolverine and always has been since i watched the cartoons wheni was little. So i can’t wait for the wolverine movie.

    Also alot of you are asking why gambit wasn’t in it. Well i can say he was going to be! Ian from ‘lost’ who plays sawyer was asked to play gambit, but due to the roles being to similar he turned it down so they didnt put him in at all! go to and search for
    x-men and read it for more info.

  20. one more thing,
    Gambit WAS going to be in Xmen3… they had that dude from Lost on the job, but he changed his mind, so they couldn’t and didn’t find anyone else

  21. I heard there was going to be a movie about Magneto’s past as well… I think the Wolverine one sounds better.
    There is an article in the newspaper which I am currently holding, heres some of it:
    Halle Berry, who played Storm in the new Xmen3: The last stand recently let slip in an interview that there may be another xmen movie following the “last” stand.
    Rumours flying about that characters by the names of apocalypse, sentinels, and “bishop”.
    So there u have it guys… I dunno whether or not to believe this.. the paper made up some shit about slipknot recently…
    anyways decide for yourselves…peace out

  22. Nerds! get over the fact that it wasn’t like the comics. NO MOVIES EVER ARE. jEEZUS if you had enough time to know what was wrong in the movie no wonder you didn’t enjoy it. It fucking rocked. You nerds need to go blow each other and get a life.

  23. u guys seriously are strangly pathetic. there is no way to add every character and if u keep asking “wheres gambit” thats not going to do anything.

    alan cumming (x-men 2 nightcrawler) signed to do ONLY x-men 2, so stop complaining he wasnt in this one.

    POLARIS ISNT MAGNETO’S DAUGHTER? LIKE WTF? its only scarlet witch and quicksilver and they are NOT in magneto’s cause. They left him and went to the avengers.

    apocalypse is supoosedly the very first mutant. he wanted the same idea as hitler “only the strong survive.” he tries many times to create a pure-mutant world. He is basically immortal. He has four MAIN lieutenants known as the Horsemen of Apocalypse: Famine, War, Death and Pestilence (as stated in the bible). There are many of them, because when they die, he just gets a new one: he manipulated Angel to become Death, Wolverine to become Death when Angel quit, and finally Gambit as death (all against their wills.) The first Famine was a girl who could disintegrate food. The second one was named Ahab. Then the last apparent one was Sunfire (against his will). Pestilence are Caliban, Plague (both who were revived to join Apocalypse’s cause) and finally Polaris (against her will). War was originally someone named Abraham who was born during the second Abraham Lincohn died. He could create explosions by clapping his hands. Then it was the Hulk and finally Gazer, who i am hazy about. There are other servants including: Sugarman, Bastion (against his will), Dark Beast, Stryfe, and the captain of all of them: Mr. Sinister.

  24. i thought the movie was more of a movie guy.i didnt read the comixs,but based on other people details,they were off on the info,but u dont need every detail to make the was hard for me to really see the connections between all the charecters,but u could put piece by piece together to get that there has to be another movie.i hope there are more movies to come,cuz compared to everyones thoughts on how badass apoc is,this only seems like the beginning.

    o,and sidenote,couldnt stop laughing as hugh jackman got punked!!

    and…im the juggernaut bitch!!


    There are a lot of topics in the movie but they are all only vaguely touched upon presumably because of time constraints.

    was very surprised it was only 104 minutes long.

    The producers did there homework with regards to the audiance. shorter play time then more times playable in a given day equals more money made in a given day.


    ex. birdboy tries to cut his wings off in one scene then in his next scene full grown wants to be a mutant and not be cured. alot of detail missing on that substory.

  26. This was a trilogy and the trilogy is over. But do you really think for one second that they wont start another one? As well as have several spin-offs? Beleieve me this is not the last we’re gonna hear from the X-Men on the big screen. Jean is gonna be back, Cyclops comes back when Jean goes to Apoc’s temple and brings him back to life. Magneto is gonna get his powers back the cure is only temporary. Xavier’s gonna be back, Maria’s brings him back after he transformed his mind into another body. Rogue used to be able to fly and kick serious ass in the comics, she’s coming back better and badder then before. Storm is the temporary leader of the school, of course until Xavier is back.
    I have to be honest and say that I was a little more blown away when I saw X-2, I would give X-2 and A+ AND X-3 a B+. But this was definitely a kick-ass movie and I suggest for everyone to go see it, AND STAY TILL THE END OF THE CREDITS!!!

  27. First off i didn’t see the thing after the credits but it makes since .Second I picked up on the magneto thing but i wasn’t sure until now that i hadn’t emagined it. And finally they would have to do the sentinals in the next movie for two reasons,1 the dangerroom sequence was set in the future and 2 the presidents adviser is oliver trask as he says when he talks to him and Trask is the guy who originaly developed the sentinals

  28. I thought the movie was pretty good for what it was intended for. Yeah I wasn’t expecting the comic book laid out. I’ll leave that in my childhood past. Some effects could of been cooler. I did think Magneto was pretty weak but he always has been. Without his moving metal ability he’s just an grandpa dude. I can see them saying the cure was only temporary. I wanna see more sentinels, hell they were much harder to kill then any mutant in the simulation program they ran. I did think it was pretty tight that xavier was smiling his face off before he vanished. We all know jean looked hot getting it on with wolverine though. None the less I’d like to see a 4 to finish things off. I always do like seeing the new abilities they thrown in there. The Arch Angel dude was super gay. Even as a kid he looked like he was chasing the wrong gender. Wings will do that to ya I guess. Overall I’d say about a 4/5. I think they could of worked on some things but seeing how they didn’t budget for a 3 hr movie the 1.5 hrs was sufficient. Apolocypse would be hella cool however and i’d like to see more nightcrawler in action. He’s pimp in the video game :D Lots of stuff is left under the mix but hey hollywood can bring anyone back. I’m pissed i missed the ending credits trailer but bravo for a decent movie out of the summer crap i’ve seen lately.

  29. The best explanation for the third movie is a what if. It wasn’t really a what if, but it’ll make a lot more sense. I read the What If comic and it was pretty bizarre as far as the marvel universe went. Thor, Silver Surfer and The Hulk were all fighting ont he same side, not to mention countless others.

    Some people seem to be very tenaciously hanging on to their view that the movie was good. I will suggest that it wasn’t a good movie, but then I’ve enjoyed a lot of movies that aren’t good.

    If you enjoyed it that is fine, just learn to say when something sucked, but you liked it anyway. Think about Dragonball. Not everyone likes Dragonball but I love it. It’s a pretty dodgy show, but I love it.

    Just think of the movie as a what if. You’ll be happier. There are too many plot holes for a better explanation. Well, one that blood wouldn’t be shed over, anyway.


  30. Another question. Where are Magneto’s children? Polaris, Scarlet witch, and Quicksilver? They have to be somewhere. I mean isn’t he kinda old to be producing children after all this. I believe they were very involved in his cause.

    Not to mention his acolytes.

    The aging and time periods of when these mutants were involved with the X-men as friend or foe is all jacked up.

    If these movies were supposed to be what ifs then I think someone in some sort press release shouldv’e said so. Otherwise…IT”S GONE TO HELL. THE ONLY REDEMTION WOULD BE TO LET SOME ONE LIKE THE WACHOUSKI BROTHER WRITE THE SCREENPLAY AND DIRECT THE MOVIES. FuccccccccccccT.

  31. Oh Yeah, I forgot to point out that Beast put on an uniform “corny looking one mind you” that he apparently used to wear. I thought those particular uniforms were introduced in the first movie. I maybe wrong.

  32. Hmm, Overall I agree with what I think is the majority of displeasing points in this so-called moving comic. They are just too many fuc ups in relation to what everyone knows about the marvel universe. Even if they had gotten the correct characters for particular time-lines, what-ifs, or alternate universes, the movie quality was still shitty as a whole.

    Maybe some of you liked what they’ve done. I can’t. If Spider-man can hold mostly true to form, why not X-men? If I recall, Angel was an original X-man. Rogue was the adopted daughter of Mystique gaining her superman like abilities thhrough Mrs. Marvel. Lady Deathstrike was actually hunting wolverine in the original comics before Ultimate X-men. Juggernaut is actually Xaviers “Older” step brother. Where’s Jubilee. Ice man was an “original” X-men. He is an adult before Wolverine even showed up and Beast turning blue. Wolverine through out the years though have been the main reason for the comics being so popular.
    These are just a few of the fuc ups that quite honestly made me cringe as I watched. It’s just not what I had envisioned. It’s hard to see comics come to the screen and terrrribly done. To date there have only been a few good ones. By that I mean actual well done movies.
    Perfect examples: Blade, Superman and sequels, Spider-man I & II, Sin city, V for Vendetta, Batman I and Batman Begins. These have mostly come in last couple of years, but my long term memory is shot so…
    Hollywoood doesn’t have a clue. They keep making money with these franchises because we all want to see “Great” comic book movies.
    We usually only get “Poor” and “MEDIOCRE”. I wouldn’t even rent this movie.

    The first two I could deal with because there was something there. Kinda. This movie was a waste of admission fees. I just hope that the next Spidey flic is’nt trash. I know Superman will be good. And the Ghostrider will of course flop.
    Maybe they can make that Wolverine movie into something with darker tones. No adamantium or exploring his past in 19th century Canada,Japan or something like that.

    However these next movies play out is totally up to them. But they only make their money through us. Even though making a movie is a creative process, theyre simple formulas to story telling. Maybe they should try at least to please the fans who made these franchises popular in the first place.

    Through them, us or whatever will these movies become somewhat iconic. By that I mean talked about as though it was one of the greats. Not trash azzz garbargggge that doesn’t even rate.

    Sorry for the paragraph, but I had to say something. By the way, didn’t Kitty and Wolverine have somethin?

  33. Right now there are no plans for another X-men film. However they do begin filming the untitled Wolverine(solely about him) project in November.

  34. the movie went great. but theres quite dissappointing features to it like rogue, i could of swarn she can fly and that shes super powerfull
    the closes thing they got was her hair.

    and collosus why didnt he get to fight jug.. i dont want to see him throw people around i already know the boy is strong hes my favorite but he wasnt a factor like he usually is.

    and where is gambit and nightcrawler. instead of putting portky pine and dash girl they should of put in gambit.

    morph is sappose to be there also but where is he then.
    cabertooth didnt die he just got hurt really bad but hell be back

    the beast was good like his skills in combat but not used to seeing him in tux. im always use to the whole jail inmate outfit

    and the hidden message to all is the sentanial simulation its weird how there training the young ones to fight them that lets me know sumthing is coming up for the next one

  35. hm ok wat u want to hear is that YOU ARE ALL RIGHT!!!!!


    there will be more movies… they teased us with the ending…. ok they teased us…

    now lets get over it and just wait….

  36. All I can say is whether plans are made for another movies or not, SCREAM AS LOUD AS YOU CAN FOR THEM TO MAKE ONE. Cuz honestly whether you care if it follows the comics or not, no one likes a cliffhanger that goes unfinished. And yes Colossus and Juggernaut should have fought that was crap.

  37. All everyone has to understand is that there is multiple versions of every comic book heros. They are not createing the comics it movies they are talking the main plots and charaters and writeing another storyline, another version, another take on the comics stories. Batman Begians is the same thats why they can have the joker in the next one because its a different sotrieline that they are making. Hell even the original batman didnt follow the comic book correctly becasue it was a different storyline. X-men 3 did an amazing job at setting themselves different from other movies and making a great twist in the comic book story line.

  38. For all you comic book readers you should know that there is many different story lines in x-men like the uncanny and ultimate. In Ultimate x-men Wolverine was sent to kill Xzavier by magneto not brought onto the team. Even Rouge was part of the brother hood in those comics before joining thew school. Oh yes and they kill off beast and gambit. You have to relize that movies aren’t going to follow the comics or the cartoons its a totally different story line that they make up. It will touch on main aspects but will eveidently be a new version of x-men stories. Also since they are movies there wont be a hundred of them so they can kill people off if there main thoughts are that they wount make movre of them. Batman killed off most of his villains in his movies because they aren’t going to use them twice. Yes these are part of the good guys but thats what puts this movie out from the rest that the killed off some of the charaters people love. Thats all for now.

  39. Ok my 2 cents

    SEQUEL: as far as an xmen-4 — i really do believe it’s an issue of contracts and these actors’ schedules. I heard there were contract disputes with Halle Barry which I’m sure will get no easier if more negotiations have to take place. They can make as many movies as they’d like. Look at Batman 1 — killed off the Joker (violating comic canon), but he’s coming back — and before you tell me that batmanbegins2 takes place before batman1, please keep in mind that the writers and director of Begins stated that they’re pretending the first 4 batman movies “never happened”. So deaths– ESPECIALLY in comic book movies like xmen are never permanent. Hell, those mofos could just be in another dimension or god knows-where-else.

    CHARACTERS, CANON, eTC: Phoenix is supposed to be a supreme alien being that bonded to jean grey. Now, can you imagine them trying to explain all that in this movie? It’d be awesome, but the movie would be far longer (we can dream, can’t we?); getting into all that Shii’ar crap would take ungodly amounts of time and it’d be a bit too “geeky” for the mainstream you-and-me weekend “comic book movie fan”. yes, they broke canon many times and it bothered me.

    Xmen3 as a MOVIE: was not good from a critical standpoint, especially juxtaposed to the amazing first 2 (especially x2). Poor dialogue, many hints of character development that are never followed-through (bobby-shadowcat, shadowcat-rogue catfight, wolverine-cyclops, etc); horrendous end-battle. Go watch X2 again (or at least think about it). Aside from the fact that x3’s final battle had a lot more actors (see: extras) in it, which battle had the more epic, GRIPPING feel? C’mon–X2. I mean, magneto–a brilliant tactician was THROWING FLAMING CARS BLINDLY at no one in particular waiting to be defeated. Brett “party animal” Ratner is trying to go all Braveheart here and it ain’t working. We don’t want to see these xmen knock off a bunch of no name extras whose faces we can’t see and whose powers seem to be limited to getting their asses beat. That entire final battle scene had a cheesey, low budget, B-movie kinda feel. I mean, look at how Magneto was beat — beast sneaking up from behind him??– that’s just silly and inconsistent with the qualities of the character.

    that was a bad show. I wanted to watch X2 over and over again; just like Begins; I don’t want to see X3 again. Did like Beast, tho.

  40. I think it’s about time that someone clears things up. As for right now there are no plans for the x-men movies to continue however, the story of the x-men wolverines story to be exact will go on. The wolverine movie script is already in its second draft. As for this this rumor saying “There will be another x-men movie because all this stuff in the comics like Rogue getting her full power and the Phoenix dying in space is supposed to happen” The movies have not been following the comics to a detail. If they were then Stom, Wolverine and Rogue would not be in the movie and instead Angel, Beast and Iceman aswell as Jean Cyclops and the professor would be main characters. Sorry to tell you this my friends who only watch the movies but Wolverine was not an original x-man. I am sure that alot of the characters that we’ve met throughout the movies will appear in the Wolverine film. The Last Stand was meant to be the last X-Men film and the movie is very satisfying if it is the end but, they left it open enough where if they wanted to, they could probably do another one.

  41. i dont see why everyone is complaining about no connection to the comics. its pretty obvious they didnt. first of all, rogue, mystique, nightcrawler and that anti-mutant guy are all supposed to be related. collussus and shadowcat are supposed to be together (maybe that will be set up for xmen 4) and gambit and rogue are supposed to be together (maybe iceman gets with no one at all, and gambit comes in a gets rogue).
    i really hope that gambit and jubilee will have major parts in the next one.

  42. I saw Wolverine & Storm in an interview in the UK and Wolverine said there will be no X-Men 4 and he is starting the filming of a Wolverine movie soon. Then Storm piped up saying that if the fans scream loud enough they will make a fourth and she would be up for it.
    I loved the movie, best of all trilogy, but i agree with most of the comments. I never liked Cyclops in the movies he was a big whining baby!
    How can the bring out new Gambit toys and npot have him in the movie. Also, in all the posters Angel is wearing an X-man uniform but not in the film.

  43. ok bitches… i fucking hate reading ppls oppions.. im just posted this to let yall know that I THOUGHT IT WAS THE BEST MOVIE EVER and if you did not like it then go to hell

  44. I was seriously excited for the movie, but after i watched it, it wasn’t the best. x-men 1 was the better of the movies, this one falled a little flat. First off, The Angel guy seemed to much of an A&F model to me, and he only had what?, five minutes of airtime. Rogue was a coward, and i hope her powers come back when she and bobby are getting it on ;D haha. How come Cyclops died? i wanna hunt the scriptmakers of the movie and rip them a new one. so maybe i don’t like Cyclops but he was the first of the X-men. and Jean Grey and Cyclops were supposed to get married. The really fast mutant irritated the hell out of me, shoot, i give props to Storm for electricuting her like a blowdryer on a bathtub. i don’t think i should’ve been laughing but the way she got electricuted was hecka funny. That bald kid freaked me out. Too bad the cure was only temporary. And why does everyone keep on dying in this movie and suddenly are revived back to life? there’s prolly gonna be an X-men 56 where everyone dies except this mutant who can change back time and everyone comes back to life. Where was Gambit? he was my favorite x-men character. oh well.

    “I’m Juggernaut, you bitch”

  45. There are so many characters and storylines in the x-men universe that it would take forever to make them all into films, and if they do I doupt that the cast would want to carry on making these films because they probably will get sick of it.
    Lets face it hollywood just wants to make a trilogy of films to entertain the general public and make lots of money, they dont care that much about fans, or relevance to the comic books.
    I hope there will be a fourth, but I doupt it.

  46. I am such the comic book buff. I’ve collected them since i was 8 back in ’86 along wiht my father and older brother. This for all the tight wads that have there x-men underoos all in bind. ENJOY THE FRIGGIN’ MOVIE BUB! there have been some many alternative timelines in the comic books that contradict each other, why should this bother you. Cry me a freakin’ river. I thought the movie was entertaining, the phoenix effect was cool. If i had wanted to see a replica of the comic books to the “T” I would have just sticked with the comic book. If you feel this way save yourself the trip and saves us your whining.

  47. actually i understand that their are 3 different scenes at the end of X men 3 it just depends where you see it to see each different ending

  48. dude x-men 3 rocks but they almost killed it when they showed professor and cyclops die =(. loved the scenes when ppl got it on like wolverine and pheonix! but i swear to god if they dont put cyclops back in x-men 4 im sewing them!!! for… umm…. KILLING CYCLOPS!!!

  49. Mystique is Rogue’s adoptive mother so technically shes not related to Nightcrawler. in the comics Mystique found Rogue in the streets after she ran away from home after she kissed that boy that went to coma.Rogue is not 6’2” shes only 5’8” in the comics.. Psylocke is in there. they ugly chinese girl with the purple hair in the church. I agree they should’ve had Colossus fight Juggernaut..the porcupine kid is one of bishop’s enemy..i think hes name is lawnmower man..i could be wrong. i just hate people that saw the trilogy and think they are experts

  50. There will be a 4th movie because Jean will revive Scott( as he is never shown dead), and they never went into space where the Phoniex really dies. Prof X is alive and Moria is where Mr. Sinister end up.(Arch)Angel was introduced when Apocolypse comes about. Also the cure is only temporary cause it is created from a mutant and Magneto gets his abillity back. Rouge has not reached her true ability yet as Iceman showed that powers come in a time of need. There is much more to come from the X men as so many plots can come about.

  51. Alright its obvious that the movies aren’t going to introduce all the characters in the x-universe so I ask you what are the top ten characters that should be introduced into the movies?

  52. i loved movies like this one where it keeps u guessing like when magneto slighty moves the chess piece even though his powers are supposed to be cured

  53. Was it only me, or did anyone notice how Wolverine’s hair didnt even swirl or got desintigrated when walking toward Jean, i mean hair is nothing but dead cells…I would love to get my hands on that shampoo/gel he’s using.

    Dam ,so many questions left to be answered.

  54. Callisto dies right… she got disintergrated same with hedghog and that shockwave chick… but in the comics she is in it past that…

    im confused

  55. Josh, you don’t get it, do you?

    Case wasn’t asking questions at all. THe point is that the movie missed out on innumerable crucial points int he X-Men universe. Yes, it would be very hard to introduce all of them, or even half. However this doesn’t mean that using elements of the comics that may have been ten years apart is right.

    The movie was an action movie. It was not supposed to be accurate. With that said I will offer an explanation for this movie.

    The third movie was actually a What If? comic. If anyone does not remember them I recommend going here:

    The whole movie is What If Jean Grey really was The Phoenix?
    Now, this is so strange that they had to change everything about the comics and kill off main characters. That’s what happens in What If’s. Hell, in one of them the Hulk died. He got killed by Susan Storm from the Fantastic Four. I remember Thor dying as well. Thor and the Hulk. Think about it.

    With this explanation you can’t be too upset that the movie was really inaccurate. You can be upset about the acting and the bridge scene though. Midday to midnight from one scene to the next? I don’t think so.

    Oh, and What Ifs don’t always have every character, sometimes they are in the middle of a movie with their girlfriend. That’s just the way it is.


  56. Hahaha ok guys think of it this way there is definately gona be more movies the xmen comics have a shitload of caracters it will take a while maybe ALOT more movies… this is because these people need incomes…. in doing so they will make movies….

    instead of asking all these questions maybe u should read the comics, i know there gona be making alot of money with those aswell…

    but u guys need patience…

    By the way halo the movie will be out in 2007… i dont no about u guys but i cant wait! and same with spider man 3….

    love josh ;)

  57. To answer some questions the Juggernaut was not affected when he approached Leech, He was just so stupid that he was knocked out when he ran into a wall. Also Wolverine could not have been disintegrated. He has healing power and because Magneto did not lose his power after four shots of “the cure” was injected into his body so most likeley Mystique and Rogue still have a fraction of their power they just don’t know it yet. As for the story of the Phoeinix head to

  58. Just see it. mmm…
    It was good but not great.
    There were characters that you hate them and now you love them.
    There were characters that you love them and they die almost at the begining.
    There were characters that you love them and they almost don`t do anything.
    There were characters that you love them and they didn`t show up.

  59. Hahaha ok guys think of it this way there is definately gona be more movies the xmen comics have a shitload of caracters it will take a while maybe ALOT more movies… this is because these people need incomes…. in doing so they will make movies….

    instead of asking all these questions maybe u should read the comics, i know there gona be making alot of money with those aswell…

    but u guys need patience…

    By the way halo the movie will be out in 2007… i dont no about u guys but i cant wait! and same with spider man 3….

    love josh ;)

  60. Didn’t like it at all. Didn’t feel that it held true to the x-men. The first two films were pretty admirable adaptations of how the x-men really are but they were missing some key characters. The inclusion of Nightcrawler in X2 was a good move but then we don’t see him in the 3rd movie? What’s that all about? And where is Gambit? In fact, there are quite a number of key characters missing from the complete x-men team! But more to the point, how can you put Collosus and Juggernaught in the same movie, in the same battle and not have them fight each other? When i read that both these characters were going to be in the movie it was the one scene that I knew would be impressive and it didn’t even happen. Missed opportunity if you ask me. When you look back at old classics like Superman 2 where they throw trucks at him, that’s how a fight between these two characters should be and it should have happened.

    In fact, i’m being too polite about all this. It’s fuckin rancid. I want the hours that I spent watching this peice of shit back. Hollywood is far too fuckin wrapped up in the idea that everything has to be a trilogy. Here’s an idea, how about having good fucking movies as part of the trilogy before you decide to make one? Wouldn’t that be better for all involved? I am beginning to fuckin dread sequels to movies now. I am now dreading spiderman 3 thanks to this fuckin dreadful movie. Jesus fuck, honestly. How the fuck did this wanky script get approved?! And why didn’t they just throw the bald kid at Jean Grey and be done with her and her class 5 split personality whore?

    Since I have so many, here are a list of questions I DEMAND be answered.

    1: Who authorised the script?
    2: Why didn’t Collosus fight Juggernaught? x12
    3: Why didn’t they throw the bald kid at Jean?
    4: Where are the Shi’ar?
    5: Where is Nightcrawler, Gambit, Psylocke, etc?
    6: Who is this porcupine cunt?
    7: Why isn’t Rogue a 6’2″ sexy southern swinging chick with excellent breasts, a great voice and superhuman strength?
    8: I hate cyclops as much as anyone but you can’t kill him off like that without at least giving us the pleasure of watching him die, can you?

    Fuck it, annoyed after watching it. I demand it is fixed. Stan Lee, stop turning up in every marvel movie and start doing your fucking job in the cutting room before you die!!!

  61. Ok, so I consider my self a comic geek and I fairly enjoyed the story…. I have to say, it was almost like they were trying to introduce like 80 different mutants at once, but it was cool. The guy in the forest throwing the bones, I wish that would’ve been Marrow (i think that’s her name) but whatever. Iceman turning into ice was just too great!!!! But anyways, my take on the film was that there can’t be anyway for Scott to be dead because of Cable…maybe, just maybe Xavier and Magneto will form Onslaught in the next movie???!!! No, I’m just getting my hopes up. But I hope there is another movie and not a Wolverine spin off…maybe a Magneto spin off.

    Oh, and my favorite character is Rogue…always. The only thing that pissed me the hell off was the fact that she still can’t fly and the bitch isn’t super strong….and then the bitch got the cure…oh so sad, so very sad…anyways they can’t not make a 4th movie–they’d be missing out on a ish load of money!

  62. to clear up some more questions:

    nightcrawler IS the son of mystique

    rogue was also originally with iceman b4 gambit came along

    and like seriously, imagine how long a movie would be if they included in all the x-men?

    gambit, jubilee, dazzler, havoc, emma frost, bishop, cable, shatterstar, thunderbird, northstar, cannonball, magma, domino, boom boom, banshee, psylocke, sunfire, like they just have the majorly important ones, so stop complaining

    the reason they did not include nightcrawler is cuz alan cumming (nightcrawler) signed to do just x2

  63. lol, you guys, the “cure” is permanent because the genes from leech are permanently in the guy/girl’s bloodstream. as for the will there be an x-men 4, hugh jackman (wolv) said no, but there will be submovies called “wolverine” and possibly “magneto” about there past and present and future.

  64. the woman after the credits is moira mctaggart. she is a human that was in the comics. she looked after the the x-mansion.

    she is also in x-men legends 2 when you go back to the destroyed x-mansion.

  65. hi i thought that x3 was a good film if they were not basing it on the comics – hell they didn’t even have it accurate to the cartoons. I was most upset when cyclops jean and the professer died and magneto and mystic lost their powers. They could of at least sorted it out a bit better at the end of the film. So it means patrick stuart won’t be in any further xmen movies if they do make any. Also juggernaut won’t be classed as prof X’s step bro – he’s classed as a mutant which is wrong -he got his powers from an artifact in the comics. Pheonix wasn’t the fiery being from the comics she looked more like a zombie when using her powers and rogue got cured what happened to her getting the rest of her powers? And i thought collossus should have had a fight with juggernaut but if they make x4 they dam well better bring the dead back

  66. Someone commented on Rogue’s missing Super powers…
    Marvel had a character named Carol Danvers, AKA Marvel Girl or Miss Marvel who was strong, could fly, invulnerable, but no x-ray eyes ‘cos that would have been cheesy??!!
    After a failed comic career as a hero in her own right, Carol was sent after Mystique and her allies (one of whom could see the future and saw her coming), Mystique ambushed Carol with her adopted daughter – Rogue.
    Something went wrong and Rogue absorbed Carol’s powers and personality permanently. Carols influence is what lead Rogue away from Mystique to Xavier.
    Rogue was often reviled and occasionally hunted by other supers in the Marvel universe seeking revenge or justice.
    And lots of nice character stuff and stories around coping with an extra personality, guilt over the murder made worse by the victim being in her head, and a more interesting character to have the super powers.
    At some stage they got the Carol personality out into her own body but Rogue kept the powers.
    Carol lived the life of a normal (eventually happily) and Rogue become a little more psychologically stable.

    Rogue was always one of my favourite characters. Wonderfully flawed.

    And on another topic, I vaguely recall something about Mystique and Nightcrawler being siblings, Kurt is too old to be her son.

    I enoyed my comic book geekdom, when I had the time and before it all became a bit too cynically money focused. The X-spinoffs with 5 different collectable covers shrink wrapped with trading cards inside… Story? what story…

    PS Loved the movies! Never expected them to be 100% true to the comic
    story lines but they picked out a lot of the best of the characters and stories.

  67. Night Crawlers lack of appearance is explained in the X3 game, I havent played it yet but it fills in the gap between the 2nd and 3rd movies.

    When I saw it, I sat there during the credits and BAM! they cut off the projector and didnt finish the credits, so I didnt get to see the coda. My friends and I where pissed.

    I wonder if when Logan went toward the Pheonix, what if he brought a vial of the “cure”…would the thing break in his hand(it would release the liquid into his system and her power would kill him) or jush vanish into thin air.

    One point my friends made and thought was funny was when the brotherhood fly on the bridge during the day. Suddenly its night; did it just take a long time getting there, or someone change it? Or maybe the director thought he could just slip it in and have no one notice

  68. ok so first off the movie was great except for 2 things. Rogue was my favorite character in the comic/cartoon and she is supposed to be with GAMBIT not ice man….so where is gambit and jubalee and night crawler (I know he was in the second one but not the third) In the 4th I hope they bring back these characters and in their original costumes. Storm wearing white/gray Rogue in yellow and green, Wolverine in yellow and black so on and so on!!!!! anybody agree?

  69. ok, first of all, they HAVE to make a movie, i mean, with all the money they are making on this one, do you really think they are closing this cash cow? Hell no! there is still some loose ends of villians and heroes they have to tie up. Sencond, that chess piece, and Xavier ending was sheer awesomeness. They WILL be back, and so will Scott and Jean, refering to the comics, because Pheonix has her name because Pheonix’s in real life can regenerate, plus her one of the powers they never go over is her power of reviving people. we never truly see a body of scott, because in the comics,(read above, thanks Jeff)Third, Gambit, Nightcrawler, and Bishop WILL be in the next one, i promise. and finally to further explain the deal with the cure, it is temprorary. remember with beasts hand, notice how it went away? come on, if it were REALLY a permanent cure, we would know for damn sure his hand would have stayed normal, it doesnt, the affects WORE OFF, therefore the extract they got from the kid is only temporary, i mean look at magneto, he took 4! and he still has his powers coming back, of our mutant pals are coming back. i can already see the opening scene of a fourth movie right now: You see the President acknowledging the new production of Sentinals, after the moving of the golding gate bridge, and disinegration of alcatraz island. We see the President leave and when he gets alone, we see it was Mistique screwing shit up for Magneto, since they DID leave her in the truck naked (i would have banged her right there)

  70. k so who is the person(s)at the END???? i sat threw it and i was so confused.
    the actors are contracted to do ONLY 3 movies
    im sure they will have a prequel to them most likely xavier magneto in the begging
    and the movies dont really touch on the comics….
    the phoneix in the comic’s is killed by aliens(from another planet)
    yeah any who .
    WHO Are the people after the credits who says hello (w/e the name was)
    and who is the person.

  71. Ok i heard the whole thing about the end credits well if u think about moria is that one chick (think back to animated Xmen i mean old school) remember she came during the time of apaclypse moria has mutant powers dont remember what they were off hand but she is who im thinking of because prof.X is in a new body which means he can walk and remember in the cartoon series for some time prof x could walk and him and magneto went into researching about the sentinels well i hope somebody knows what im talking about so what im saying is their will be another Xmen movie hopefully they will have the romance of Gambit and Rogue but i dont know. another thing arent Rogue,Archangel,And Nightcrawler related(Mystiques their mother).

  72. OMG!!!!!!!

    i guess i’ll have to watch it a third time

  73. Hey Josh,

    That is a GREAT question. Here’s my take.

    The reason Woverine didn’t just inject her with the “cure” instead of killing her, is because there was no way she would have let him approach her if he had a vile of the cure in his possession. She would have disintegrated him on the spot before he got to within 40 feet of her.

    Just my thoughts.


  74. If Jean was dead then why did Phoenix let Wolverine kill the body? It’s pretty obvious that Jean is still some where in the mind, you see her acting as Jean in several scenes, but she couldn’t control her own powers so Logan had no choice but to kill her. And it’s obvious the Jean part wanted him to kill her.

  75. I think Wolverine killed Jean because Jean wasn’t really alive. The Phoenix protected the body that housed it. Jean Grey died at the end of the second film. Wolverine realized that the real Jean was dead, and stabbed the Phoenix.

  76. Actually I do agree that the cure is temporary..Rogue WILL be getting her powers back bec. in the comics, she also has super strength and can fly…

  77. i was wondering the same thing … i mean they had Beast stabbed Magnento w/ 4 syringes!! (yeahh, I like the fact that Magneto is such a strooooong badass that you’d need 4 of that darn “cure” to stop him).
    Wouldn’t it be easier for Wolverine (emotionally easier) to stab Jean/Phoenix w/ the “cure” as well?
    But then again, Wolverine is not known for thinking things through?

  78. Listen up, so many of you are lost but only a few are close. For one scott is dead but gets brought back by Jean, and Xavier gets brought back by moria. How do I know this. Because Scott and jean have a son named Cable and it has to be in the movies! Also about the movie that pissed me off was that the Juggernaut should not have been affected by leech. Jugg isnt really a mutant, and also jugg is xaviers brother, and they didnt even acknowledge it. bastards. Pheonix was shown for a sec underwater in x2 as an actual pheonix but not in this movie. (tear) I heard they are gonna do a wolverine movie :0 yuck, his story is ok but i wouldnt make a movie out of it. Also the Cure, well its temporary bitch, thats why magneto realizes his abilities are coming back.

    Im the juggernaut bitch.

  79. ohh and one last thing!!

    wot is rogue gnna do now then?? i mean if she dusnt regain her powers like magneto?? shes jus sum borin old chick wit bobby. mebbe they wont find a cure to mutation bt a cure to homosapians… and she can get another power :DD:D:D:D:D:D

  80. okay i saw it yesterday and thought it rocked,

    i dont know the comic books bt i thought it were kinda sad how little of jean grey we saw, all of it was the meanie phoenix. – i got kinda confused with her telepathy skills, did she use em? or were ppl imagining allt he cries she occasionally called. i dont think they did.. bt at times it were misleading.

    i dnno y but i found it sooo funny wen all the xmen jumped infront of the soldiers at the end to help them, did anyone else??

    ohh i wish i’d stayed till the end now… i thought theres summink wrong if magneto is gnna remain bt charles aint.

    i feel really sorry for mystique though!! cmon she was his loyyaall servant!! if thers another one magneto better go find her and they shud work together in regaining their powers. bt its gd to know sum ppl got sum good outa the cure – rogue :D

    ohhh and angel,.// they shud’v had more on him it were jus random havin him randomly in a scene. that is all.

  81. DUDE’S you are all mislead……the movies are merely summarries of the major turning points in all the existence of xmen…..

    imagine how long it would take to make movies of all the crappy little details most tend to ignore….. for all we know most of those characters could have died a million times till the start of the movie and returned…….

    i’m not a supernerd in xmen but i do know the major events that happen….

    i believe the next movie will move on to introductions of villians and heros which play a major part in the start to the xmen series moving away from the restricted earth bound battles and beings……HELLL YESSSSS!!!!!!…… go the APOCALYPSE!!!

  82. some may know this but for the ones that says scott never dies that is wrong he does die its only jean grey and bishop that beleave he is still alive so they search for him and find him liing at the foot of apocolipses temple and apocolipes has control of him and jean grey released him from his power. so you can see what they could do with the movie if they do it right. pheonix has that namefor a reason she has the power to bring people back ask yourself what the name pheonix came from what can they do regenerate right

  83. Rogue can get it on now. Yeah!

    Cyclops isn’t really dead. We didn’t see him die.

    Charles smiles when he gets obliterated. =D

    Magneto says noooooo and does nothing.

    Wolverine tries to make out with the chick he kills. Gross necrophelia.

    Good movie. Go see it.

  84. Movie was great, especially seen where Wolverine takes out Phoenix *Tears* But yeah I think X-4 would have to be Apocolypse, and along with him would come the Sentinals(which I think were seen in this movie in the simulation in the Danger ROOM) So because we are reminded of Arch Angel in the end, it only makes sense Apocolypse is coming because he had such a small roll in X-3 so I’m sure well se him again. Plus when we saw him fly by he was bigger and had a suit on; under APOCOLYPSES’ rule anyone? BRING X-4 PLEASE!

  85. Ok, well yes there is going to be an x-men 4 but not in the way u all think, see they did 1 2 and 3 as in a trio, which makes up the first saga…. and need i go on….

    loved the movie, that part where he moves the chess peice flashed so fast u better not blink lol!

  86. Hehe, come one now guys, it wasn’t that bad. Yes it sucked when all those OG mutants, except cyclops (dude, what was with the emo scene? come on, everyone’s moved on cept you), but I think it was okay. Even from the start they didn’t stick with the original storyline, er, I mean in the second movie, but still.

    If they do one, which I think they would, but not for a long time because they even said that it was the end of a saga, who would they fight? Apocolypse? Sinister? The Sentinels? But then again, remember that the President said all things were good…so….

    Oh yeah, one more thing, I’m the Juggernaut Bitch! LOL (Did they see the Youtube parody before filming it? XD)

  87. I was totally disappointed with the movie! Sure, there was action and graphics but they messed up the ENTIRE X-Men saga! Depend on Hollywood to take something that has been built upon years of storylines, it was perfect the way it was and destroy within a couple hours! Why Xavier? Why Jean-Grey, Cyclops and Magneto??? The movie left a horrible taste in my mouth and the only reason that I would like to see an X-Men 4 is so that they can fix the mess that they made in X-Men 3!
    ps- The phoenix needs to use some Ponds lotion on her skin…it looks really dry! Maybe she can borrow some of Wolverine’s genes to rejuvenate her skin.

  88. I just think if your a big fan of the comic books like I am you will be dissappointed in the movie. The Pheonix, litterally a firebird in the books, was a dissapointment in the movie. Sure she was powerful but she was not the pheonix of the comics. They never die in the comics even if they come back later on. I was very upset about the movie and from a comic book reader it was not worthy of being a part of the X-men saga!

  89. the cool thing is that there is this guy thats in a coma and xavier talks about transferring someones mind into that body… at the middle xavier is killed by phoenix(jean grey) and the coda shows that xavier is the guy in the coma. he somehow transfered his mind into the guy with the coma… wierd… anyhow there’s probably gonna be an x-men 4… also magneto still has his power to manipulate metal even though he got hit with the vaccine

  90. Well we know if they can bring Jean back and Xavier is back then you know that Cyclops will probably come back… I mean we really didn’t see him die now did we….

  91. Why do they keep killing everyone? I know there are alot of characters in the Marvel universe, but Damn. Scott?
    He is the driving force of the team for the run of the books. He only had that time off when he went with his dad and the Starjammers.

  92. MORIA!!!
    The character was one of the world’s leading authorities on genetic mutation, earning her a Nobel Prize, for her work. She was the longest running human associate of the X-Men and was Professor Charles Xavier’s colleague, confidante, and was also once his fianc√©e. Born Moira Kinross to Scottish parents, she met and fell in love with Xavier while they were attending graduate school at Oxford University. She ended their engagement when for reasons unknown she married her old flame, the late politician Joseph MacTaggert. Joe proved to be an abusive husband–Moira separated from him after he beat her into a week long coma and raped her, leaving her pregnant. She kept her son’s existence a secret, and when Joe refused her a divorce she allowed people to believe she was widowed.

    She eventually created a Mutant Research Center on Muir Island, off the coast of Scotland. Moira was forced to contain and imprison her son Kevin, later called Proteus.

    In the comic she developed the “cure.”

    Also I am happy to see Iceman in Ice!!!

  93. **UPDATE** At the end of the movie the professor says “Moria?” and she says Charles… she is not a nurse…. she is much more!
    She was one of the world’s leading authorities on genetic mutation, earning her a Nobel Prize, for her work. She was the longest running human associate of the X-Men and was Professor Charles Xavier’s colleague, confidante, and was also once his fianc√©e. Moira’s connection to the X-Men began long before the team formed–the silent partner in the founding of Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters and co-creator of the Cerebro, Moira assisted Xavier in helping the young Jean Grey recover after the traumatic triggering of her mutant abilities.

  94. Correction: The nurse says “Charles?” not “Xavier?” at the end. Also, to address the whole “cure” issue… you must first realize the “cure” was in some way, shape, or form extracted from Leech. This being true, Leech only makes mutants human or “powerless” when they are in close distance of him. It is temporairy. This is seen in the scene where Beast sticks his hand near Leach and it turns human and when Beast walks away from Leech it turns back to normal. Therefore the “cure” which was extracted from Leech is only temporairy so I’m sure Magneto, Mystique, and Rouge will all have their powers back soon enough for the 4th movie… and YOU KNOW they’re is going to be a 4th movie. I just want to know where Bishop and Gambit are… and why Jubilee was only seen like for a second in the 1st movie…. BLA! lol Also I think the nurses name is important… Ma…. something…. I can’t remember what the professor said but wouldn’t it be crazy if it was one of the X-men?

  95. After the credits roll…A man lies in a bed sucking oxygen while a nurse tends to him. He says “Mara.” This was also the nurse in the brief clip Xavier talks about earlier in the movie. He is explaining ethics in society and says that a man lies in a bed with no conscience to speak of. Can a conscience be put into this body from a donor that has had his body taken away? I think somehow his conscience was taken out prior to his death and is now in another body.

  96. If you seen the movie, in which I have. In the beginning, Professor X is teaching and shows a clip on the screen of a news reporter. In the background, there is a man dying and he has severe brain damage. Well, at the end of X-Men: The Last Stand’s credits, they show a nurse walk into the room and the man says the nurses name. Then the nurse says “Xavier?” & then the screen goes black. You will understand more when you watch the movie.

  97. what is there one after the scene where magneto moves the chess piece?
    what does that mean? is there gna be an x men 4?

    and whats all this about matrix reloaded? after the credits? how did i not no that before?

  98. If my memory is on track, Apocalypse may be behind the “cure”. I think something similar happens in the comics. Because that’s how Angel becomes ArchAngel, who works for Apocalypse.
    Maybe that’s what they’ll show after the credits?

  99. I never leave until the credits finish rolling. I learned that from Airplane! Besides, someone worked hard on the closing music, I feel like I should listen to it.

    I like when people don’t stay, I feel like the ending is just for me.

  100. The same technique that work in The Matrix Reloaded! I will be there straight to the end. IF a lot of people leaves, I guess they weren’t happy with the overall part. No matter what, I will be there.


  101. Thanks for the heads of Joel. They did this during Daredevil aswell and it wasn’t until a few months of having it on DVD I realesed Bullseye was still alive at the end.

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