Splinter Cell creeps forwards

Good news for those of us who like the game Splinter Cell, and not just for the playing. I always enjoy the animations between levels, and in particular the character of Sam Fisher, embittered and sarcastic he suited me to a tee, as well as the game itself. All along I’ve thought this could make for an excellent movie, as long as it was kept away from Mr Boll, and the good news is it looks like it might be, from Coming Soon:

DreamWorks is close to acquiring the film rights to Tom Clancy’s videogame Splinter Cell, with Daniel Pyne (The Manchurian Candidate) attached to write the script, says Variety. The studio would take the project over from Paramount, where it was originally set up last winter. Michael Ovitz, Clancy’s longtime manager, is still producing.

Another good thing to note on this adaptation:

Clancy and Yves Guillemot, chief of videgame publisher Ubisoft, are executive producing.

That could well be good news for the movie version with some control being their for the original makers and the Clancy-meister, and with the creatives at Dreamworks we could be looking at a high budget, well conceived and developed script. Well, compared to the previous videogame developments.

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73 thoughts on “Splinter Cell creeps forwards

  1. Wait…wait…WAIT a freakin’ minute hear peeps !! George Clooney ?? c’mon ! Wake up !

    Tom Berringer ? To old , been in TOO many cheap movies.

    Tom Jane ? Way to young. His face does not suit the character of Sam.

    Sam Fisher can ONLY be played by Bruce Willis. He was amazing in ‘Tears of the Sun’. His look is perfect.Deep facial lines , the eyes…. Heck , he is even greying like Sam. The only problem would be the top of his head. Hmmm………… They can fix that !!

    I sure do hope they make this a BIG budget blockbuster type project.



    you know the guy from the TRANSPORTER his name is JOHN STATHAM i think. he has a good look for fisher, he’s got the action movie experience strength and body (unlike suggestions like george clooney, serioulsy what are people thinking) just watch the transporter and you’ll see what im saying. HIs voice might not be perfect but i think he’s the right guy for the job.



  3. i dunno wat u other guys r smokin but George Clooney is the perfect person to play Sam Fisher. He looks like Sam Fisher, sounds like Sam Fisher, and would play a great Sam Fisher.

  4. Hey, what do you guys think about John Leguizamo for Ding in Rainbow Six? Before anyone goes crazy, remember his role in Executive Decision. Aside from the guy who played Ding in Clear and Present Danger, I think Leguizamo would be perfect.

  5. Dawntreader I like that you are looking outside of mainstream, I don’t know if he could pull it off, I like house and notice him in all kinds of roles now but as Fisher I don’t know, good job on looking outside of the norm though.

  6. I’d say finding an unknown actor would be the best option. But while we’re throwing in names, i’m going to suggest Hugh Laurie (you probably know him from House MD). While this seems odd a first, hear me out.

    If you look at the first Splinter Cell game, he looks very close to that. He also has the proper sense of humour, especially if you look at House. Although Hugh is english, he does accents very well.

    On the con side, he’s probably too thin and tall and, as far as i know, has no experience playing a soldier (Black Adder aside) or anything like that.

  7. I cant believe all the support for Clooney as Sam. NO WAY! I have nothing bad to say about Clooney (except that he was not a good Batman) but he is certainly not the person for the role of Sam Fisher! Just because he has similar features and a deep voice doesn’t mean he is the only possible choice. Let’s just assume he could act the part of a very unique, moody, black ops covert operative, with thirty years of military/intelligence experience, to whom collecting intellegence and killing silently is part of his nature (I seriously doubt he could pull it off); Clooney is far too well known to be cast as such a unique character! He has been on ,Poeple’s “sexiest” list for like the past 2 decades for goodness sake! If he got the part it wouldn’t be Sam Fisher on the screen, it would be George Clooney: that’s not the direction to take a film with the potential of Splinter Cell.

    I really like the idea of Tom Berenger. Unfortunatly I think he’s getting a bit too old and he’s not is as good of shape, otherwise he’d be great.

    I’m a big fan of Sean Bean. He’s an excellent actor, really versatile. I think with some died hair and time in the gym all he’d have to do is change his heavy Brittish accent to one from the East coast. If that challence could be met he’d be great for the part.

    Tom Jane is, at this point anyway, the best idea I’ve heard. He rocked the crap out of The Punisher and looks good for Sam. His voice works well also. He’s a bit young but that could be fixed with some make-up. A big plus is that he’s not horribly well known (Punisher gave him a big push but he’s certainly not Clooney level).

    -Oh, the idea for Eric Bana wasn’t too far off, but he’s way to young (too young for make-up) and way to thin.

    The best bet would be for them to hold auditions and search through thousands of unknowns (stage actors, indie’s, or newbies) to find a perfectmatch physically and completly immerse that person with Sam Fisher – all 3 games, both novels, the games again, and some mock military training for actors.

    I hope they cast right for this film and keep it realistic – I’m really looking foward to it!!

  8. Moe, I like Clooney well enough but he just had a serious injury to his spinal cord in his neck and had to undergo major surgury, the chance that he will take on a major action role like this is slim in the least.

  9. okay everybody just think about this for a second:ye hav all mentioned actors names so far and yeah alot of them are great actors it must be said.But really- all those who say George Clooney are spot on!

    Okay, just take a look at Clooney in “Oceans Eleven” when he puts on the black gear gettin ready to shimmi down some dark passage with matt damon or someone towards the end,first of all,he really has the look of Sam Fisher,and seeing that his hair has got alot more whiter,just give him one of those tight Fisher hair cuts and see what he looks like…he’d be perfect!

    And above all the other actors mentioned he has the best voice by far,except for Ironside,but you can just see clooney putting on the infra-red goggles in pitch black night and crouching stealthily towards his objective!If they dont pick Clooney I think that the character of Fisher will be a let down.

  10. i think that it should be animated other wise its gonna be another lame Matrix movie and everybody copies those movies so it shold be animated with original voices and all

  11. You know Z- reading what you just wrote made me actually think Kilmer could be good in Splinter Cell. He did a film called Spartan and it is excellent in my opinion. If you haven’t seen it try to rent it. I did just misunderstand before and thanks for clearing up, I agree.

  12. crack- sorry you misunderstand. I wasn’t impying you were psycho, I said “you kinda just go psycho”- as in I just go crazy seeing what these people have to say about who should play who, and generally anybody would with the right mind. But I personally thought Kilmer played his part really good. The Bruce Wayne/Batman role fit his whole persona and he had the rigidness that the comics present. The dark persona ya know? Bruce Wayne is full of darkness, anger, coldness. I just think partially the Batman image was ruined because half by Shumacher and Clooney is just too “happy” for the role. Ya know?

  13. Z-, I am not certain but it seems you said I got psychotic before. Sorry if it came off that way, I really don’t care about this film enough to go psycho over it. I was only arguing that Clooney is not to blame, if we blame him why not Val Kilmer? I do completely agree with what you say about fresh faces, I like when people mention some obscure actor I have never noticed before so that I can learn about someone new. I am still confused that you consider my previous comment psycho when you post as you do.

  14. Also, Splinter Cell has a style dark, rigid style and the same for Sam Fisher. I think we can safely agree that Clooney cannot fufill that style. We need someone with more grit.


    “I think I heard that Mark Walhberg may be playing Sam Fisher.”

    Posted by: Jeremy at August 28, 2005 01:50 AM

    I think he got his source from http://www.bullshit.com

  15. Crackerjack. Here it is. You kind of just go pyschotic because you hear what this thread says, and it just doesn’t work. I mean look at Celeba said, below me. Vin Diesel as Sam Fisher. Triple X omg. Ya get where I’m going? First, I’m not a huge fan of Clooney either, and of course Shumacher ruined Batman by directing such tasteless acting and corn-fed lines. He was the source of tragedy. But I argue back saying Clooney DID ruin the image of Batman because we associate things. People see the main actor, not the director. Tell me that when you see Clooney running around in the Batman suit, that you start laughing because you cannot connect this ER doctor, love story man throwing batarangs? The idea is that we get fresh actors to bring fresh (or in this case- refreshed) movies. I know Christian Bale and Tom Jane have had previous acting experience. But these actors who don’t see in everyday films are chosen for all these new comic films for a reason. They bring something unexplainable to the table. It’s like they have confidence in the role, but they don’t..you know what I mean? I am a BIG, BIG, BIG, comic fan of both DC and Marvel Comics, and when I see one being brought into a film I want it to be a big bang. You bring an A-list actor to star the role, someone we see in every other movie, you don’t get an originality, and neoteric feel you expect. These barely known actors like Christian Bale essentially found his world-wide recognition in “Batmans Begins”. He starts his mold to the Batman role…we will associate him as Batman now (esp. if he goes beyond the second Batman).

  16. Z bastian I just have to argue one point, I am not a huge fan of Clooney but he did not ruin Batman. That was complete and totally the fault of Joel Shumacher, the Director. It would not have changed anything if it were a different actor. I like the idea of an unknown actor playing a starring role, though Cristian Bale was hardly unknown, he has been acting and starring in movies since he was just a child and Tomas Jane had already earned alot of recognition with that said I do agree with a new name, people alway lood at the A-list actors instead of looking for new talent.

  17. YOU ARE ALL RETARTED. ALL OF YOU. SERIOUSLY. RETARTED. All of your ideas are scrap. The last thing we want to do is ruin the hard image of Sam Fisher, with some famous Hollywood actor hanging down some pipes. If I saw George Clooney’s skinny ass sneaking around in the dark I would laugh my ass off! You are all gay! Think about Christian Bale’s “Batman Begins” or Tom Jane’s “Punisher”. You never really heard their names until those came out, and when you saw it- they were perfect for the part. You don’t get some clown. George Clooney ruined batman’s image and Christian Bale had to pick it back up. You keep it rough, dark, and cold- not corny as hell. Come on people…

  18. hears the actor to choose

    Sam Fisher: Tom Berenger

    Irving Lambert: Dennis Haysbert

    Grimsdottir: Jennifer Aniston

    Will Redding: Clive Owen

    Doug Shetland: Bruce Willis

  19. I’ll tell you who nobody thought of and who would be perfectly awesome for Sam Fisher. Eric Bana, He played a Delta Force member in Black Hawk Down, he has the dry sense of humor and air of aloofness that Sam Fisher posseses.

  20. Honest to God anyone who says Tom Cruise, or Sean Bean is the biggest retard there is. With all due respect to Sean Bean I like him but he does not suit the part. And Brad Pitt Jesus have some decency, thats ridiculous. CHUCK NORRIS, whoever said that should be shot 500 times in the head.

    As for the person who said Kurt Russel for Lambert, Lambert is a bigger black man if you all want the movie to stay similar to the game why the hell would you want to say Kurt Russel for Lambert unbelievably stupid thinking on your part, George Clooney may have the appearance and maybe the voice, but he’s been injured and isn’t the most gifted actor when it comes to acting skills, christ he ruined Batman.

    Thomas Jane, if you make his hair a little grayer maybe the slightest more build to him and I can agree.

    Michael Biehn I don’t know he needs to beef up a bit then we’ll see, still doubtful though.

    Tom Berenger, if he’s still in good enough shape say like in “Platoon”, with some hair colour changes then i think he’d suit the job, he looks like he could be a grungy sacrcastic guy whose seen a lot of war in his time.

    Other than Berenger and Jane nobody could play Fisher unless they brought in a no-name actor, then this would be a great role for him to get recognized in.

  21. i cant find who said it now but Kurt Russell I think still has the ability and after all he did play Snake… :D and now he has the age… I think he can do it Other then that i agree on Sean Bean or Michael Biehn who has a lot of experience as a soldier… in “the rock” as well i believe as well as the aforementioned. Overall I just hope they pick someone that doesnt ruin the concept of the game… might just finally be Americas opportunity of matching Bond… If anything were to match it i would want it to be Sam, belongs they do it the right way.

  22. It’s got to be George Clooney look at the in-game animations in the first game they are most definately based on george clooney he is the right build and age to be able to play sam fisher.

    The in-game appearance changed quite a lot between the original game and say pandora tomorrow but the original look for sam looks best.

    So george it should be…….

  23. I think George Clooney would be okay, and I think Tom Berenger would not be bad (hadn’t thought about him until someone here mentioned him). I’d actually thought of Tom Sizemore (Saving Private Ryan, Heat, Red Planet). He’s a bigger guy, but I think he’d be okay.

    Scott Grimes can play Wilkes, Morgan Freeman as Lambert.

    With Rainbow Six, I think I’d suggest Berenger as John Clark, Nicky Katt as Ding, and maybe Tom Petty as Homer Johnston (the American sniper). Goran Visnic can play the Russian dude who defects. I’d want Alec Baldwin to play the creepy American executive who is funding the bio-terror.

  24. Dang! Actually I did not know that … ok well for another actor to fill the spot I don’t know but maybe by the grace of luck he may get better really really soon :)

  25. Canuck..just so you know Clooney recently underwent serious surgery for his spine in his neck and I don’t think that he will be doing any action films for a long time if ever.

  26. George Clooney Would be the Only Good Actor for this part … I mean watch the movie three kings and just tell me he can’t play a soldier he has done it before. He has the right look to a tee plus he has the right type of soldier attiude plus his voice isnt exactly way off it is Darn close already … Just give him some sneaking body armor gear a pair of night vision and some weapons … & the shock & Awe Come afterwards when we all say hurray George Clooney OWNZ ! :P


  27. I think thomas jane deffo, he has got the face of a mean ass bad mofo an he could take out any SOAB terrorist an i really do think he is a good actor, george clooney is just a smarmy cockey loser, you want someone desent representin sam fisher.

    Thomas Jane is the perfect match

  28. Sam Fisher is extremely physical and his body dimensions resemble that of a ninja or gymnast. I can’t imagine many hollywood actors around the age of fifty hanging up-side down on a pipe; in the rain; in pitch black darkness; all in the middle of nowhere. It would be very obvious when they would use the stunt double with these big name guys. But I’ll toss up a suggestion for one actor who has the over-all look but probably not the voice so much – Michael Biehn (Aliens 2 – Terminator – Navy Seals) or atleast someone like that to where when you look in his face he looks like he has seen real military action…and he’s good at it.

    Almost as import as picking Fisher right, will be the look and music of the film. Will they capture Sam moving around like a black demon in the shadows like the game does? Don’t forget the incredible soundtrack that was done by Amon Tobin – I enjoyed the mood of ‘Chaos Theory’ over ‘Pandora Tomorrow’ because of the music being so good at uniquely capturing the game’s vibe.

    I agree with the previous comment of it being a 3-D animation project to simply cut down on the inevitable big screen adaptation mistakes.

  29. i think that the guy that played whistler in blade give him a crew cut work him out that guy could be perfect for sam fisher but george clooney doesnt have the look really whatch oceans twelve and think fisher there’s no way theres no fisher in him

  30. You know Joetheman I completely forgot about the Peacemaker and your right, I did enjoy Clooney’s performance in that film. (Also not a bad action film for a woman director.) After rethinking Clooney with Peacemaker in mind I can really see him as Fisher.

  31. I like the idea of Tom Jane. He was good as the Punisher but he’s not even 40 yet. Clooney could be good, Gibson maybe. What about Kurt Russell he can certainly pull off the action, Costner is old enough and good in westerns, never seen him try anything like this before.

  32. Actually George Clooney is a good Actor but not for a Action movie like Splinter Cell he could never be like Harrison Ford. The Best bet would of been Vin Deisel but he is playing in the movie Hitman next year. I think Brad Pitt would be a good Sam Fisher he has martial arts experience and action hero written all over him. Bruce Willis would be good but he is getting old to.

  33. yeah, you’re probably right about Sutherland, but he is still the best match. Lets hope that they manage to find some lesser known actor with the right voice and look. If they get the wrong actor, then they’ve messed up the character, and the charater of Sam Fisher is what its all about

  34. Kiefer Sutherland would be great but its too obvious. It would just be 24 the movie. Clooney? I don’t know, he seems to be on a high horse lately. His newest movie he plays a real life man and that man is bald. Clooney gained wieght for the role but refused to shave his head for fear of it growing back. There is a reason he is not the caliber actor as say Johnny Depp who has shaved his head for a role(Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas). I always liked Clooney but he may have gotten too big. There’s got to be better, Hugh Jackman, maybe but still doesn’t feel right. Lets try harder, maybe some lesser known actors who need to be noticed.

  35. Kiefer Sutherland would be perfect for Sam Fisher. And what are you talking about?!?! George Clooney?!?! he yould be a c**p Sam Fisher. He can’t act to save his life.

  36. Ok, I agree with george clooney all the way, but also keifer sutherland, because when I played the game I imagined it being clooney and it sounds a lot like him, and of course how he looks just like him. Sutherland on the other hand, has the voice close and would be a great 2nd choice, but on the down side he is way to young to play Fisher where as in the 3rd installment he’s being cracked on by age! Also, Vin Diesel is the worst choice for agent 47!

  37. George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!George Clooney!!!

  38. Mark Wahlberg? Are you insane? hes like 10 years old! I personally think they should maked a 3-D animated movie by Ubisoft… that way there would be no arguing on who will be Sam Fisher. Because No one looks and sounds like Sam Fisher… NO ONE! George Clooney slighty has the look…but not enough for me to care.

  39. I definatly think that Kiefer Sutherland would be the best, he has the additude, the look, and finally the perfect voice. No on can beat that. Did you hear him in Phone Booth, it’s perfect

  40. Of course Ironside has the voice, but hes way too old for an action movie. My vote goes to Kiefer Sutherland. Hes got the voice, and I dont know how many of you guys watch 24, but Jack Bower IS Sam Fisher. Booya Son!

  41. I think George Clooney would make a great fisher hes got the right look, he’s the right age, his voice is pretty close and if you look at him at the right angle he looks just like him…..he’s perfect.

  42. Tom Cruise doesnt have the voice, and hes not old enough lol or tall enough. It worth remembering the Mr Fisher is about 50 years old in the game. Michael Ironside has the voice to do it because he IS the voice of fisher. I thought that Sean Bean has the perfect look for fisher, but his voice may not suit perfectly. That said with some voice coaching….. and richard gere cant act

  43. I Say if splinter cell is made, Sam Fisher should be played by George Cloney, just think about it, he kind of looks like sam and he is just as old, alls he need to do is probably get slaped in to the gym for a little while but i think he can pull off Sam fisher better than anyone.

  44. My thought would be that George Clooney would make the best Sam Fisher if you wanted to aim for A list. he might not be old enough, but he is not as far off as other people they may consider. His voice is better than some of the others that they would probably pick for it and he is fairly close on build.

    As for the whole Rainbow Six movie thing, I am all for it. I wasn’t when Woo was directing it, but Zack Snyder is directing now and with all the potential he showed during the Dawn Of The Dead remake, I am all for letting him do it. Besides, the both book and game have been done fairly well, I think it could be a really good action movie. I would be for a Ghost Recon movie too. They should even consider carrying over the guys from Clear and Present Danger, Raymond Cruz and Benjamin Bratt to pick up their roles for Rainbow Six (Chavez(Cruz)) and Ghost Recon (Ramirez(Bratt)).

  45. Harrison Ford – Night Vision Goggles, Photosensitive cell ‘Armour’, a Sony Ericsson, and, of course, a trusty Whip, and lucky hat XD

    I can’t imagine a Rainbow Six movie, (And with that, the team was slaughtered, mercilessly) but that could be because I wasn’t much good at the game.

  46. I originally thought Ironside also, but as you metioned his age wouldn’t be suitable for fisher, plus his voice alone can’t make him Sam Fisher, a look is also required and I don’t think in my personal opinion Ironside has that look.I do take back my Tom Cruise statement, Dennis Quiad could be a Fisher, his looks around the same age, hes got the grey hair lol.. anyone else?

  47. Oh.. and anyone got any ideas on who could play Sam Fisher?..I was honestly thinking Tom Cruise … but im sure there are tons of well suited people to play Fisher

  48. There is a Rainbow Six coming down the pipeline jsut to let you know :).. Splinter Cell is gonna be a awesome movie, how can’t it be with a character as interesting as Sam Fiser. I can only hope that the big name games like Splinter Cell and Halo get the TLC they deserve to make great movies everyone knows they can be.

  49. I’d see this, I love the games and love Tom Clancy. They should also come out with a Rainbow Six. Tom Clancy movies could be the next big thing in Hollywood and possibly be the thing to bring people back for a while.

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