Friends Movie?

friends.jpgA Friends Movie? You know if you find you’re in a role for a very long time and you want to get away from it and you’re trying to build up your new career, what you don’t do is go back to that role. So that’s why I can’t understand this story, each of the actors involved in the series is off doing their new thing, apart from Matt LeBlanc who’s just playing the same character but with lesser writers, so why go back? David Schwimmer is even on stage in London.

So why are we hearing that some of the cast are airing their desire to come back? From Rope of Silicon through The Digital Spy and from The Sunday Express UK newspaper:

David Schwimmer and Jennifer Aniston have both expressed in the project which would make each of the six lead cast members £10 million richer.

Well there’s your incentive, but I just don’t see it. Sure they can go for the money, but aren’t they totally loaded already? The money aside if you want to progress your career from something that has tied you in for so long, then you have to start playing different characters, hold different looks, etc. You can’t do that by playing a few failed parts and then just stepping back to the money earner, you’ll get nowhere. You have to get up and go for it. Bad move in my mind, and the last Friends episode was perfect enough not to spoil. What do you think?

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26 thoughts on “Friends Movie?

  1. I don’t believe it’s true…there won’t be a movie and we all know that!there is an understandable age difference,they’ll use a lot of make up and the girls will look like models and the boys like fools…

    the TV show was great let’s remember only that great historical moments of acting…Thank you all guys!!!we love you..!


  3. I only have one comment to this: please Friends, do make this movie, I would just love it. I have also laughed and cried when I saw the episodes and would be very happy when they would appear on screen again.

  4. The idea of a Friends movie is awesome. They touched so many lives and left a lasting impression of millions of people all over the world. This movie would be a huge money-maker and everyone would really enjoy it.

  5. A F*R*I*E*N*D*S movie would be great, this show was the greatest ever made for television and it hurts to see it just gone. We watch these characters Ross, Rachel, Joey, Pheobe, Monica and Chandler laugh, cry, fight, make up, hate, love each other. They werent just characters to me, they actually became real persons and i laughed and cried with them. The finale made me very happy and cried when Ross and Rachel got together something i was hoping would happened. But to me it stilled lefted a lot of closures to be done, and thats where i think the movie would be great. I agree with what most the others have said, if there is a movie it should center around Ross and Rachel wedding. I mean it would be great, in the first episode, Rachel enters Central Perk in her wedding dress, just running away from her wedding. So with the movie centered around she and Ross’ weddding would be a great ending. I THINK ITS A GREAT IDEA, AND I REALLY HOPE THAT THE PRODUCERS AND WRITERS AND THE ACTORS WOULD DO IT FOR US THE FANS.


  6. I also think with good writing, a friends movie would do well at the box office. I would definately go to see it as well as buy the dvd.

    But I wold be more thrilled if they would get the sitcom back. I’m always hoping to hear the title ” Still Friends-We Were Only on a Break “. lol

  7. A Friends Movie! Terrific. All of you keep asking what would it be about? A lot of you think the series ended well. I say bull! The series ended but didn’t end. What we fans needed was a Ross and Rachel Wedding Day!!!! That is what the movie should be about! It should be hilarious, romantic, and touching. All the cast need to be there for something so big. And let’s not let Joey do the marrying this time please. I would also love to see the twins at about 2 years old lol. How hilarious they could make the movie with that. And Emma should be about 4 the perfect little bridesmaid for her parents! Now there would be a movie!

  8. I am watching the last episode now! I LOVE FRIENDS! I actually cryed for like an hour after I watched it for the first time. I want them to make a movie soooooooooooo bad. I agree with the last post that the movie should be centered on Ross and Rachel, and if it’s not about their wedding it should be about them having another baby. Season 8 was hilarious when Rachel was pregnant. There would be a huge box office, if they did it. I am praying for a movie, the last episode just left me hanging.

  9. hello people….I think it would only be fitting that the movie be centered around Ross and Rachel’s wedding with side stories all leading up to the wedding at the end. It would give the entire series some closure after it was abruptly cut off in the final episode.

  10. I think Friends is the best programme in all the world and I love it so much! I was really upset when it finished and then when I heard they were going to make a Friends Movie I was really happy. I can’t wait until the movie comes out! I think it is a brilliant idea!!!

  11. hey, i’m from Turkey.and i loved friends.can you imagine?not only in US, there are FRIENDS fans all over the world.we want to see them again.i also doubt how they’re gonna fill 90 minutes, but i trust them.they’re gonna do sth good.and even if it sucks, i know that every huge friends fans are gonna watch it!

  12. i fink da idea of a friends movie is fukin phat. i no all of u lot av written dat it is a stupid idea and it would fuk their careers up but in the end, they r already 6 of the most famous ppl in da world and respected by every1 so wot harm cud it do really? personally, i cant w8

  13. Iloved friends i av saw evry episode and buzzed of it and if they made a movie i wud think it wud be the best movie ever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. i would like to see a friends movie.. it would be great to see if they’re up to it.. the important thing is not to blow it,coz the serie was incredible and i don’t doubt that the movie would be great because they’re brilliant actors.. and i hope there’ll be the same writers.. besides, jennifer aniston will shine again with her beautiful racheal character to make brad pitt regret what he did and miss the same person whom he fell in love with during and ih this tv show….

  15. Oooooh myyyyy Goooood!!!! I can’t believe the lack of imagination that u guyz have!! Friends IS THE BEST thing that ever happened! Friends Movie.. it will be jiest greeit!! U people just don’t miss them? I will love them from the begining till the end! All of you.. just suck .. u know?

    I’ll be there for my FRIENDS!!

  16. i cannot conjur up any idea as to what the movie could be about. friends was a tv show so they’re problems arose and were fixed in half an hour…what could fill in an entire movie ? whatever

  17. “I do my best impersonation of a jedi-knight and change channels instantly”.

    LOL @ Pablo “Stretch out with your feelings…”

    I like FRIENDS from Seasons 1-5, but after that I think it all went downhill a li’l bit. I will not bash these actors because they had their moments, but to do a movie, someone from this lot has to say something!

    Seinfeld is the better tv show IMHO.

  18. Oh my, how many more rubbish movies are hollywood going to churn out before they realise that the jo-public would like to see something worthwhile.

    i am not a TV viewer in the slightest, to many sports activities for that, but on the occasion i am sitting in front of the TV and friends is on, I do my best impersonation of a jedi-knight and change channels instantly.

    Disclaimer: i only try for a few minutes with the force before using the remote control.

  19. The series finale wasn’t that good, but I don’t see what the movie would be about. You might have been able to make a movie of their trip to London for Ross’s wedding, but there weren’t no real storylines that could have ever been long or interesting enough to make into a feature.

  20. I LOVED Friends and was sad when the series ended, but it was good timing. Saying that…I think the idea of a Friends movie is stupid. It was a 30 min sitcom, how do you stretch that into a 90min movie? It would be BORING. You have Monica and Chandler living in upstate NY with their adopted children. Ross and Rachel with their kid Emma living the happy ever after. Phoebe and Michael living a happy married life. And then Joey …well, he’s still Joey and living in LA, CA. Where is the movie in that? They get together for the holiday and share what’s been going on with their lives? No, no, no…don’t kill what was good!

    Leave our memories of a fun series in tact and in 2 TV seasons then have a hour long reunion type episode that airs during the Thanksgiving Holiday, which is also the fall sweeps month. It’d be perfect.

    Please let’s keep TV shows on the small screen.

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