The Force Unleashed 2 Cinematic Trailer

Many of you know that E3 is running during these couple of days. During this activity, many teasers, trailers & demos are displayed. So what does that have to do with world of movies? Well, I’m a huge Star Wars fan (and I know a lot of you guys are too), so I simply wanted to share this awesome trailer with you. It has to do with the Star Wars world; plus the trailer is basically cinematic – which is always fun to look at.

I, myself, have played almost every Star Wars video game out there. There have been horrible games and some that are just so awesome that should be considered made into real films. The first Force Unleashed wasn’t perfect, but it did stray into the light side of awesomeness. If that game was to be made into a movie, it would be better than one or two of the already existing prequels. Also, I liked the real actor behind Starkiller’s character. You might recognize Sam Witwer; he’s been part of Smallville and Battlestar Galactica.

TFU2 is shaping up to be even better than the first one. If they’ve created a better storyline and fixed some of the minor annoying details (glitches and some repetitive missions), I think it’ll be even more successful than the first one. And when stuff like that happens, maybe…just maybe, it could received “let’s make it into a film” attention. Enjoy the trailer…

What do you guys think? Would you like to see this kind of story/game made into a Star Wars film? Maybe another trilogy? How about at least making this video game story into that live-action TV series Lucas has been promising us – with the same actor and all?

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26 thoughts on “The Force Unleashed 2 Cinematic Trailer

  1. I say screw a live-action trilogy and just go for a cinematic cgi trilogy. I think it would be more successful that way.

    I mean, everyone who doesn’t eat, drink, and breathe Star Wars is probably burnt out if they hated the prequels as much as I keep hearing (online and in person). So I’d imagine you would have a hard time getting all those unforgiving people to want to see this random trilogy (I say “random” because unless you’re involved in the videogame world, or are a crazy avid fan of the franchise, then most people will think “The Force Unleashed” came out of nowhere).

    Just sayin’.

  2. Amazing…loved the original Force Unleashed and cant wait to get my hands on this one!!

    Hey Rodney, I dont if anybody else has commented on this, but almost every time I open this website with firefox, it crashes.

    It ONLY happens with this site….weird, huh?

      1. thanks for the answer, it must be a glitch in my computer then (it just happened, while writing this message! Fortunately, firefox restarts right back were I left)

  3. Rodney you should look up both of The Old Republic cinematic trailors. The story line takes place 1000 years before the rise of Darth Vader so there are Jedi and Sith out the wazoo. Both are full of epic.

  4. Hey Rodney did you see the new cinematic trailer they posted for Star Wars: The Old Republic? That is the SW game that I’m waiting for and since it’s being done by Bioware it’s destined to be epic.

      1. There is actually a new one which is based on a battle for Alderan. Possibly Alderan will be a battleground? Anyways it’s not as good as the above trailer, but I do think it’s better than the first trailer about SWTOR.

  5. HOLY COW!! That trailer was pure awesomeness! Why couldn’t Lucas have made the prequels this cool? If someone could make a two-hour movie like that, I would be all over it.

    Now I just need to get my hands on that game…

    1. No, but the 300 or so he encounters on the other side of the door should have done the trick.

      Clearly if Vader wanted him dead he would have done it himself.

      He doesn’t care if he lives or dies, he is done with him. He has those clones.

      1. The 300 weren’t sent to kill him. Its an Imperial base. They were just there.

        If Vader didn’t care, he would have been better off just abandoning him. Saying “kill him” might make him seek vengeance if he doesnt die. So Vader should care some what, if he is going to bother to say “kill him”.

        Someone tied up and sentance to their death is a plot point that is used many times. But it seems weird to have executioners who clearly have no chance at completing the task.

  6. So in the first game Lucas Arts made it a point to say that the story line was cannon has anyone heard if this is too? I read the book to the first game and it fit and was very good. The Game was amazing bunk the critics I loved being able to manipulate the force almost as good as Jedi Outcast/Academy. If it is cannon (part 2) then I can’t wait to see how they pull this off. Starkiller is just the most badass character in the SW universe IMO.

  7. I’m not so sure this is going to be as great as it seems. I mean the first game was awesome. I know a lot of people had complaints about it, but I’ve played through it 3-4 times and loved every minute of it.

    SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!

    How does he live through the light side events of the first game? That’s obviously where the 2nd game is picking up. (i.e. you ended the 1st on the light side) I guess he wasn’t dead….yet the rebels thought he was?

    1. Those are clones at the end. He did die at the end they have been cloning him since. However, he remembers the blonde somehow and wants to find her.

      1. apparently i lost my mind while typing that.
        1. He did die at the end of the first game.
        2. The end of the video showed clones of the apprentice which is what the main character will be in the game

    2. So I’m a little disappointed that there isn’t the option to pick up both optional endings from the first game. If I chose to take the Dark path, which I did, I’d prefer to pick up there with the Emperor storyline intact.

      If canon, then why offer the two choices at the end of the game? Ruins the gameplay experience for me somewhat. I’ll still play it because I loved the first one, but the Sith ending was much better IMO.

  8. I wouldn’t mind seeing this as a series, or maybe a mini-series. And I can definitely see the actor doing it. He’d have to buff up a bit naturally, but it’s definitely possible.

  9. Che Francisco, which are the best games for Wii in the StarWars genre.

    I’d like to use the Wii remote as a lightsaber and not the nunchuck.

    any come to mind?

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