Werner Herzog And Nicolas Cage Remake Bad Lieutenant

Werner-HerzogAmongst mere mortal men, gods walk. And among those few immortals who dwell in our midst is the Zeus of them all, and his name is Werner Herzog! This man is beyond hard core. He gets shot during an interview… and continues on with the interview. The guy has balls made out of materials so hard that modern science has yet to discover it. (Speaking of Herzog, I just saw him in that new movie “The Grand” and he was just INSANE in it!)
Well in the most odd pairing of Director / Actor I think I’ve ever heard of, it’s being reported that Werner Herzog is about to team up with none other than Nic Cage to remake the film “Bad Lieutenant“. The good folks over at Cinematical give us this:

Werner Herzog is remaking Abel Ferrara’s gritty, NC-17-rated cult classic,Bad Lieutenant, and none other than Nicolas Cage is going to star. Nic Cage! Werner Herzog! Am I the only one who’s completely blown away by this bizarre news? (Though, to be fair, we did kinda see this coming …)

Cage will take on the role originally played by Harvey Keitel; he’ll slip into the part of a drug and sex-addicted corrupt cop, though there’s no word on how far they’ll take this version of the film. However, exec producer Avi Lerner did promise this new take will “deliver as much filth as the original.”

Sometimes you hear stories about actors giving directors a lot of shit on set… I’ll bet you a million dollars that NEVER happens with Werner Herzog. You know why? Because that man will sneak into your hotel room and murder you in your sleep with one hand while he drinks fine Vodka with the other… and everyone knows it.

Count me as one guy who is dying to see how something like this turns out.

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19 thoughts on “Werner Herzog And Nicolas Cage Remake Bad Lieutenant

  1. (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)

    Nick Cage is as deep as a puddle and does NOT have the chops to handle this role.
    Who does he think he is – Harvey Keitel?

  2. Klaus Kinski gave everyone shit, and Herzog was the only one tough enough to work with him multiple times. Herzog put him in his place many times in My Best Fiend, even coming up with death threats. The man’s a badass and slightly off his rocker, which makes him such an eccentric, unique talent.

  3. Lets get it right people he was shot by an air rifle and he is no ‘God’ a talented director maybe with a strong mental and physical character but not a god even in the demi sense of the word

  4. That’s all we need. Nic Cage masturbating in to a car window and showing his junk around.
    Werner makes this project interesting, Cage totally destroys that interest.

  5. What strange, beautiful but perplexing news.

    I’m not really thrilled about Herzog doing the remake circuit but what an odd film to remake. I can’t help but be curious.

    Also, Herzog is not a god. He’s more like Prometheus. A man of principal, courage and tenacity who defies the will of whatever gods stand in his way.

    @Darren, Why would Herzog listen to Gio’s “rules” about remakes. Did he listen to the engineers who told him you can’t move a steam ship over a mountain using 18th century technology?

  6. You’re right John. Herzog is a fucking god. Not only did he get fucking shot during an interview, he ate a fucking shoe and had it filmed. A FUCKING SHOE!!!!!

  7. First of all, it does *not* fit into Gio’s “remake” guidelines (the first film was early 90’s) ; second, “deliver much filth” says NC-17 (I watched the R rated version many years ago) and NC-17 films don’t go too far. Third, why on earth would someone want to remake the film-unless they wanted to change the ending and the Christ hallucinations, the nun raping etc.?

    And if that stuff isn’t being changed, why remake it anyway, if it is the same old song and dance?

  8. Here’s a movie that’s begging NOT to be remade. It wasn’t that great to begin with-but it was what it was and said about all it needed to. And I agree-Nicholas Cage is up there with Richard Gere with people who if they’re in the movie-it automatically kills it for me. Cage is the most overrated piece of shit actor in the last 20 years. And Herzog a genius? Not since Fitzcarraldo and even then it was more about the story of the movie than the movie itself. Definately a must-not see.

  9. John,

    If you think no one would give Werner crap on the set, you haven’t heard about his relationship with Klaus Kinski. Do yourself a favor and watch “My Best Fiend”.

  10. “However, exec producer Avi Lerner did promise this new take will “deliver as much filth as the original.””

    jesus christ, if tat’s all the are worried about when re-making this film, tey should stay well away from it. Insult to the original if you ask me.

  11. Another gritty classic that does need to be touched. i hate these remakehappy times. i hope you are right,Campea & this does not go through.

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