Justice League To Have A Different Name?

Justice-LeagueSome more news about the peculiar disaster known as Justice League. It appears it is still happening but we have some strange news from director George Miller. We get word from the horse’s mouth thanks to our friends at moviehole:

There’s been next to no news on “Justice League” in recent weeks – which is very, very strange – with many speculating that it had been cancelled due to the writer’s strike. Not so, it seems. Director George Miller told media at this year’s AFI Awards in Melbourne last night that the film is still very much on track to film early next year, says the SMH. He didn’t address any of the casting rumours.

He also said it’ll have a different name when it gets before the cameras.

Campea has suggested that this is shaping up to be a Teen Titans movie based on the casting rumors…could this be true? Why the heck would they tell us their is going to be a Justice League movie, and then have a different name as the title? This is a filthy feather in the chapeau that is this film. Not since the “Galactus Cloud” have I heard such bullshit. I guess if Marvel can fuck up Galactus, DC needs to up the ante and sabotage the entire Justice League.

We did not need to hear any more bad news about his project, but here you go folks. I would not hold out hope for this one; I certainly hope it ends up on the cutting room floor. Will this movie have the same Justice League regulars? What will the title be? How can this get any worse? These are questions I hope to answer for all of you in the weeks ahead.

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14 thoughts on “Justice League To Have A Different Name?

  1. How about actually the codename? Like Batman Begins used The Intimidation Game, it’s sequel was called Rory’s First Kiss. You probably know that they use that to keep the filming secret to curious onlookers. Just a tought…

  2. you know, it amazing how much news manages to come out a project that has yet to accomplish anything. They can’t even
    cast the movie but every day there’s some new JLA rumor going on. Clearly this project is nothing but grown men sitting in their own tears. They should quit while they’re behind. They should cast a contest winner as the villain. They should hire the south park boys to do the special effects.

  3. I’m not aganist this. I think they are going to be more like the Super Friends/ Justice League Unlimited than Batman Begins or Singerman Returns. I’m tired of Superheroes being done “the right way” and ending up being a boring 2+ hour dark dramady.

  4. AAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!I like the idea of a JLA movie IF DONE IN THE RIGHT WAY AT THE RIGHT TIME.With separate films of Batman and Superman already going on,this is one of the most terrible times for a JLA movie ever!This is going to be pitiful.KILL IT NOW!!!!

  5. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! Aw @!#$&#@^*&!@%#&@*$^#&@*!@^#&*@!%$^@#(*&(@!^#@)&@^#%@!!!!!

    Looks like Speed Racer isn’t going to be a “total disaster” compared to this. This takes the cake for ‘Razzie of the Decade’! One thing to do a JLA film so soon, but a different name?! FUCKIN’-UP-THE-BULLSHITTING-ASS STUPID!

    This is sad. This is just sad. Just name this Teen Titans or Superfriends, then let General Zod kill them all.

  6. Wait–that doesn’t make sense. G4’s The Feed gave a quick newsy bit that the Flash had been cast but they were holding off on “official announcements” until all the roles were cast. Something’s not right here.

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