The Golden Compass Sequels May Be Filmed Simultaneously

Movie GoldencompassI have been pleased with the trailers for The Golden Compas. It looks like a fantastic fantasy film and I look forward to seeing it. It appears the film is going to follow in the pattern of The Matrix and film both sequels back to back, on the conditional success of the first picture. We get scoop today from Sci Fi Wire:

Chris Weitz, who wrote and directed the upcoming fantasy film The Golden Compass, told SCI FI Wire that the proposed second and third films in the series will be shot back to back, but that the go-ahead will depend on how the first film does financially. The Golden Compass is based on Northern Lights, the first book in Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy.

“I think that would be the best way to do it, for certain,” Weitz said in a group interview in Beverly Hills, Calif., on Nov. 29. He added: “Once people are familiar with the first book, that puts things on a much better financial grounding, and then, I think, yes, two and three absolutely have a built-in audience.”

This is smart movie making and the most cost effective way to do things. With rumors that The Golden Compass is costing beyond the 200 Million mark – it will have to make a bundle in order to throw the doors open for the sequels to take place. The cast is outstanding, the sets look incredible and I want one of the CGI bears as my friend.

As a fantasy nerd I love every opportunity to see sword and sorcery on the silver screen. The fantasy genre allows you to create everything in the movie. You can have black grass and magenta skies, barfing dwarves and well mannered trolls, the possibilities are only limited by the vision of the author. I am loving what Lord Of The RIngs did for this genre and I hope it continues to bring in the money. I want to see as many CGI dragons as possible before I die.

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25 thoughts on “The Golden Compass Sequels May Be Filmed Simultaneously

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  2. There are many films out there that are so-called Anti-Christian.
    Why is this film suddenly so special? Is the Church afraid that it will
    influence the Young Children??? It seems to me that the book is a real reflection of what is going on in our lives. Yes the Church has a very powerful influence in this world and Yes they do control the so-called masses.. Hey Guys thats YOU and ME, we are the masses so wake up.
    Yes I Want The Sequel. I also want us to actually see what is really going on. We are being controlled and the Trilogy is not far wrong. JUST WAKE UP WORLD.

  3. I’m a little late with my comment but must chime in. I had never heard of the books or the movie until it came out on dvd and I absolutley adored it. Taking note that the writer of the book was “anti whatever”, who cares! I didn’t find it to be any worse than any other fantastical movie that we are comsuming from other writers whose religiosity, or lack there of, isn’t pronounced! The moment that movie was over I felt an overwhelming need to see when the sequal would be released. To my dismay, I don’t see a sequal in sight……argh! I agree with Kevin in saying that I cannot believe, in this day and age, that people have to focus on this movie, which, from what I’ve read and seen, is rid of the vicious anti-religious sentiment. Why don’t the “church people” go to church and worry about the C$&$^ M^&(#&^% priests instead of what they aren’t promoting in the theater!

  4. I watched the movie not too long ago and I thought it was one of the best movies I have ever seen even though I have to say that the petition against the sequels is really unneccesary and shows how much churches want to control our lifes. Most would think, oh you are saying that cause you are atheist but my family is catholic and I have seen how they tried to control me into joining god and all, this is the 7th time that thanks to the churches and religion something that I enjoyed watching is going to be banned and I have to say that all that support churches, with all do respect, are morons cause you let some pastor which follows the words of a man that we arent even 100% sure lived, tell you what to do, what to watch, and what to say. Im sure that Im not the only one that feels this way and so I would really enjoy chatting with anyone that shares my same opinions.

  5. I watched the movie not to long ago and I thought it was one of the best movies I have ever seen even though I have to say that the petition against the sequels is really unneccesary and shows how much churches want to control our lifes. Most would think, oh you are saying that cause you are atheist but my family is catholic and I have seen how they tried to control me into joining god and all and to this day they still try, this is the 7th time that thanks to the churches and religion something that I enjoyed watching is going to be banned and I have to say that all that support churches, with all do respect, are morons cause you let some pastor which follows the words of a man that we arent even 100% sure lived, tell you what to do, what to watch, and what to say. Im sure that Im not the only one that feels this way and so I would really enjoy chatting with anyone that shares my same opinions.

  6. I think thats funny how some think that all christians dislike the movie along with rock and roll. Just like all prejudices you cannt lump everyone who is a christian together. I’m one, saw the movie thought it was very good. Anyway to the point. the end was an open ender, do we know if a sequel is in play??

  7. TIMD……why do you care what “Hollywood ” Produces?
    This was a good movie,it was entertainment nothing more.
    Worry about your own kids.

  8. Hollywood should stop making this trash and shame on the actors for signing up for this. What real role models they are.

    This movie is based on a the first book of a trilogy
    by atheist Philip Pullman. In the final book a boy and girl kill God so they can do as they please. Pullman left little doubt about his intentions when he said in a 2003 interview that “My books are about
    killing God.”
    The movie is a watered down version of the first book and is designed to be very attractive in the hope unsuspecting parents will take their children to see the the movie and that the children will want the books for

  9. From what I understand, he’s not “anti-relion” he’s anti-Church/religous establishment.

    Also, the movie is supposed to take out all the religous stuff and just focus on the adventure aspect. The studio said they intentionally did this as to not offend certain groups.

  10. I’ve not read the books, nor do I intend to see the movie, albeit that’s not because I’m a Christian. It simply didn’t look interesting (to me, that is) to begin with. But I don’t see how anyone could blame someone for refusing to support a franchise whose primary purpose is to undermine their entire system of beliefs. Most people don’t realize that Pullman isn’t merely anti-Christian, but anti-religion. I do find it a bit disheartening that so many of the cast are actors that I think highly of—I find it hard to respect someone quite as much knowing that they’ve worked on a project knowing that the aim of the writer was to maliciously undermine people’s beliefs.

  11. Guys, I’m venturing to say that the reason the Matrix sucked in most peoples’ eyes had NOTHING to do with filming simultaneously – it all depends on the script and filmmakers. In fact, there was a huge story in Rolling Stone about Larry Wachowski screwing up the series because he was fixated on his girlfriend and upset at having to be a man on the set of the movies instead of appearing as a woman.

    Also, LOTR films were made simultaneously/back-to-back and those turned out well.

    I don’t know what everyone’s deal is with this being somehow a BAD thing. It all depends on the script and the people in charge, not the shooting schedule.

  12. The movie is rated PG-13, so marketing it as a kid’s movie is stupid. If Christians don’t want to see a movie that insults their faith, then more power to them. They have nothing to fear from the books, because the children reading them will be asleep 2/3 into book one, with no need to wake up for the next two books.

  13. For anyone confused about what bassturd is exclaiming, let me venture my guess.

    Philip Pullman’s wrote the “His Dark Materials” trilogy because he hates Christian tone of “The Chronixcles of Narnia.” See here:

    So, there is a movement of Christians to boycott the movie, because they expect that after parents take their kids to see the movie, the kids will like the movie, and the parents will buy the book for the kids, not knowing of Philip’s dark and sinister plot to destroy Christianity by affecting the childrens. For most of us, this theory requires a little more suspension of disbelief than watching DragonWars as historically accurate. But to some of the “nuts”, they think that the idea that a kid reading these books will cause them to worship satan. Granted, these are same people who think D&D, videogames and Rock music will also make you worship Satan, so to say that this reaction from this is unexpected would just be foolish. I just hope they don’t campen my good time at the movies.

  14. i dunno about the back to back thing. Making sequels close together has not always been the best choice. You end up with the 2nd movie and 3rd movie each feeling like half a movie. So the second isn’t great because it doesn’t feel like it has an ending and the third doesn’t have a beginning and lost audience from the bad second movie.

    See also: Matrix

  15. I have looked forward to this movie since I heard about it. I read the trilogy, and the only movie I will see will be the first one, as the last two books in the trilogy were so boring, I contemplated pulling out my fingernails.

    I have heard the Golden Compass is talky and only has one major action sequence (the bear duel), so I will wait until good “word of mouth” reaches me.

    I will drag my husband to most dragon movies. I wish Dragonlance was made with live action, instead of the Golden Compass, as that trilogy kicks ass.

  16. To be fair, Chris Weitz said most of how/why the budget went up to $250 million was due to figuring how to pull off the effects. He says it’ll be cheaper to manage them with a tighter budget on the sequels.

    Plus, all this talk about THE SUBTLE KNIFE and THE AMBER SPYGLASS being shot at the same time is good and all. But that’s going to depend on how THE GOLDEN COMPASS performs. I for one am going to the sneak preview screening tomorrow night…

  17. Thats not to say I dont agree with you. Tighter budgets tend to lead to increased creativity and better films in the end.

    There is a middle ground here too though.

  18. Smarter would be making these films for $100M or less. 200-frickin’-million dollars. How may produces are padding those numbers and skimming? Oi. To think DARK CITY was made for $27 and The Frighteners for $30M about 10 years ago. That’s nearly a factor of 10 people. Ouch.

    If they have to film them back-to-back to bring in the cost TO $200 there is a problem here folks.

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