Barbarella Gets Dropped By Universal

Robert-Rodriguez-BarbarellaWe’ve already seen that Hollywood studios are starting to (understandably) back peddle a bit from edgy genre films (See Weinstiens passing on Kevin Smith’s horror film “Red State”… the first time they’ve every turned down one of Smith’s projects) after the disastrous performance of Grindhouse (a film i still think deserved better). Now it looks like Universal has axed the Robert Rogriguez remake of Barbarella.

In and of itself that’s not all that surprising. But the REASONS they dropped it are. The good folks over at Sci Fi give us this:

Universal reportedly balked because Rodriguez (Sin City) insisted on casting his new fiancé, Rose McGowan, in the lead role originally played by Jane Fonda. Fonda starred in the 1968 original directed by her then-husband, Roger Vadim. McGowan starred in Rodriguez’s Planet Terror, his half of last year’s Grindhouse.

I can understand Rodriguez wanting to use McGowan. I mean if you cheat on your wife of 16 years/producing partner/mother of your 5 kids with the latest hot little piece of Hollywood tail on your movie, you might as well get as much out of her as possible… the price tag was really high.

I’m sorry, but if Rodriguez lets his movie get dropped just because a studio doesn’t want to put their money on the line so Robert can put his girlfriend in the lead role… then screw him. I really love Rodriguez as a director. I loved Planet Terror. I’ve been really looking forward to seeing what he would do with Barbarella… but grow the hell up man.

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14 thoughts on “Barbarella Gets Dropped By Universal

  1. What happened to Drew Barrymore? I remember her name being attached to this at one point. I believe that is before Rodriguez became involved.

    I agree with John, I like Robert’s work and admire his ingenuity. I used to even more respect for him as a father & husband. After his affair came out, he dropped a lot in my eyes. His work still stands but only a SOB would leave his wife/biz partner AND kids just for sex. He used to preach about family values in his movies, just watch any of the spy kids flicks. Bob should have practiced what he preached.

  2. what i don’t get is hollywoods reaction to grindhouse’s box office. fer cryin’ out loud, the big studios turn out giant turds every year and yet the people who make them keep gettin’ hired to turn out more turds!!

    george lucas made howard the duck fer crissake and the two most unique directors working right now make one dud (ONLY in terms of box office) and everybody runs for the hills. what gives??

  3. Sounds like an excuse to me. More likely they realised that the whole project is insane. The original is such a product of the 60s that a remake makes no sense. What are they going to do BSG it and make it all dark and serious?

  4. *sigh*

    She was very attactive. But now… not so much. She’s still pretty.

    I know people are gonna get pissed with me for saying that. But honestly; look at pictures of her a few years ago and those now. It’s almost a different person. I don’t think it drugs – maybe she jumped on some diet fad and lost a bit too much weight.

    An example of going too far is XXX starlet Jenna Jameson. WTF? She gone from being a fox to a creepy anorexic. Drugs in this case? Probably. Either way, Jenna and Rose need to eat more.

  5. McGowan is not a big enough name to open a film on her own. The studio was right to ditch her and her stupid-ass boyfriend. Man, that’ll be a GREAT story to tell their kids about how they met.

    “Mommy, how did you meet Daddy?”
    “Daddy was married to another woman and had children, but that didn’t stop me! See, I’m such a rabid whore that I had to have him, sanctity of marriage be damned!”
    “Mommy, you’re a slut.”

  6. Yeah, Darren you’re right.
    But that I would hate even more. Jessica Alba got nothing. You know, Fonda made this movie great not only because she was insanely hot, but she had the comedic chops to pull it off. Not to mention she is and always has been a great actress (hello, 2 Oscars baby!). Alba can only dream of something like that.
    And the Vadim-connection really is funny. The moment I heard the announcement of Rodriguez taking over, my first thought was: “Geez, I hope he doesn’t think about casting that new girlfriend of his.”
    Oh well, still sad to see it go, mainly because a remake would probably brought a new Special Edition DVD of the original with it.

  7. Y’know…I never thought much of McGowan either. Not when she appeared in Greg Akari’s Doom Generation, not when she was on Charmed, not when she was seeing that odd looking fella named Manson.

    Anyway, it is sort of funny when you think about it. After all, isn’t that what Roger Vadim did in the original, casting Jane Fonda?

    Still, I can see Universal’s stand. It’s too bad Rodriguez was insisting on McCowan. If he said “Jessica Alba”…it wouldn’t die.

    You know it.
    I know it.

  8. “I can understand Rodriguez wanting to use McGowan. I mean if you cheat on your wife of 16 years/producing partner/mother of your 5 kids with the latest hot little piece of Hollywood tail on your movie, you might as well get as much out of her as possible… the price tag was really high.”

    I’m usually not a John fellater, but that paragraph was 100% brilliant.

  9. I’m a BIG fan of the original BARBARELLA.
    Therefore I was glad that someone like Rodriguez was announced as the director instead of some studio hack.
    HOWEVER, I’d rather see no BARBARELLA remake, than one with Rose McGowan in the lead. I’ve got nothing against her, but she’s not right for this part at all. She’s just too slutty. Barbarella is supposed to be an innocent, yet very sexy woman. Oh and sorry, but she’s not nearly as hot as Jane Fonda when she made the original.

  10. Never really thought much of Rodriguez as a director…even his early work like like El Mariachi, The Faculty, The Spy Kids series and Once upon a Time in Mexico…pretty bland stuff.

    But I do have respect for the studio he built for himself…his mini version of Lucasfilm. He’s one of the few directors that can make movie in his own backyard…literally…like he did with the whole Spy Kids series…

    In some respects I’ve got to think there is more to this Rose McGowan story…But then again if you are right John and he was cheating on his wife well that puts things in a different perspective…rather a surprising perspective at that.

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