First image of Jeremy Renner in ‘The Bourne Legacy’

Jeremy Renner has become a very very busy guy since his career got skyrocketed by Katheryn Bigelow’s The Hurt Locker. Didn’t see this much for him when I first took notice of him in ‘S.W.A.T.‘ opposite Collin Farrell. Anyhoo, we just saw him in the latest Mission Impossible, have seen several set shots of him filming the Avengers, and now we have our first look at his stab at the Bourne franchise.

I dont really like posting shots like this. If I hadn’t looked it up or put it in the title for you guys you wouldn’t be able to discern which flick this was from. How does one generate excitement through this? It’s obviously not easy so instead let’s bring back a familiar game:

Look at the above picture of Jeremy Renner. Consider his face. Look into his eyes. What is he thinking about?

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