Dr. Strange movie has registered domain names

I don’t know if this is news or not but either way I wanted to share this with you guys. A lot of people have been speculating what movies Marvel will produce after next summers’ Avengers flick and in addition to Iron Man 3 and Thor 2 there may be some signs of life with Dr. Strange.

Source: Shock Til You Drop

Dr. Strange is one adaptation awaiting the go-ahead. In August, news broke Joshua Oppenheimer and Thomas Dean Donnelly had turned in a draft of the script and Marvel Studios was looking for a director.

Today, a Disney fan site learned a few Domain names have been secured by the Mouse House: doctorstrangesoundtrack.com, drstrangesoundtrack.com, drstrangesoundtrack.net. A telling sign that something is happening with the film.

There’s been a lot of speculation about this picture. Recently, Marvel locked in two release dates – May 16, 2014 and June 27, 2014 – for a pair of unannounced movies. Dr. Strange might be one of them.

I think this is really exciting news. Of course the other popular choise is an movie about Ant-Man but aside from that I think Dr. Strange is one of the easier characters to adapt for a feature film. He’s like Dr. House being a skilled doctor, but arrogant, and add in some himalayan mountain soul searching like at the beginning of Batman Begins and you pretty much have the gist of the guys origina. The only possible negative is that audiences saw that type of origin with Batman and will see something similar with Superman so it may take some effort for this origin story to seem “fresh” in the eyes of the mainstream audience.

I hope there’s some merit to this story and will eagerly keep an eye out for and share any new information that comes along.

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