One Hundred Percent Pure Adrenaline : ‘Point Break’ Remake Back On?

In some eyes, ‘Point Break’ has already been remade if you trade surfing for street racing. But rumors are coming out that an offical remake of the 1991 film is back on and it will feature surfing. But instead of skydiving, it’s…ski slopes and snowy hills?

Twitchfilm has some details:

Well, apparently Point Break isn’t dead yet.

Twitch received word from a source today that another Point Break film is in the works, though now it is being envisioned as a remake rather than a sequel. Cast and director still need to be attached but Singapore based producers RGM Entertainment – who were also behind Point Break: Indo – are actively developing a remake of the title with a script by Kurt Wimmer – director of Equilibrium and writer of Salt – as the basis. While the original film built action sequences around surfing and sky diving this remake will apparently balancing the surfing with skiing. There is no word yet who is being approached to star or direct.

This is ONLY a rumor and hasn’t been confirmed, Twitch states. ‘Indo’ is a reference to the long planned sequel that never came to be. Personally, my opinion is that even if Wimmer is working on this, it’ll never see the light of day. As I mentioned, the structure of ‘Break’ has been lifted for a number of films -specifically the first ‘Fast and The Furious’ picture. I guess I’m also skeptical about the skiing idea. Jumping out of a plane and parachuting down to a location where few can find you is one thing. The end of a mountain is something else. Just saying.

The role of John Utah – okay I don’t have an iota of who could fill in for Keanu. I don’t have a clue who could take the late great Bohdi’s board and ride the Swayze wave. Or who is our current day Gary Busey. And I shiver at the thought who could fill Lori Petty’s shorts.
A fear of remakes is what it comes down to I suppose. The only good thing I guess is that the Ex-Presidents will have Clinton and two Bush masks to add to thier collection.

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About Darren

"Revenge is sweet and not fattening." Alfred Hitchcock

3 thoughts on “One Hundred Percent Pure Adrenaline : ‘Point Break’ Remake Back On?

  1. seriously?………….for real?………

    I like the original and all BUT why does “Remake” enter the game?

    it’s just a crime thriller, so are they going to call buddy cop movies that stand out “remakes” now.

    just call it another movie already! (guess they need that HUGE returning fan base of L.A. guns fans! LOL)

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