Arnold Look-A-Like To Be Next Conan?

Whenever a named franchise has a film coming out the big question of casting becomes an issues we all love to talk and speculate about. One of the bigger casting questions floating around right now seems to be “Who will be the next Conan”. I mean, on the surface playing Conan is the easiest thing in the world… the character hardly ever speaks. But at the same time whoever does pick up the sword will be replacing the mighty Arnold… and that’s intimidating.

There is an interesting rumor floating around the web today that the producers for the new Conan may not be willing to give up on Arnold at all… and have gone to an Arnold Look-A-Like for the role. A guy by the name of Roland Kickinger. The good folks over at Cimematical give us this:

The Hollywood Reporter’s Risky Biz Blog reports that Lionsgate and Nu Image/Millennium are not interested in finding a fresh Conan, but grabbing an Arnold Schwarzenegger look-alike. They’re in talks with Roland Kickinger — a 41-year-old actor who, just like Arnie, is from Austria, is a body-builder-turned-actor, had a role as a T-800, and even played a Conan-era Arnie in See Arnold Run. Talk about the Schwarz being with you

You know what… I don’t usually care about the “look” of a character… but in this unique situation I think I love this idea. Why not an Arnold look-a-like? It could actually be quite novel. Here are some more pics of the guy in question:



So what do you think? Could you see this guy as the new Conan?

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27 thoughts on “Arnold Look-A-Like To Be Next Conan?

  1. I think he will be able to fill in the shoes of the mighty Arnold, hell if he was good enough to have his body dubed in Terminator: Salvation, I think hes got the credibility.

    1. Kind of, LOL. But you have the chance to see it for the first time, which is cool. Trust me there is a lot of movies that I’d like to see with virgin eyes again!

  2. This is good news. At least they realize whoever is in the role must be gigantic. Not the rock, waaaay to small. Somebody said gerard butler that’s laughable. Similar to that lame hercules show back in the day with the guy who was just not that big. Conan must be freakishily big like arnold was.

    1. I disagree, I always thought Schwarzenegger was too big to play Conan. As a long time reader of everything Conan I have seen numerous artists renderings of him, to much to even count really.

      Conan should be physically impressive, but not so big that he is lumbering like Arnold was. From a sword standpoint Arnold was very slow and lumbering. Watching sword fights performed by Schwarzenegger was like having slow motion turned on.

      Conan should be powerful indeed, but should also have cat like quickness. That was my only complaint of the (1982) film.

    2. True Conan should be fast and strong. The fights were slow in the original movie but everything was slow in those days. I’d really like to see Conan dispatch 4 or 5 guys in like three seconds in the next movie.

      As far as casting go they’ll either go with someone really famous or a total nobody.

  3. What made the original Conan movie so good wasn’t Arnold’s acting skills, it was the brilliance of John Milius. He knew Arnold wasn’t much of an actor so the narration of the film kept Arnold’s lines to the bare minimum!

  4. This guy just plain looks AWESOME. I don’t care if he’s cast as Conan, but he better start getting roles soon!
    What made Arnie such a star in the first place was his amazing physique, and it’s something no other actor has really been able to replicate for the last decade. Today’s action stars just don’t have this look. Jason Statham is no Schwarzenegger in that regard.
    I’d be all for a movie about an enormous muscled up barbarian kicking ass. If not Conan, then someone should get that He-Man movie happening again. This guy looks like a perfect He-Man.

    1. Yeah same. I’d like to see a slightly more “barbarian” looking Conan. I’ve been a huge fan for twenty years and even though i liked the idea of Conan being brought to film i never really like Arnie in the role.

  5. Hey bcreek, i thought Brandon Routh was awesome as Superman, it was the script and the lack of action that were the letdowns in that movie, not him.

  6. Haven’t we already been down the road of casting actors just because they look like their 70-80’s counterparts (Ahem… Superman Returns) I hope before they officially cast this guy, they are sure that he can act first.

    1. It’s an odd thing, seeing how in the first Conan, Schwarzenegger was still a bit green on the acting side.

      I wound not mind Kick as Conan. However…I hope other filmmakers find him something else to do than be in Schwarzenegger’s shadow. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure it’s a honor for the dude for such a torch passing.

      But…if Kick is cast as Conan, I don’t want his next flick to be Total Recall, y’know?

  7. As long as it isn’t a wrestler then I don’t care who plays Conan….well they have to look the part OF COURSE, and he certainly looks fit enough to play Conan.

  8. I don’t think he looks much like Arnold, except for the physique of course, but he does look much closer to the Conan of the comic books I remember as a kid. Of course, the big question is “Vat does he zound like, by Krom?”

  9. Yeah sure he could be Conan but he doesn’t look that much like Arnie. Unlike some characters, I’m not sure the role of Conan needs to be played by anyone that looks/resembles Shwarzenegger.

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