Twilight 2 Poster

There is a new Twilight 2 poster out. The poster actually hit the web a few days ago, but I never bothered posting it… something that I think every single female Movie Blog reader (yes, believe it or not some of those do actually exist) has written to me and demanded an explanation for why that is.

So here ya go.

Honestly, and I say this a a completely hetro-sexual man, I really liked the first movie. No, I never read the books, but I enjoyed the simple and different approach to the whole Vampire mythos the film took and I can honestly say I’m looking forward to the next one. Shut up.

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19 thoughts on “Twilight 2 Poster

  1. Normally I’m sick of arguing Twilight, because nothing can convince me that it doesn’t suck and nothing’s going to convince people that like it to open their eyes to books that aren’t shit, but I’m looking forward to this sequel just so I can watch Bella bitch and whine the entire time.

  2. Twilight was terrible…!!! A friend brought it
    over to view and I knew there was a reason I
    didn’t see this at the movies! Doesn’t matter
    what anyone says… the movie sucks and know
    amount of marketing, movie stills, or fan
    response would make me think other wise.

    Here’s my quick review of Twilight… Staring at
    each other for 40 minutes, playing baseball (ha
    ha ha) & then, on the run to protect someone.
    Can you guess who wins at the end…??? Ha Ha Ha

    Also… the f/x were CRAP!!!!!!! Goes to show how
    how much they cared about the movie to release
    something like that! But… they still made
    money and really… no surprise there. People
    these days will see just about any piece of
    crap. And that’s why these movies are made…
    it’s really our fault!!! I agree with
    Persiflage… watch True Blood for a real vampire
    take… you won’t be disappointed!!!


    PS. Skin with glitter… HA HA HA HA!!!!

  3. I’m with Israel, geeze, how could anyone like this crap? Horrible directingly, sucky acting, laughable storyline, dumbass characters … basically the movie was gay. These vampires have skin with glitter on it in the light? Seriously?

    You want to see a bad-ass story about vampires, go pick up Season One of True Blood on DVD. Season Two starts pretty soon.

    True Blood Season Two up hyah, New Moon Twilight down myah … or more like, Twilight downnnnn myah.

  4. it actually looks good. simply and minimal but still good. one thing that bugs me is that limb poking out on the far right. its blurred out and looks bad.

  5. Read the books, loved them, saw the movie and was not impressed. As for this poster, it really doesn’t wow me. Everything is just so tightly packed in the middle with quite a bit of empty wasted space everywhere else.

    As for the word saga, I do think it is needed. Either that or the word series. While I do think most people will connect the name New Moon with Twilight once they see the actors, I do not doubt that many people will not (though they are not likely in the target demographic). I didn’t read the series until January, and before then I’m not sure if I would have connected the dots, not having paid attention to the first movie when it was released.

  6. Not seen the films, but I have to say I quite like this poster. Huge improvement on the posters for the first film. It actually gives me an idea of what the plot will be, which is way better than figures just posing on a black background without any context.
    Pattison doesn’t look as ridiculous as he did in the previous posters, way more vampiry.

    does anybody else think ‘saga’ is a really freaking self-important for this sort of movie though?
    Why not just call it: Twilight: New Moon
    Or just go all Dark Knight on it and call it New Moon and rely on the public to not be freaking morons.

    1. Ah, you beat me to it. But thanks for sharing the sentiment.

      I won’t bash the movie or whatever, John, it’s a movie, and you should be posting about it…but…I can’t help but twitch violently at the comment. At least us two will never demand such things from you.

  7. Dude, you dont have to explain yourself. I’m straight and I liked it (book and movie)…reading a book or watching a certain movie will not make you gayer or straighter, dont give in to everyone else’s ignorance about Twilight

    So youre saying you only release posters that are based on movies that you think are made for guys?

    BTW I prefer the edited version of this poster which has Bella with Edward… this one kinda leads you to think shes choosing Jacob over Edward…the other one just has Jacob alone in the background

  8. I had never heard of twilight until the movie came out. I too like the different approach to the vampires…It was very interesting. I just bought the second book a bout a week ago and its pretty interesting (the ware wolfs)… I am looking forward to see it….

    1. Yes, Edward won’t be in this one very much, but in the book he still dominates Bella’s thoughts, so that’s probably why he’s so dominate on the poster.

    2. I believe in the Entertainment Tonight interview they said that Edward would appear a lot more than you think in the next film, even though in the book he disappears for 400+ pages. The idea is to have him show up in Bella’s dreams and hallucinations. We’ll see how that plays out.

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