New Push Action Sequence Online

A new clip has surfaced showing some of the action of Push. Check it out:

I find this movie slowly growing on me. One of the things I always liked about Heroes on TV was that it showed pretty much how things might work if there really were superpowers in the real world. We wouldn’t have spandex clad freaks popping out of phone booths, they would be more like secret agents. Just people in people clothes.

Push seems to have picked up on this, and after clips like this, I can dig that.


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19 thoughts on “New Push Action Sequence Online

  1. This film sucks big time, it’s just so boring and reminds me of Jumpers, I did try and get into it but I found myself falling to sleep, I would rather watch a documentary on the spice girls then watch this crap.

  2. Seems to me to be a cross between Jumper (rubbish film) and Jedi powers. Not original really. And I mean, how stupid do these films need to get? The ‘enhanced government operatives’ thing rings bells – The Bourne Trilogy type thing. Be original Paul McGuigan!

  3. I kinda liked Jumper :(….ya the acting from the main guy wasn’t very good. His relationship with the girl in the movie was completely awful. But I really liked the action sequences. The sort of badboy Jumper was fun to watch fight against Samuel L Jackson’s character.

    This movie looks alright from trailers. This clip seemed kinda boring to me tho for a fight clip. The rainbow effect when they use their powers looks a bit silly.

  4. if superheroes lived they wouldnt be in abrecrombie clothes being spies

    if i were a supe id be wearing some sort of military suit and mask and id be torturing people moonknight style….not dressed like a douche…

  5. Btw, I saw pics of Dakota Fanning. How does she look like a “whore”? I’ve seen her wearing a t-shirt with a jacket over it and a skirt with a messenger bag. Did I miss something? Skirt = whore?

  6. @kinoo: I’m going to have to say I’m not really convinced by what you’re saying (not that I think this movie is going to be great or anything). I’ll wait for more proper reviews.

  7. “this scene is like the biggest moment of the movie.”

    IF that is true, then I’m not interested in this movie. A big moment should be more impressive and grand than this clip shows.

  8. @Formless: Yeah I know but in the movie it’s plain ridiculous. I don’t care about science, ti’s how they translate it to the screen that matters. And in Push they obviously screw it up (just as the rest of the movie)

  9. @Kino: A screaming power is nothing new. If a sound was loud enough, not only would it destroy your eardrums, it would kill you if you were close enough and if the blast from the sound were strong enough. I assume this power was meant to be that strong. Here’s to science!

    PS: Just FYI, people also laugh when people get murdered in films. Shows how desensitized we are.

  10. And I forgot, some of the character’s power is to scream so they can kill their ennemies with the sound coming from their mouth. The whole audience was laughing, it was embarassing !

  11. I saw the movie, this scene is like the biggest moment of the movie. The rest SUCKED BIG TIME. All the good ideas of the movie are based on X-Men or Heroes. The action is lame, the actors are lame (WTF Djimoun Hounsou, there were a time when you got Oscars nominations man! Dakota Fanning is dressed like a wh**e and she’s 14! Camilla Belle’s biggest moment is when she took a cup of coffee reminding the audience of the Clooney What Else ad she played in), the editing is lame and the movie almost last 2 HOURS!!! A good contender for next year Razzie !

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