Thor Image From Upcoming Animated Series

We have a sneak peek today at what the upcoming animated Thor cartoon may look like. Thanks to and bamkapow for the hookup!


From where I sit – this looks pretty bad ass. I was worried they were going to “jazz up” his outfit – but it looks true to the comics and I am quite pleased with this.

International friends – what do you think of the cartoon stylings?

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12 thoughts on “Thor Image From Upcoming Animated Series

  1. I love that in an interview, Stan Lee, when asked by Kevin Smith about Mjølnir, how they came up with the name.
    Stan Lee answered that it was just some gibbirish they came up with.

    I love Stan Lee as much as the next guy, but Mjølnir a made up name for Thors Hammer, WTF? You can clearly see that Kevin Smith does not want to embarrass Stan Lee so he just moves on with the interview.

  2. Has the mighty Thor no followers in the realm of the Movie Blog? Well I thoroughly enjoy Thor, and I hope for the best with the cartoon. I am currently trying to write my own Thor film script, but I keep getting sidetracked. Unfortunately for Doug, the only way Thor ia guaranteed a wide audience is if they focus on the Donald Blake character as well as Thor himself. I guess the cartoon will just focus on Thor(hopefully). This is a perfect base shot for the character, although I’d prefer a larger Mjolnir(Thor’s hammer for you n00bs). And for all you He-Man praisers: That article is next door.

  3. Love the costume; too bad Thor is (cue voice of Ed Grimley) as lame as lame can be.

    I never wish a production to fail, but I just can’t see how this character will have any real appeal beyond his current fan base.

  4. Yeah, this is just a poster. But the character looks cool nonetheless, if not the same as always. He’ll probably be animated the same way they did him in the animated “Avengers” movie – which wasn’t too bad either.

  5. the style looks okay. i would prefer digital animation, like the ones in the video games, the more life like digital versions. but i’m happy, the more superhero shows the better… if i were only 12 again at this present day i would be “almost” in heaven.

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