Sims Plot Details

The Sims LogoWe have obtained news about the Sims movie plot. We get the following scoop from Producer John Davis himself thanks to our friends over at moviesonline:

“The Sims, as you know, you can control your imaginary world, right? And our movie, a young man, a 16 year old kid of a 14 year old kid and his friend get their hands on this thing called the Sims Infinity Pack, right, which kind of this very strange video game store which was there just for that moment, and seemingly wasn’t all that.

But what they realize is that they can scan their world in, because this is the most life like, real Sims game ever. And as they are playing this they are all of a sudden realizing is what they are playing on the game is having an effect on the real world. So in effect, through the game, they are able to control their world. It’s wish fulfillment, and obviously it turns against them.”

So in effect, this idea sucks. We follow the adventures of teenagers as they control and change the world around them through a video game? I was wondering how they were going to pull off a SIms movie, and it appears they have chosen the first and worst idea to come though the door.

The Sims was mainly popular with an older demographic yes/no? Why they have chosen to go this route is quite confusing, but at least we know what direction they are taking the film – right into the shitter. Video game movies continue to fail.

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11 thoughts on “Sims Plot Details

  1. Doesn’t Adam Sandler have this same movie coming out around Christmas. It’s called Bedtime Stories or something like that. This kids tell stories and they come true? The kids play a game and it come true? It’s the same shit!

  2. This is a joke, right?

    Now, I do believe there is a Sim game based around The Playboy Mansion? So they only way I can see this working for a young hip crowd is if:

    a) The kids now live next door to a strip club and/or niteclub

    b) someone puts in the wrong game on the Xbox and one block becomes Gears Of War, another a Baha-like sand dune racing;

    c) There are Sim neighbors that suspiciously look like the Superfriends/JLA/Wayne Manor

    d) a store which gives out free pizza, beer, and bubblegum and still makes a profit.

    e) Jerry Springer is President.

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