Shatner Addresses JJ Abrams Comments about a Kirk Cameo

We last spoke of Bill Shatner when we talked about JJ Abrams talking about writing a part for Shatner in his Star Trek Reboot and it appears he was only partly accurate about the situation.

The Shat himself decided to address the issue himself. says:

It seems to us that someone in the film’s production told Abrams that Shatner didn’t want to do a cameo and wanted the movie to focus on him. As you can see from the video below, Shatner says he was never contacted by someone about taking part in the movie, but agrees that he wouldn’t be up for just a cameo and suggests they resurrect him in the follow-up.

So after blowing some much deserved wind up JJ’s skirt, the Shat says he agrees that he would be opposed to a cameo, but then mentions some nonsense about bringing Kirk back.

I know this story is supposed to rewrite history so it is possible that the events that lead to Kirk’s anticlimactic demise in Generations wouldn’t happen like that, but I just don’t feel good about bringing Kirk back. He is iconic in the role, and with history rewritten, its best to leave him in the past and see what the future brings.

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24 thoughts on “Shatner Addresses JJ Abrams Comments about a Kirk Cameo

  1. One thing, that I’ve allways said was missing is that Adama hasn’t implimented some type of countermeasure to the Cylons.
    I would have ppl in R&D developing a weapon against the Cylons. Emp or a Virus.

    All their doing is relying on their FTL drives to escape after every battle.

    They know the Cylons are suseptable to virus’s, what are they waiting for ?????

    From the looks of the last season 3 episode, the Cylons have adapted their EMP weapons to attack the older ships.
    While Adama’s spooning the president he should be working on a better defensive attack plan.

  2. I’m with Rodney. It’s absolutely incorrect to call BSG a soap opera because it focuses on the characters of the show before the sci fi elements.

    But that’s what makes it so great. BSG is trying and in my opinion succeeding in showcasing realistic characters in an extraordinary situation, and part of the reason it’s so good is that they focus on the emotions and the interactions of the characters on the show.

    Real human lives are usually based largely on relationships so shouldn’t that be a big part of the show if you’re going for realism?

  3. Well Rodney, I like the show (BSG) but it seems like the best episodes are the season openers and season closers.

    Watching Starbuck and Adama skirt around was (imo) kinda a waste of time. We all know they share a deep bond. At the end of all that bs in season 3 we are left with the same outcome. They have a deep bond. Got it. Shit the forbidden love angle just seemed like a big waste of time…..

  4. Dramas are about relationships.

    Soap Operas are about unrealistic fluff entertainment. Perhaps your assessment of BSG is that you dont like story driven shows about complex interactions, and incorrectly referred to them as Soap Operas.

    There is no way in any description that serious Drama can be compared to soap operas. There is nothing serious about Soap Operas, and the only drama comes from the drama queens.

  5. I agree to a point Rodney, but after watching all 3 seasons of BSG (so far), its very heavy on relationships.
    The middle of season 3 was allmost like watching (days of our lives)…

  6. @Hero Stew, the clearly you haven’t watched the updated BSG. Its not a soap opera at all. Its drama.

    And the original, as much as it was good for its time would fail in today’s market. Cheese doesnt work as well as it did in the 70s and early 80s.

  7. Star Wars has no structure? I don’t understand.

    In Star Trek, Time travel has always been “at a whim” what always bothered me was that NOTHING bad ever happened. They save the day and not one detail is out of place. Yay for casual sex with the timestream continuum.

  8. “Why would the old stuff be thrown out? Did they “throw out” the old Battlestar Galactica? Do you care that they wont sequel that version?”

    Actually I prefer the original BG and wish they would have done more Apolo and Starbuck with Dirk and Hatch.

    I’m not a fan of soap opera’s in space.

  9. Rod

    Well we know they still happened, but it would seem that no one in this new time line would.

    I just want Trek to become like Star Wars where there is no structure.

    It’s hard to geek out when canon can bee thrown out at the whim.

    It’s what I believe is also wrong with comics. So many alternate history’s for one character. It’s a bummer to invest 300 issues into a character and then some guy comes and wipes that all out.

    I look forward to the new movies. I just hope the adhere to some history. I have to admit I wasn’t a big Enterprise fan.

  10. @Hero Stew “History starts over? I hope that isn’t true. Hundreds of books and Trek episodes would be thrown out.”

    Why would the old stuff be thrown out? Did they “throw out” the old Battlestar Galactica? Do you care that they wont sequel that version?

    The point is that it all existed. Still does. Just that there may be a NEW timeline with a new fresh story that has a chance at resurrecting the franchise.

    If they brought out ANOTHER Trek movie sequelling after the last one, the fans wouldn’t support it and it would fail. They know this.

    They needed to craft a NEXT next generation 150years later, or go back to the beginning and reboot the story.

    And as mentioned, the books didn’t count anyways.

    So they won’t make more sequels on the orginal timeline. Is that so bad? They still happened.

  11. @Herostew:

    Not exactly. First of all, if it makes anyone feel better, the events in Star Trek Enterprise won’t be affected-but that stupid finale can now be retconned!

    Or will it?

    Consider: even in a reboot or a partial reboot – in sc-fi theory someone from an alternate timeline can come back to stop the Romulans, maybe even other Romulans, or better yet, “Q”) of Trek, which is the high beauty of the story in the first place .we are *only* talking about Kirk’s Enterprise.

    Here’s a few things that will remain the same in Trek canon other than the events seen in Enterprise (note they don’t have to mention events that happened on the show, but they could since it is pre-Kirk):

    *Cochrane will still make his launch. This is undisputed, since First Contact with Vulcans was still made. If the Romulans are successful in the 23rd century and The Federation is no more, there is no reason for The Borg to go back to that timeline and Picard to go after them. If the Romulans are not successful in the long run…well, everything post TOS should remain the same.

    *Q/Q cont. remains the same, as previously mentioned.

    *There is nothing to suggest that, if all the non-red shirts survive, that choices they make would thus be changed. They are still that character; the think and behave in certain manners. Consider the story background in Wrath of Khan: Kirk is famous for “changing the odds to his favor” in the “no win” battle simulation, Kobyashi Maru (sp?) he did this at the academy after x amount of attempts. Kirk didn’t like to lose. It’s one of the things that made Wrath of Khan so great (and perhaps even Search For Spock) because in those two films Kirk loses people and/or things close to him.

    *There’s also a two to three year leftover “mission” (the series was canned before the five yr mission was up) that is ripe for mining, which reboots/retcons NOTHING.

    *The “books” themselves won’t be affected. The majority of them are non-canon anyway. Only the movies and TV shows are considered to be canon.

    *They can always reboot back without a problem.

  12. Shatner can’t pull off the look,,,, my gawd this is BluRay math,,,
    If he came back from the dead, why would he come back as a “Fat bloated Star Trek Uniform wearing convention looking” freak……?”
    That’s what you want Shatner freaks ???

  13. Rod

    History starts over? I hope that isn’t true. Hundreds of books and Trek episodes would be thrown out.

    Granted Trek fans haven’t supported Trek movies since being handed over to TNG, erasing the entire Trek history and timeline would be a bad move.

  14. idk i really think shat is pretty cool from a street perspective…he should have a show where he just goes into bad nieghborhoods and asks for directions or maybe ask for a cup of sugar? haha i would pay $30 a month just to watch it haha.

    forget ZOHAN

    you dont mess with the SHATT!

  15. Kirk is canon and NOT canon at the same time. In a nutshell, something happens and they go back to the beginning when Kirk was just graduating the academy and history starts over from there.

    This way they can reboot and keep it all at the same time.

  16. ok first lets say this…the star trek universe wether* u like it or not IMO was kinda forged around kirk…thats what made kirk so cool….shats quirky way of potraying him made it perfect…fact is im sure most of the people working on the movie probly felt shat is a douchebag…now from what i took on this little video was that shat kinda joked (which i thought was funny) about the “switch on the right” haha…but he was bieng rather polite on the words on abrahms yet i felt he was still deep down pissed about not bieng in it or asked to be in it (though he clearly wont admit it cause its better to look humbe when you wanting to be in the next movie IMO).

  17. Abrams said the reason Shatner can’t come back is because Kirk died. That tells me that Shatner’s Kirk is still cannon. I thought this was supposed to be a completely new Trek history. But according to Abrams, he is only adding to the existing one.

  18. but didnt the retirement zone or whatever that was swallow up the planet picard burried him on?
    if so then hes back in it.

    and lol @ wanting the next movie to be all about him.

  19. Normally I would agree. But the way he died was SO LAME!! And didn’t he die in some sort of a space/time continuum warp thing? I remember thinking about the ways they could plausibly bring Kirk back to life after seeing that flick. As I recall, there were a few – though now I don’t remember enough about the movie to list them.

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