Robin Williams Set To Play Lead In Bobcat Goldthwait’s WORLD’S GREATEST DAD

I couldn’t have hoped for a better story this morning ladies and gentlemen. It appears Robin Williams and Bobcat Goldthwait will join forces in Worlds Greatest Dad. We get the scoop this morning from our friends at Jo Blo:

Robin Williams has signed on to the upcoming comedy WORLD’S GREATEST DAD, which was written and will be directed by comedian Bobcat Goldthwait. Williams will play a failed writer teaching poetry at the high school. When his teenage son dies during a freak masturbation accident, he tries to cover up the embarrassment by claiming the death was a suicide. When the father’s faked suicide note gets attention, he decides to fake an entire journal to get his writing career off the ground.

This sounds like a dark comedy of legend. Robin Williams is awesome when he delves into dark comedy and I am pumper to see him in this role. I have been a fan of the comedic stylings of Bobcat since I was a child and cannot wait to see him helm a project of his own reaction. I believe the last time Robin and Bobcat teamed up – it was in Shakes The Clown. Bobcat was an alcoholic clown and Williams was a mime that ran his own school; if you haven’t seen it – do yourself a favor and track it down.

I love the idea for this film and am excited about the players involved. I will hunt for further news about this project and cannot wait to see the finished product!

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8 thoughts on “Robin Williams Set To Play Lead In Bobcat Goldthwait’s WORLD’S GREATEST DAD

  1. I am really glad that Robin is making this movie. I have been meeting with him quite a bit lately and he had some contract hesitations (actually kinda asked me for advice) Now it’s done, he said he would try to get me some work (which I am in dire need of) . I am told he is full of blarney though.

    Bobcat will be great, though he is directing and I didn’t hear anything about him acting in this movie. He has been directing Jimmy Kimmel Show.

    Wish me luck.

  2. This movie has a lot of potential I’m interested to see how it’ll play out. I love Williams when he’s not acting in a campy kid’s film. When he takes on darker roles sprinkles it with a bit of comedy and adds some of his charm you have a winning performance. His guest appearance on Law & Order: SVU this last season was really good.

  3. Bobcat actually does have some decent acting chops, but unfortunately he got stuck doing his character voice more during the height of his career. He had a pretty good guest appearance on CSI years ago, where he played a bitter comedian who ended up killing a few people after poisoning some bottled water. He was laid back, cool, calculating. I really wish he had done more of that type of work, and it looks like that wish will be granted…

  4. I have faith in Robin Williams.

    But has anyone seen Bob Goldthwait in anything that he didnt talk like the freak in police academy. I heard that was a character voice and he talks normal… but i haven’t seen it.

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