Paramount Vantage Gets Downsized

Paramount-Vantage-LogoThis is really sad news to me. Yahoo Movie News gives us this:

Paramount Pictures has downsized the art-house division that helped produce the Oscar-winning movies “No Country For Old Men” and “There Will Be Blood.” Paramount Vantage will continue as a production label under president Nick Meyer. But the 2-year-old studio’s marketing, distribution and physical production departments will be taken over by its parent.

It became a bit of a fad for the big production studios to form smaller divisions to distribute and look after smaller and more art house types of films. Among them my favorite was Paramount Vantage was the best of them. it wasn’t just films like There Will Be Blood and No Country For Old Men that they championed either. Other fantastic films like “Son of Rambow” (still my favorite film of the year so far), “Black Snake Moan”, “An Inconvenient Truth”, “The Kite Runner” and “Into The Wild” all passed through Vantage’s doors.

Thankfully they still exist, but they’re being absorbed into the larger Paramount company much more than they were before, and I can’t help but suspect it’s going to effect things quite a bit.

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3 thoughts on “Paramount Vantage Gets Downsized

  1. I’ve been a big fan of Fox Searchlight films…every time I see one I end up liking it. It’s almost (to me) a sign of very high quality every time I see that a movie is from them.

    Paramount Vantage has some good ones that they released that I can’t think of off the top of my head.

  2. Hey Christopher,

    Oh, you mean the Oscar winning film? Seems like the only person without perspective here is you.

    I love how people pathetically try to politically label you. I’ve got some people calling me a right wing nazi, and people like Christopher here labeling me a Lefty because I said something good about a movie he doesn’t like…. and then accuses ME of a lack of perspective.

    Yay for education!

  3. Dude. An Inconvenient Truth was freaking dull and full of crap, I know you’re practically horizontal on the left but please, show a little perspective when it comes to your chosen subject, will you?

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