The Macho Movie Review: Ali Babba And The Seven Saracens

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Over the next 50 weeks, we will be discussing Macho Movies; we are currently digging through the Warriors Movie Pack made available through Mill Creek Entertainment. You can find the set for about 20-30 USD. We encourage all interested to buy the pack, and/or download the films that are public domain.

Today Wintle and I are joined by the mighty Billy! We discuss Ali Babba And The Seven Saracens, Mongol, and the upcoming Sword & Sorcery sequel (go Triple Sword!). Highlights from the Ali Babba And The Seven Saracens include Jookie the petite trickster, Omar son of Bronson/Heston, an 8 man arena battle to the death and a prison harem! Sit back with a goblet of your favored poison and join as we chew the fat of macho.

For those of you following along with us in the series, please share your thoughts in the comments section!

Ladies and Gentlemen; it is my great pleasure to present our review of Ali Babba And The Seven Saracens:

Nagy deems this film to be worth 6 Hydra Head out of 9.

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6 thoughts on “The Macho Movie Review: Ali Babba And The Seven Saracens

  1. Glad you liked ABATSS, Haole! You and BRDANZIG should start an Ali Baba fanclub to counteract the Ali Baba haters.

    It was my sloppy organization that lead to our skipping Giants Of Thessaly . My apologies, and thanks for pointing it out, BRDANZIG. If you hadn’t, we would have forgotten it entirely.

    I think I said something along the same lines when we reached Last of the Vikings, BRDANZIG. The rest of the pack is just icing.

    My ideal of macho movies is that the hero tends to be physically powerful and the villain tends to be even more imposing, if not in physical strength then in politics, magic, or some combination of traits. This separates classical/mythical/sword and sorcery from more modern, fairy-tale based fantasy, like Tolkien or Willow, which places a much weaker character in the heroic role. As with anything, it’s not an absolute distinction and there are certainly exceptions to the rule.

    All that said, if they were going for a weaker hero they should have gone all the way, cut Ali Baba and centred on Jookie.

  2. So far I am really loving this series. Most of my exposure to macho movies has tended to be the 80’s. But to go back to this era of sword and sandals movies has been really entertaining. I have really enjoyed picking up this set and was worth the money I spent long ago. it earned its keep at the Last of the Vikings. After that its been sweet joy. I just listened to the podcast last night and I really enjoyed it. I did not hate Ali Babba as much as you guys though but you were right he did run away at the first sign of trouble. I did have a thought but I am not sure if ya’ll did either. the dichotomy between the characters was much like the Last of the Vikings except the hero was the weaker and the villain was the manly bad ass. I found that weird because in these movies it works better the other way around.

  3. We have the Giants Of Thessaly recorded, we just messed up the order by accident! Thank you for keeping us honest! We should have it up soon.

    How are you enjoying the series thus far?

  4. Sadly I just watched this one. I’ve been out on vacation. Is it just me or did ya’ll skip the Giants of Thessaly? Like I said I have been out and I am in the midst of catching up.

    I really enjoyed this one and thought that the villain was great. I liked how he seemed to airplane spin and then punch a lot of his opponents. The hero was ok but the romantic lead was super hot. I don’t know what it was but I think it was the impressive cleavage. When the bad guys were getting beaten by the women in the prison the actors had to be thinking “I love my job” The eight man death match was a really fucking cool idea. I think our presidential elections should be decided in the same way. I give this one 6 hydra heads out of 9.

  5. Thanks again for bringing this back Doug, I just watched this last night and will agree with just about everything exept the hero. Ali Babba was only the greatest warrior of the weakest tribe. So I would think he right on par with where he should have been, his people were slaves hiding in mountains. The villain was great, and the woman was a woman, I would rate a bit higher and give it a 7 or 8 hydra heads

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