Apparently the new post-apocalyptic Will Smith film “I Am Legend” had to get snapped back into production to redo the ending. The folks over at Latino Review give us this:
It looks like the powers-that-be over at Warner Bros. were unhappy with the ending of I Am Legend and have just finished reshoots late last week to fix that problem – says CHUD. What’s the changes? Who knows…since this movie has been in development since 1994 at Warner Bros., who knows how many times this flick has been written and rewritten.
The first gut reaction to news like this is “Oh no… this film must be a mess if they decide last minute that the ending sucked and they had to change it”… but it’s hard to do that because we all really wish George Lucas had that same idea when looking at the finished version of Jar Jar Binks. Oh that George only said “Yeah, we’re getting close to the release date… but Jar Jar didn’t turn out nearly as well as I had hoped so let’s do some re-shoots and take him out of the film”. That would have been glorious.
So who knows… we’ll have to wait to see the film. If you like the ending, then dumping the original ending and re-shooting it was genius. If the ending sucks, then we can all complain again about how studios shouldn’t step in to make changes.