I Would Still Kneel Before Zod

Terence-Stamp-ZodWith all due respect to Ian McKellen’s Magneto, Alfred Molina’s Doc Ock and Nick Nolte’s negligent father in Hulk (ok I’m kidding about that one), to this day for my money the best on screen comic book villain performance has been, and will always be Terence Stamp as your intergalactic high lord and mine… General Zod (I’m kneeling as I type that name).

“Kneel before Zod” is more than a catch phrase, it’s a way of life. You’ve heard the phrase “A happy worker is a productive worker”, well, in the new glorious Zod era: “A happy kneeling servant is a LIVING kneeling servant” and I choose to be amongst the happy living my friends. Already my WWZD bumper stickers are selling like hot cakes as we all accept the inevitable… Zod shall return!

Ok, seriously folks… I’ve gone on record a number of times proclaiming that when Singer gets around to the next Superman movie (after Valkyrie and the strike is finshed) I would love nothing more than to see General Zod as the bad guy. So it’s no surprise that the most recent rumor (remember… this is a rumor) coming out of AICN has me a bit giddy.

(The Source) has personally observed Bryan Singer at work on VALKYRIE and apparently he has been putting pressure on one of his cast members to return to his star-making role as a villain in Singer’s SUPERMAN sequel. That, of course, would be Terence Stamp and the role would be that of General Zod.

Oh yes

How amazing would that be? Don’t underestimate the power of Terence Stamp’s voice. That smooth english cunning voice. I don’t care if the man is 85 years old… if he grabbed the hottest 18 year old Cheerleader on campus and said in that hypnotic voice “Go home write on all your panties ‘This area is Terence’s domain'” you better bet your ass she’d do it.

When the first whispers of General Zod returning for Man of Steel popped up, some people bemoaned “Oh come on, they already did Zod” I noticed no one seemed to be complaining that Dark Knight was having The Joker yet again as the villain.

Anyway, this rumor is probably bull… but it’s still fun to hope.

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33 thoughts on “I Would Still Kneel Before Zod

  1. sorry john its make no sense at all.
    they puted new faces in all the central caracthers,to the point to be said was almost unbelievable to rely that those was the same persons from the old movies.
    then you put a older zod screaming revenge!!!cof!COF!!kneel before zod!!cof!cof!
    would be ridiculous,and in a case like,this doesnt matter the plot ,the script anything!

  2. I don’t get it either, John. Oh, and regarding how some people would prefer Tim Burton or McG’s vision for Superman, I guess they never read this (its a long read):
    and the script McG was attached to (written by J.J. Abrams~!)
    http://www.aintitcoolnews.com/node/13350 (UPDATE: AICN is revising, but damn, the internet was on fire from this review!)

    I am satisfied with what Singer is doing, because the links above proves that WB is capable of doing to JLA what they almost did to Superman. I mean, seriously, NICOLAS CAGE (with all due respect)!

  3. I really don’t get all this “It’s just doing Donner’s movie all over again” nonsense.

    Zod is an amazing character. You know nothing about what the plot would be, what the story would be, what the conflict would be. All you know is that Zod would be there.

    It would clearly be a very different film than Superman 2, especially considering Stamp’s age.

    Again… Batman Joker anyone?

  4. And by the way,
    We’re fine with the Joker because we know that Chris Nolan is going to make his own Batman film with his own (read: different from Nicholson or Romero) interpretation of the Joker.

    Nolan isnt remaking Burton’s Batman the way Singer remade Donner’s Superman.
    That’s why Nolan’s Joker gets a pass and Singer’s Zod doesnt.

  5. oh yay….

    So not only is Singer going to remake another Richard Donner Superman film, but he actually might go so far as to cast the same guy in the role…


    Screw Zod.
    Stamp was great… emphasis on “was”, but Christ on a popsicle stick, Singer… make your own God-D**n movie!
    Or let somebody else make one.
    F***, just about any other director alive could at least shoot a better action scene. Not that that’s what it’s all about, but holy bleedin’ hell, I’d rather see a McG Superman movie that sit through another of one of Singer’s 2 1/2 hour dry hump Dick Donner sessions.
    You love Donner’s Superman movies… WE GET IT!!! Now put your tally-whacker back in your pants and make your own Superman movie!

    Please, God…
    Let this be an internet rumor…

  6. Terence Stamp voiced the Prophet of Truth in Halo 3. Nathan Fillion also provided lines for Sergeant #2 heh…not a big part I know, but I’m guessing he’s a fan of the game which is probably why he took the role.

  7. Hey John,
    well, at least they could put him in the gear to make him fly in front of a blue screen. I doubt you want to put an 85year old man in there.

    And regarding Christopher Lee, well he was not flying around and smashing people into buildings with his super-human strength.
    It’s not that they couldn’t trick it, of course they could.
    But it would look fake as hell and with an effects-heavy movie like this, you especially need someone who at least looks convincing, otherwise people will be put off.

  8. zod is not in the same field as the joker in terms of the importance to the character of superman. luthor is and they re-made him

    i would rather see brainnac (spelling) than zod again. singer made his throwback/homage to the donner superman films, now he needs to make a singer superman film.

    it’ll be cool if zod was used in a flashback, voice over or something, but not as a main villian, use something else please!

  9. I have no doubt that Stamp could do the job well. But this should not be done. You need to let this idea go. And Singer needs to put it out of his mind.

    What we need is some fresh ideas out of Hollywood and Zod is not it. What we should see is a couple more Superman movies building up to Doomsday and the death of the son of Krypton. That would be sweet if done well. Then, if they wanted to make more movies, they could bring him back using the comic book scenario. It sends shivers down my spine!

  10. I always felt that Stamp could return to that role. Besides, old men = wise men. In Zod’s case, he’ll be extremely pissed off and treat Superman and all of us like a certain someone would to a squash, ZING!

    BTW, I personally think Singer used Superman Returns to get his love of the first film out of his system. Just like X2, Singer can now execute the sequel to feature action.


  11. @ 1138, while I will agree that the plot of Returns was a rehash of Superman: the movie, Singers take on the character of Superman was completely fresh and original.

    While the action was lacking, I was totally caught up in the development and exploration of Superman and his dilemma of who he is and what his place is on earth after his absence.

    I think Singer got to do what he wanted to do with Returns, and if you liked it, you have more invested in the characters than ever, so now in the sequel Singer can start tearing them apart and I think it will make for some incredible story telling…with much more action.

  12. @ Kistina… Its a “vague sequel”. Meaning, it is loosely based on Superman I & II, which is basically an excuse to make refereances and use backstory so as not to have to retell the origin, but at the same time ignore things they dont want to use as though they never happened. Singer is kinda having his cake and eating it too.

    So basically anything that isnt directly referenced from the Donner films may be changed to fit where Singer wants to go with his story.

  13. Oh and John. while I wouldn’t mind seeing Zod again, because I do love the character, I don’t trust Singer to give that interesting modern character reinvention…I think he might give us a rehash of the same old same old…and that I don’t think I want to pay 12 bucks to see…but I probably will since it is Superman. And who doesn’t want to see a man fly?!!

  14. Hey John,

    I don’t think the same thing could be said of Joker. Granted he’s been all over the comics and the movies, both live and anime…but there is reason for that…people love the Joker…his character design allows him to be reinvented multiple times…and let’s face it people love pure evil and the Joker is pure evil…heh heh heh. :) And people love to see evil up against good.

    Plus the connection between the Joker and Batman…historically they are so intertwined on almost spiritual level…

    And Kristina, SR was supposed to be a standalone but the plot points, the real estate theme again, luthor and his cronies, the lame references to Donner’s movies, just the overall arc of the movie itself matches that of the original Superman the movie. And Singer was looking for a Chris Reeve Superman not an original interpretation…Singer kept on referring to Donner’s Superman as reference for his film…while imitation can be flattering it can also be very dull…

  15. This confuses the hell out of me. SR is supposed to be a “standalone” Superman film, right? So, it’s not a sequel to the Chris Reeve films. The only connection to those films is that, duh, it’s the same characters and there are nods here and there to the original. So, if they bring in an original villain from the original films…..I don’t know. I’m not against Terrence Stamp at all, but the timeline for this new franchise is already muddled up with thanks to that whole baby daddy thing, and adding in the original Zod might make it worse.

  16. Hey 1138,

    exact same thing could be said of Joker.

    This isn’t like Luthor (who was in all 4 Superman films). This is a fantastic character who was used once… and obviously at his age, the story with Zod would be fundamentally different than it was in Superman 2.

    I agree though that another villain as well would be good.

  17. I do agree with Mozzerino that this really is a been there done that issue…it would be nice for Singer to jump off this “Homage” to Donner and move on to something original…come on it’s the 21st century with FX that can re-imagine almost anything! Let’s do something new!!!!

    Enough of this Superman circa 19070’s thing!!!

  18. Hey Mozzerino

    Exactly what was “physically demanding” of anything C.R. did as Superman in any of the original films? Or what did Stamp do that was “physically Demanding” in Superman 2?

    If they can take Christpher Lee and put him in lightsaber fights, then getting Stamp in Superman would be no problem at all.

    He’s ZOD! He doesn’t need to do Kung Fu.

  19. I would like to see Stamp as Zod, but not as the main villain…I know they can do some amazing things CGI but I want to see a young powerful “in their prime” sort of nemesis for The Man of Steel.

    Another option, have Stamp voice the role of Brainiac.

    If they do bring back Zod, I think Jude Law was a perfect choice, and if he wont do it… you might as well have another villain.

    OR they could use the old “tear in the space time continuum and have an elderly Zod coming to earth to wreak havoc at local bowling alleys and Golf courses of Metropolis.

  20. Naaaahhhh…..don’t like the idea.
    Singer already remade SUPERMAN – THE MOVIE, he shouldn’t remake SUPERMAN II as well.
    As cool as Terrence Stamp is, man, he’s OLD!!
    Do you want Superman to fight an 85 year-old man? That would be ridiculous! His voice may be awesome, but he’s not in the shape anymore for a part that would be that physically demanding.
    Remember, what people really wanna see in the next Superman-movie, is Supes fighting someone who could match him power-wise. A physically on par adversary. With Stamp, he could as well fight Grandpa Simpson.
    Of course I mean no disrespect to Terrence Stamp of course, but for something like this it’s much too late.

  21. There are some differences John between ZOD and The Joker…the Joker has become Iconic…ZOD has not. The Joker is synonymous with Batman…basically his total antithesis. The Joker has been constantly being re-imagined by everyone from Frank Miller to Grant Morrison to Jim Lee and has clearly been the most popular villain of the Batman Universe and one of the most popular of any Genre.People love utter evil and the Joker is the most pure representation of that.

    Zod while somewhat popular is not Superman’s antithesis…Luthor is. Luthor is the one constantly re-imagined in the Superman Universe…from creatives like John Byrne to Marv Wolfman. Luthor will forever be connected to Superman like the Joker to Batman.

    And let’s face it, people were bemoaning Luthor in the last movie…people had that been there done that before and Zod does fall into that category.

    The Joker, because of his design will always seem fresh and interesting…he literally is the insanity that people love to see.

    Also let’s face it…I think most people want to see Dommsday.

  22. It would be great to get Terence back as Zod. There were those rumours about trying to get Jude Law, but I would rather have the original actor. How about getting Non and Ursa back too?

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