19 thoughts on “New Hitman Poster

  1. Agreed with Russian. Why not all stereotypes were used? Where are bears with balalikas on the streets? There should have been ones and the movie wouldn’t be that aweful! Why there was no vodka??? And why Belicoff didn’t eat children for breakfast?

  2. That’s tha worst american movie i’ve ever seen!!!!!!!! Hitman comes to Russia. Oh man before making a movie at least come to Russia. All the signs in the movie are written with mistakes, some of them not in russian language. Second of all there is NO board between Russia and Turkey. And finally we ARE NOT CATHOLIC we r orthodox.

  3. If the movie is rated R it has a chance if they bullsh** it up for a pg-13 rating so all the kiddies can see it the movie will fail horribly and will never be spoken of again


  4. At first I thought th poster was a rip off from the game. No? Oh well.
    I really, really want this to be good. Or at least, comes with a good soundtrack. Does anybody listen to the Blood Money soundtrack? Gad I love it.

  5. I think you’re right Jeff. I think Hitman is going to come out of no where and hit the nay-sayers right in the junk.

    Simple enough set-up, no over-reliance on plot or sci fi, enough variance to allow a decent director have their own style, and a ton of guns – sounds like a summer movie to me.

  6. I will bet my balls that this will be a good movie, I would bet a squash fucking this will be a good movie – they just really don’t know how to promote it very well… one last thing, IT’S NOT A UWE BOLL FILM – So its already on the good side…

    (fucking Uwe Boll, god I hate him)

  7. The only difference between the video-game poster and this one is that the VG poster was landscape and this one portrait.

    Not looking forward to this movie, even though I’m a huge fan of the VG’s.

  8. Not sure how old you were under the impression of Agent 47 being, but Timothy Olyphant is 39 years old, not 18. I’ll admit he looks young, but not overly so. Regardless, I highly doubt that his apparent age will be the downfall of this film. I think the writing/directing will take care of that.

  9. What makes it a great poster is that you can’t see his 18yr face. The guy was suppose to be an old pro. Jean Reno, Vinnie Jones or Jason Statham have the look. This guy does not.

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