Jurassic Park 4 – Dinos With Guns

Jurassic-Park-4-WThere is a scene in Jurassic Park that epitomizes for me all that is wonderful about the movies. The first time they get out of the jeep and stand amongst the living dinosaurs was one of the most awe inspiring scenes in movie history. You gasped, you believed, and you lost yourself in the movie at that moment.

The franchise has lost momentum and declined in quality with each passing film. Gone is that sense of wonder and awe instilled by the first one. But still, our ears still perk up at the idea of a Jurassic Park 4, which we’ve known for some time is on the way. But this… this news I read today… I just… I’m speechless again… but not for good reasons. Bloody Disgusting gives us this:

Bloody-Disgusting learned this weekend that Universal Pictures has officially begun casting for Jurassic Park IV, which will film in Kauai, Hawaii later this year! Laura Dern confirmed her return to the franchise as Dr. Ellie Sattler here as Sam Neill will NOT return. We’re told that the film is about the government who has trained dinosaurs to carry weapons and use them for battle purposes.

So… we’re going to get a T-Rex with frigging rocket launchers mounted to it? Velocer Raptors with AK 47’s? A Triceratops ready bust a cap in your ass? Have things really come to this?

But who knows right? Maybe they’re just throwing it all out the window and had a fun idea for an all out balls to the wall actions adventure movies with giant dinosaurs with laser beams strapped to their fricking heads rampaging through Bagdad hunting for Osama. Could be fun. It probably won’t be… but it could.

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25 thoughts on “Jurassic Park 4 – Dinos With Guns

  1. I want Jurassic Park 4 but the idea of dinos with guns is dumb. I think they should have a movie when the dinos get off the islands! And what ever happened to the flying dinosaurs at the end of JP3.

  2. that’s frickin stupid. i want it to be like the first and second. does anyone agree with me??? seriously, michael chrichton would sooo totally be pist!!!

  3. This is going to suck without Goldblum, Sam, and Dern.
    No wait, this is going to suck balls period.

    On a better note, when I think of Laura Dern, I think of that great fucking fake orgasm she did in Rambling Rose.
    FUCK MEG RYAN, SHE HAD NOTHING ON LAURA’S ORAGASM! Holy shit that was hot! NO WAIT! Haas was like a kid. Now I feel guilty. BUT YO! that bitch is hot

    sorry. is ok now.

  4. Has anyone considered just not killing the franchise any further and just waiting a few more years and maybe (feel free to call me crazy) follow the original story line from the first 2 books? (ya know, kill off those who should have been killed…)
    Maybe then we could see the dinos mixed with the chameleon dna.
    C’mon people, help me out!

    as for the dinos with weapons, seriously, dinoriders would be better. quit making jurassic park a crappy b series.

    1. Gasp! Blashemy! Following the plot of the much better and awesome book?! How dare you suggest that Universal actually use a decent idea.

      But seriously, J is completely right; I have no idea why they couldn’t be at least a LITTLE more accurate to the books. I’d really like it if they just remade the second one to not suck and be accurate to the amazingly better book.

      Also, the dino-chameleon DNA thing was AWESOME.

  5. D-War! D-War! the Korean’s have already got dragons with rocket launchers.

    Lost all interest with the JP films after the 2nd one was just plain awful. And it had frickin’ Spielberg at the helm. JP2 is worse than 1941 and Always.

  6. Ok you got to be kidding this is outright absurd. They are turning this series into a joke and I personaly thought The first one was astounding. I hope the dinos eat the script. This is worst then having your teeth pulled with no novacain by a monkey on crack whose half blind.

  7. Now there was a script out there a few years ago that included this plot,. Aint It Cool News did a script review for it. I personally dont think thats in the loop anymore, and if it is, something tells me it wont ever get off the ground, lets hope im right! Of course, I dont see why it matters to me, let them make a cruddy film and let it fall to the ground right after the trailer comes out

  8. This plot has actually been not-so-secret for about 3 years, when AICN had a script review of a draft by (no lie) indie icon John Sayles and “Departed” scribe William Monahan. Check it out there:


    The plot sounds entirely ridiculous, but I can’t help but feel that a couple writers of the Sayles/Monahan caliber might actually be on to something. Beats the “missing kid versus bad cellphone reception” plot of the last movie.

  9. Hey, those velociraptors ARE established in the films as being pretty smart animals. That would be funny as hell to see them packing heat and you all know it!

  10. Hey MOFO, that was exactly what I was thinking of when I read this post. It has to be some joke..oh please I hope it’s a joke. The next thing you will probably hear is that the dinosaurs talk.

  11. I am reminded of the time, during the production of Peter Jackson’s King Kong, when PJ himself released an April Fool’s joke, talking about a sequel in which King Kong’s son fights nazis alongside Americans at war. Now, naturally, everyone burst out into hysterical laughter when the idea was thrown at them and found it even funnier when it was revealed to be a joke. BUT NOW THEY ACTUALLY ARE MAKING A MOVIE LIKE THAT! My faith in humanity is sooooo lost at this point.

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