London Man Attacks with Freddy Krueger Glove

Life imitates Art. It happens. And I think that is all there is to be said about the connection between this act and the movie character that inspired it. But not all there is to be said about why.


Some asshat in London has re-fueled the whole violence-in-media debate after indulging in his own murderous impulses. A rabid fiend of horror movies, especially the A Nightmare on Elm Street series, Jason Moore took a home-made Krueger knife glove and attacked his sleeping friend, slashing him in the face, neck and hands. The friend survived, but Moore has received life in prison for his crime. An investigator of the attack stated: “It is obvious these films influence the way people act. It gives us some concern, and unfortunately we have to pick up the pieces afterwards.”

First off let me commend this writer for calling this violent offender an asshat. It’s my favourite insult word.

Secondly, the article later mentions that this guy was also a big “fan” of serial killers, but the media wasn’t reporting THAT influence, just the focus on the Freddy Scissorhands.

This is not the first time we see this kind of media scapegoat. In the 70s it was Dungeons and Dragons being blamed for Satanic rituals and disappearing kids in sewers. In the 80s we saw Rock Music being blamed for disobediant kids (Thanks Twisted Sister) and suicides, and finally in the 0s and even still we hear movies and video games being blamed for violent behaviours.

Now I am not going to argue that these things can clearly influence or inspire some acts, like this asshat and his method of choice inspired by Krueger’s bladed glove. But really is it valid to say that it was Krueger that inspired this behaviour (or horror movies in general) or are those just feeder fish to the bigger problem?

This guy’s unhealthy attachment to serial killers and violent behaviour was likely what made Kreuger appeal to him, not the other way around.

One of my favourite XBox games is Crash Burnout. In this game you are to run your opponents off the road or force them to smash into innocent bystander’s vehicles in order to earn some turbo points to increase your chance of winning a race on the streets of major cities around the world.
Does this mean I am going to become an erratic driver? Suffer from road rage? Run people off the road because they get in my way? I WISH!! That would be so much easier than just sitting in traffic.

Oh wait. I have a brain. So I don’t do that. If I did, it wouldnt have been the result of one video game. There would be a pile of OTHER problems if I suddenly went postal.

So stop blaming Freddy Krueger for real life acts of violence. Lets look at the REAL problems and get these people some help with ALL their problems.

What do you guys think on this?

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8 thoughts on “London Man Attacks with Freddy Krueger Glove

  1. While there a few major exceptions, when it comes down to it, various media, be it music, Tv/films and games always become the scapegoat for the evils of the world. People look for answers. Instead of blaming the individual who commits the crime, it is the “Devil Made Me Do It / God Told Me To”. Here it is different names but the same old song.

    You’ll note I said there are some exceptions. I believe gangsta rap may influence and re-enforce stereotypes to the point of youth acting out in such manners. I believe that hard core porn can influence people to commit rape and/or murder, as such dehumanizes people. I also believe that many who commit suicides, murders etc. have other influences as well. Seclusion is one, drugs and/or alcohol abuse is another.

    In many cases, what we find is someone who either snapped for a variety of reasons, drug abuse, or worse yet, an ulterior motive. (Such as jealousy, revenge, other crime, cash money) How do they sweep all that under a rug? Blame anyone other than themselves.

    When God Didn’t Tell Them To, The Devil Didn’t Make Them Do It, it has to be that body count in Elm Street, Saw and 300. When that fails, there’s that last minute backup plan.

    Mom and Dad, it’s your fault.

  2. people should stop blaming movis and vidso games they are just fun and an art just lock up the people who do kill and copy these movies or video games.

  3. It’s ridiculous how much people want to blame the media when crap like this happens. All the blame rests on the person who committed the act, not which movie/video game he decided to mimic. I’ve seen tons of horror movies and I’m not sawing people in half with a chainsaw. This asshat just gave people another reason to attack violence in movies and video games.

  4. Wasn’t Freddy originally also a child killer and molester? Did he diddle his pal too? Hmmm I guess all that is left now is for the Londoners to burn him in the boiler room.
    Geez what a moron. Way to go…Jason. Although, Maybe you should’ve modeled yourself after Voorhez rather than Krueger at least the name wouldn’t been similar.

    They are movies! Artful expressions and reflections of the human condition. If you wanna copy something why not something that benevolent thatcan change that human condition for the better,yamoron!
    We know how horrible we can be to one another, we just don’t like to admit it.Leave Freddy and Wes and Film and Art alone. Blame yourself for not using your mind for something better.

    I heard that back in the day, “IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE” was looked at as a film that had subject matter that was too dark for the general public and almost didn’t get played. Maybe it’s not the film that’s too dark….

  5. How does locking away people solve the problem when they simply have a difference of opinion as to the root cause of a problem.

    I believe that they are wrong, but I am not silly enough to say locking them away is going to prove anything.

  6. You want to know what I think should happen to all those idiots who blame video games &/or movies for their own problems? They should be locked in an asylum.

  7. This reminds me of a joke i heard Chris Rock tell. It goes something like. People are always blaming the Music kids listen too or the Movies they have seen or the Video games they play for their Violent actions like school shootings. What ever happened to crazy? Remember when people were just crazy? Whoa that guy killed a bunch of people, he must be bat shit crazy. Also I don’t think Hitler had cable.

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