Whedon Announces Wonder Woman is Cast!

Finally Joss Whedon goes on record to face the rumours that the covetted role of Wonder Woman has been cast!

ComicBook Movie spotted:

Jessica Rose, the New Zealand actress who fooled the Internet crowd with her portrayal of a horny 15-year-old YouTuber named LonelyGirl15, is the new Amazonian Princess! That according to a very cheeky Joss Whedon.

The article carries on to quote Joss Whedon as admitting that this rumour is TRUE! Ok, he does it to mock how stupid this idea is, but its truely funny and quite typical of Joss Whedon to face down details like this with his own humour.

I saw an interview with Joss Whedon a while back that had him posing as a Joss Whedon Impersonator where he labeled himself as an over rated hack but still devilishly handsome. So classy!

So it looks like we will have to wait a little longer for Wonder Woman to be cast!

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9 thoughts on “Whedon Announces Wonder Woman is Cast!

  1. Regardless of who is cast, regardless if Joss Whedon drops out and quits tommorow (unlikely, but bear with me) I have agree with Rod. Wonder Woman is a comic book character with name value and familiarity. The character is also DC’s top three (Supey, Bats, WW… Flash is #4)

    But I do think Whedon is dragging his feet on this…a little. Not too much, though. I’d rather have lots of thought and planning as opposed to rushing things. As to someone actually thinking the Lonely Girl being up for the role (first time I myself have heard this internet opium -like pipe dream rumor-I think it was made up to discredit Whedon?)

  2. Bond James, I am going to have to disagree with you.

    Wonder Woman is one of the “top 3” important characters in the DC comics universe. There is no way they would let a character that important slip into the obscurity of direct to video.

    It is, and will get made. Superhero movies are bank lately.

  3. Zues, did you READ the post?

    She’s not being cast. There was a wild rumour online that she was, and this was Joss’ way of dealing with the fact that someone even approached him to confirm this ludicrous rumour.

  4. This is funny and all, but I wish he’d hurry up and get on with it. Not that I’m a big Wonder Woman fan, but if anyone can finally give the world a decent female superhero, you’d think it would be Joss Whedon.

    Come on, Joss! Stop with the comic crap and make us some snarky films!

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