The Fountain Gets Booed

The-FountainThe upcoming Darren Aronofsky film “The Fountain” just played at the Venice Film Festival… and it didn’t quite get the reaction I think it was hoping for from the audience. Reports are coming in that as the credits on the film started to roll… the audience actually BOOED. Actually, the phrase that is being used is “roundly booed”. Yikes! Didn’t see that coming.

Now, I said before that I didn’t like the trailer for it… but that I was still VERY MUCH looking forward to seeing it. But now… hmmm… I don’t know. Variety also gave it a very negative review. The folks over at cinematical threw this little observation in:

And what’s with all this booing that seems to go on at international film festivals? I once sat through a Toronto Film Festival screening of Tideland, and although a whole lot of people bailed on the movie, the people who stuck it out didn’t feel the need to BOO the flick. Hell, that audience didn’t even boo freakin’ Revolver!

Well, I guess like most things in life we’ll just have to wait and see. The film opens wide November 22nd, but has a screening here at the Toronto International Film Festival next week. I’ll be curious to see peoples reactions. So what are you expectations of The Fountain?

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22 thoughts on “The Fountain Gets Booed

  1. And oh, I forget:

    It’s pretty obvious that we all just desperately want this film to be good. Having seen Requiem for a Dream and been admiring its writer/director for some time now it looks like we all can’t even stand the thought that Aronofsky might have screwed this up.

    I think we just have to realize: This might be a bad film.

    Having said and accepted that we can now all calm down and just wait for the film, because, you know…….IT MIGHT BE GOOD!

    Actually I’m still convinced it is.

  2. Um, guys……WHY DO YOU CARE ABOUT THIS?!??

    If I was you I would be counting down the days until November. In Germany we still have to wait until NEXT YEAR!! THAT is much worse than some people of which I don’t know if they have any taste for movies booing a film by a director who as far as we know is very capable.

  3. Pulp Fiction was booed at Cannes? Where are your sources? Sorry I can’t take your word for it. I personally think you made that up Wolf….. This is one of many things wrong with blogs people just make stuff up.

  4. To everyone in this talkback, just rememebr that European Arthous Snobs are the lowest form of mammal on Earth, and you should wait to see it yourself before you judge.

  5. Uhh, we need to keep in mind that its a bunch of half-witted euros that booed. I’m sure they’d boo the Godfather if they had never seen it before.

    I’ll reserve judgement until I see it.

    F- off Venice.

  6. Actually apparently the news was over-exagerated, and that it was half-booed/half-cheered. Anyways it got a good amount of pretty amazing reviews. Still excited to see it, besides I doubt it’s bad because why would a bad film be in competetition at Venice. Oh and lastly, I will be seeing the Fountain on the 14th at the Toronto Film Festival. Will give a heads up on it.

  7. Booing at Cannes has been around for years, trying to watch a film peacefully at Cannes is a major problem the festival has. Not all that surprised is spilled over to other festivals, who cares anyway?

    You don’t know who was booing or why, so it’s not really conclusive evidence of a good/bad film.

  8. Audience: Boo! Boo!
    Burns: Smithers…are they booing me?
    Smithers: Uh, no, they’re saying “Boo-urns! Boo-urns!”
    Burns: Are you saying “boo” or “Boo-urns”?
    Audience: Boo! Boo!
    Hans: I was saying “Boo-urns”…

    I’ll check it out just to see what all the booing was all about.

  9. Shit I was really looking forward to this film, but now, now not so much. I’m going to wait until more reviews comes out. This was on my top movies I wanted to see this year. Maybe it could have been booed because of the ending…

  10. just to get it in before anyone else…


    just kidding – looking forward to viewing it….hope it is better then they make it out to be.

  11. I’m personally still looking forward to seeing this movie… I don’t care if some f**kers are booing or not. These kind of reports don’t mean s*it about the quality of the film. I have seen good reviews about this movie, so my expectations are still high.

    Maybe this is not a movie for a mainstream audience, but still you should not be booing at the movie. Show a little courtesy and good manners… or go and see a Rob Schneider film.

  12. I’m seeing this at the copenhagen film festival this month.

    I don’t like these rumours of festival reactions. Cannes gives ‘Clerks 2’ a standing ovation? Didn’t make it worth watching. Same with Kill Bill 2.

    Maybe other people disagree – I could just be the only one who has different taste than the Cannes festival.

  13. I’m still looking forward to seeing it.

    This booing at festivals thing is relativerly new thought. As far as I can remember, it only really started to pick up steam after the movie about the rabbit in the volkswagon van driving cross crountry was shown at one of the festivals. Since then, it’s become more accepted to boo. It’s not something I agree with but, to each their own.

  14. Yeah, it’s a potential bad sign. But don’t for get, Pulp Fiction was booed by many people at Cannes, and it ended up winning the Palme d’Or (much to the displeasure of many people). I think Aronofsky fans will enjoy The Fountain even if it doesn’t get positive critical attention.

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