Spy Hunter Is Still On – Sort Of

Spy Hunter has been “in the works” for some time now. They’ve got their star (Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson) and a bunch of the other pieces in place… but despite several proclamations that they were “almost ready to go!”, the film still sits in limbo.

Apparently, reports of the projects demise have been greatly exaggerated, and according to The Rock, the project is still very much alive. It’s just not doing anything. The folks over at JoBlo give us this:

Says (The Rock): “It’s the ongoing saga of SPY HUNTER. “[They’re] continuing to write the script. You know, but then we have the new Bond, Mission:Impossible come out… conceptually, it’s great and you kind of want to get it right. If it’s not right, you can’t spend a hundred million dollars and get it wrong. I met with the writers, you know, Stuart Beattie’s great, turned in great drafts, but it’s just a matter of everyone agreeing that this is the movie we want to make, and when you have a movie of that size, as you guys know, there’s so many people involved… if everybody’s not in agreeance and it’s not gelling, well then it just doesn’t move forward and it just hovers and stays.

Sounds like there are too many cooks in the kitchen. Make up your damn minds. Put someone in charge, make a decision and then move forward. This isn’t “taking your time”… this is coming to a stall… two very different things.

Spy Hunter will suck… it’s a video game adaptation after all. But I’m still looking forward to seeing it just because for some strange reason I dig movies with The Rock… even when they suck hard *cough cough… Doom… cough*.

Still, the news could have been worse for Spy Hunter. They could have announced that they hired my next door nieghbor Eddie to direct it. I hear he directed a yogurt commercial once and did a splendid little Star Wars fan film. (just a friendly Halo jab)

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17 thoughts on “Spy Hunter Is Still On – Sort Of

  1. Face/Off is, by far, one of the best action movies I’ve ever seen. Funny how when it first came out, the face transplant thing was seen as far-fectched, and now they have the technology to actually do it.

  2. Actually Face/Off is the one I liked. I’ll give him that one. Very cool film. I think that one works because it had an utterly spastic premise and two actors who are very good at shouting. Cage and Travolta have rarely been more fun. Woo did a good job on that. (Gina Gershon is HOT.)

    I think my enthusiasm for Woo died when I checked out his imdb about a year or so back. Listed there, in a row, were Turtles (back when I thought it would turn out bad :D), Metroid and bloody He-Man. I couldn’t help but think that he was turning into the bad Paul Anderson or something.

    Now, checking again, I’m willing to give the guy another shot just because of how frickin’ cool the next one looks. All those movies have vanished and his next is a Chinese film rumoured to star Chow Yun Fat, Tony Leung, Andy Lau and Ken Watanabe. That’s a hell of a cast. Hope it happens. Maybe it’s a little unfair to rip on a guy for rumours about stuff he’s doing but after M:I 2, Paycheck and especially Windtalkers it’s hard to get excited.

  3. Seems like I’ve been hearing about this movie for 5 years now, and they’re still haven’t got a script? How hard can it be?

    The Rock’s got a car that shoots stuff and drops oil slicks and occasionally changes into a boat. He uses this car to hunt spies. The Peter Gunn theme song plays ominously in the background. Go!

  4. Well, I realise that. That was just a theory. He doesn’t strike me as the scariest, most commanding director in the world so maybe all those big stars started running the show. Maybe not. However, I am sure they had something to do with the extraordinary amount of suckage.

  5. Big fan of The Rock. Lots of personality, funny and he can punch people really well. I liked Doom. It took a while to get going but I liked where The Rock’s character went and that FPS sequence was great.

    John Woo’s not on this any more? Good! Get his ass back to China. He’s made nothing but rubbish ever since he got to America. I think it’s these Hollywood stars that have been dragging him down.

    Tom Cruise sees Hard Boiled. Cruise hires Woo for M:I 2. Cruise gets to enact Hard Boiled fantasies on screen by bullying Woo into putting in pigeons and two-handed pistol fights. Same story with Nic Cage and Travolta and Van Damme.

    Or John Woo suddenly went shit.

  6. I liked Doom. Ish. Mainly because I’m a fan of both Karl Urban and The Rock.

    I played this game back on the PS2, slick game ‘an all, but a movie, no. Just no.

  7. I like “The Rock”. The guy has some ‘chops’ as you put it. “The Run Down” was pretty decent and as much as you may hate “DOOM”, I didn’t mind it all that much. It had some cool sequences. I do agree that there seem to be too many people involved with the script. Since when do they have stars read draft scripts? Is this a common happening that I don’t know about? It just seems….wrong.

  8. Well, at least The Rock has done and is doing other stuff like Southland Tales and The Gridiron Gang which is basically just another Longest Yard, but a drama not a comedy. And I agree with you John. For some reason I just like anything with The Rock in it except I wasn’t foolish enough to have any hope in Doom EVER being good. I knew it was going to be trash, so I didn’t even waste my time, but I don’t blame The Rock for it sucking hard. It was the idiots who decided to make it’s fault. Plus FIRST PERSON VIEW? Yeah, that’s just stupid.

  9. I LOVE this man. I’ve been a huge fan of his from his WWE days, but once you put him on a movie set, he turns even more wooden than Orlando Bloom. Christ dude, get an acting coach or get your ass back in the ring.

  10. I wanted SO MUCH to like Doom but man did that suck. You had to keep adjusting the contrast on your tv just to see what was going on. I like The Rock. I like him as a spy. Just hope it isn’t…..DOOOMED….BWAHAHAHAHAHA! I made a funny.

  11. you just couldnt resit it, could ya? I have way more interest in this movie now that John Woo is not involved. PLEASE dont get me wrong. I love John Woo’s Hong Kong Projects (Hard Boiled is my favorite, but The Killer and A Better Tommorrow 2 are excellent also), Face-off is one of myfavorite movies, Broken Arrow and even Hard Target are movies I love – BUT John Woo has lost his way in American cinema. Did anyone actually see WindTalkers or Paycheck… They both sucked major ass. John Woo needs to do a couple of movies in China to get his bearings back. – Which is what he is doing right now as he is making The Battle of Red Cliff starring Chow yun-fat, Andy Lau, Tony Leung and Colin Chau (seraph in the Matrix sequels).
    Plus, I dont think the GGI heavy/sci-fi elements of Spy-Hunter really compliment John Woo’s style. I’ll probably get killed for saying this, but I dont think Micheal Bay would be a bad choice for this movie.

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