Angelina Jolie for Bond girl?

AngelinaJolie.jpgThere are a couple of news sources I really do take with a healthy scattering of salt, mainly daily UK tabloids. That’s because they post gossip rather than rumour and fact, there’s also been many a case of lies. However the story that Angelina Jolie is considering a Bond role has now come through the Guardian, which is definitely more trustable.

Angelina Jolie is considering a part as a Bond girl in the new 007 movie if the role is toughened up, according to the Sun.

Oh dear. Maybe it’s not that good after all, still, let’s go with it. Apparently she’s saying no so far as the role isn’t meaty enough for her. Seems she doesn’t want to play a role that’s too lightweight. Mmm…Lara Croft? Mrs Smith? Sway in Sixty? Of course the other thing to consider is that Bond movies are deep intellectual films looking at rich, well developed characters with interesting and complex personalities.

Ach come on, it’s a Bond movie! You’d look great in it! Now I’m excited about Bond casting! However the news might not be so good.

An “insider” told the newspaper: “Angelina would rather play a baddie than eye candy.”

What do you think? Bad news for the guys? Bad news for Bond..again?

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10 thoughts on “Angelina Jolie for Bond girl?

  1. If they stick to the book at all she has no place in it. The only lead female in Casino Royale is more docile and there is no “Baddie” female role unless the screenwriter introduces one. As for Vespar, the female in Casino she is no where near as strong and dominate as Jolie, if they are going with a lesser known actor for Bond than they should cast a no-name for his lead as they did in Goldeneye.

  2. First off, I can’t stand Angelina Jolie and her feminazi “lets make every woman stronger than man” attitude.

    But outside of that, why the hell would you introduce a controversial new bond and then pair him with/against someone that will obviously upstage him? This is bond and they need to make sure its HIS movie.

  3. Even when you have a movie with a macho character like Bond, they still have to overshadow him with a tough female character. I think its as terrible idea; Bond should be the focus of the film, and he won’t be with her in it. This guy has already started out on the wrong foot with saying how he hates guns and is disturbed with what guns can do, etc…. What an idiot. You’d never hear Angelina Jolie say that, so maybe they should just have her play Bond instead, she’d make it a more macho character than that clown.

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