Top 10 Animated Films of All Time

LionKing78.jpgLast week I saw no less than 3 other sites give their opinions about the “best animated films of all time”. So I thought I’d plug myself into the conversation too.

Now remember, all lists are subjective… but I am always right (lol). I should also mention that I’m NOT ranking these by technical merit. If I was, then Final Fantasy The Spirits Within would be #1. I’m ranking these by how well they performed as movies. Did they make me FEEL something, laugh, get choked up and most importantly get interested in the characters and their story.

Also, many will notice the lack of any “classic” era Disney films such at Snow White. I do like most of those films, and if my list were 20 instead of 10 you’d probably see some of them on here. Also, I have no Anime films. That’s just because most of he ones I like, I like because of their “That looks fricken cool” factor instead what I’ve set out as my criteria. It’s just a preference thing.

So without any further delay, I present to you my list of the 10 best animated films of all time!

9Monsters, Inc.
8Charlotte’s Web
7Shrek 2
6Toy Story
5The Incredibles
4Iron Giant
3Beauty and the Beast (only animated film ever nominated for Best Picture)
2Toy Story 2
1The Lion King

So there you have it. Like the list? Dislike it? What would you have added? What would you have taken off?

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59 thoughts on “Top 10 Animated Films of All Time

  1. I haven’t been to this feature since it first debuted, but i see that the same old arguments have arisen. Classic movies deserve to be recognized, yes. But that doesn’t make them better. Standing the test of time is just one of the many factors that makes a movie great. To jason, are you related to Normal, cuz he and i had an engaging conversation 2 weeks ago, in which he calls me a true dumbass. Now im a fucking gay shit-watcher. i guess movies make the man. Yup, what i watch determines my character all right. Nobody watch kiddie cartoons or you’re all turn gay!!!!

  2. Heres the list

    Snow White

    The Grinch that Stole Christmas


    Sleeping Beauty

    The Lion King


    The Little Mermaid

    Peter Pan

    The nightmare before christmas

    Rudolf the red nosed Raindeer claymation

    The classics are the top animated fils because they never get old thats what makes them the BEsT

  3. Guy? Who chose those is a man. The best animated films of alltime ?????

    Can you say SnowWhite, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, the little Mermaid, and the grinch that stole christmas.????

    Those are classics some of the ones you put I dont even know about and Im 25 years old. And you left out the first animated film Snow WHite????


    DUDE its the top animated films of all time, not the new top male favs of all time LMAO

    JUST SAYINg Your off by a mile

  4. Old Warner Bros. Cartoons were definetly the best, classics without a doubt. Not only did they relate to kids but also to adults, back in the time. It had great animation, comedy, good music, and challenged even gravity in its film. They’ve even influenced movies today in Asia , on the other side of the World ,for Example Kung Fu Hustle, by Stephen Chow.

  5. “To Herby, sorry about getting faulty info. I’ll do better next time.”

    No need to apologize, we’re just having a conversation, I love the old classic cartoons and have discussions about them often. Recently I went to a showing of “A Streetcar Named Desire” (Summer Classic Festival), before the film a cartoon was shown, Before the main title came on their were a few notes of music and I blurted out “Oh Cool, A Corney Concerto”

    When the main title went up my friend sitting next to me thought I was nuts. I always count three things for contributing to my Warped Sense of humour. The Marx Brothers, Monty Python’s Flying Circus and Classic WB Cartoons.

  6. Jame Russell Wrote the following:

    **A “top 10 animated films” list that does not contain a single Warner Brothers short is, frankly, fit only for burning. You’ve embarrassed yourself here, John**

    Well apparently James is the all knowing one. Apparently… unless you agree with him… or share his tastes… then your opinions aren’t worth anything and you only “embarass yourself” for sharing them with others.

    It’s a good thing we’ve got James here to set us all straight.


  7. Listen, Normal, I’m not in this conversation to be personally attacked. You like classic cartoons, and so do I! You love the golden age of cinema, the more sophisticated movies. I agree that’s what makes those movies special and deserving of recognition. John likes more recent cartoons, so what? There are plenty of web sites that give recognition to age-old cartoons. You’re acting like a baby over this. They’re just cartoons. To Herby, sorry about getting faulty info. I’ll do better next time.

  8. John, though I don’t agree with your specific top 10 (it seems no-one does) you’ve chosen some very good animated films there and all deserve to be recognised.

    Being a fan of anime I’d have liked to see some titles on there, but I don agree that apart from a few notable exceptions (Miyazaki) most anime titles that have made it to the west have had little by way of storyline. Due mainly to the fact that the companies releasing them are trying to appeal to the masses.

    Anyway, an interesting coincidence, for anyone living in the UK, E4 are screening the ‘100 greatest cartoons’ on saturday night (this includes both full length films and shorts/TV series).

    Their top 100 list can be seen here:

  9. “Based on you’re language, you probably were too busy watching x rated movies to care about cartoons.”

    Based on your reasoning you were probably too busy making poor excuses for bad films.

    That list is FUCKED UP. The 10 best “Animated Films” of all time? There isn’t a single movie in that list (except maybe CW) that wasn’t released in the past 10-15 years.


    You are TRULY a dumbass.

    And what’s worse is most all of those are your typical modern-day, mass-consumer, pop-culture, shallow, gimmick driven Disney crap-fests.

    That list looks like it was compiled by a 12 YEAR OLD.

  10. Yes kids love Cartoons and I loved cartoons as a Kid and I love Cartoons now. There is some funny stuff out there right now. “The Fairly Odd Parents” comes to mind. But your statement was that “Cartoons started out as a kids thing” and that just is not true. Cartoons started out as an adult thing in Cinema to play before the adult features.

  11. it doesn’t matter. The thing is, kids love cartoons. Not many people know about that Betty Boop thing. If they started out as an adult thing, why didn’t they catch on until they became more kid-friendly? It’s because they are better as a kid’s thing. I’m not a kid anymore, but that was the best time of my life, and ANYTHING that tries to take that innocence away will feel my wrath. John’s list is great for me because it gives props where it is due, at least in my opinion.

  12. “Cartoons started as a kids thing”

    Well this is not true at all. Go back to the thirties and look at the Max Fleischer “Betty Boop” and the ORIGINAL “Popeye” cartoons. These classics definatly have an adult sesability. In “Boop-Boop-Be-Doop” there is an attempted rape on Betty where at the end of the cartoon she sings: “… and he didn’t steal my Boop-Boop-Be-Doop away” In the very first Popeye cartoon “Popeye the Sailor” Betty makes a topless Cameo. The later Brilliance of Tex Avery who’s Cartoons were enjoyed children, but were enjoyed more by the adults in the audience. Look at any cartoon directed by Chuck Jones in his WB hey-days and tell me that was made for children.

    Yes Disney always had the family in mind even back in the days of “Steamboat Willie” But even those cartoons had humor that adults could apreciate even more then the kids

  13. No, catching on is why anime doesn’t get more publicity. There are lots of great anime movies out there, america just isn’t open enough to them. “Catching on” doesn’t make movies great, it just gives them a wider audience. The reason Shrek was good is because it played on our preconceived notions of how a fairy tale should be, and threw it in our faces with a flat out funny spoof. If you didn’t laugh at that movie, you’re Scrooge. If you are thinking “Funny doesn’t make a movie good”, then not only are you Scrooge, you’re stupid.

  14. John – if you included the aforementioned non-American animated movies in your considerations and then did not select them for your top ten, then I have no quibble with the title of your list. I question the selections, but at least not the criteria!

    Brian – So “catching on” is a requirement for a movie to be good? What makes a movie a good movie? Popularity? Wide audience appeal? I’ve had so many people tell me Shrek was the best animated movie ever because it appealed to so many people. To me, that’s like making a “least common denominator” movie. Great movies don’t have to be appreciated by wide audiences to make them great. It might make them popular, but not great.

  15. “It looks like a 12 year old compiled it.”

    Well, duh! They’re cartoons! Remember when you were a kid. What movies did you watch then? There is a reason all these cartoons made John’s list. They are excellent toons. Based on you’re language, you probably were too busy watching x rated movies to care about cartoons. Cartoons started as a kids thing and should allways stay that way. There are some slightly more adult films that are still kid friendly(Incredibles, Shrek, Iron Giant). To all you anime fans, anime hasn’t really caught on yet. In about five years, check the lists again. There will be a lot more anime.

  16. All the films mentioned are wonderful.

    I still rather watch an Old Waner Brothers Cartoon.

    One Froggy Evening

    Duck Amuck

    Robin Hood Daffy

    Duck Dodgers in the 24 and a 1/2 Century

    What’s Opera Doc

    Rabbit Seasoning

    The Rabbit of Seville

    Rabbit Fire

    Duck! Rabbit! Duck!

    Rabbit’s Kin

  17. Hey Natasha,

    You said:

    –“So if NBC shows ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ and ABC shows ‘Taxi Driver’. We ALL know that Dukes will get the popular vote. So by logic deduction, ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ is the better film. ah, now it is all clear to me. Thank you, John.”–

    I see where you’re going… but… your point only makes sense if the movies I listed were still in theaters or JUST out of theaters like Dukes of Hazzard.

    Aladdin is over 13 years old. Toy Story is 10 years old, Beauty and the Beast is 14 years old, Lion King is 11 years old, Iron Giant is over 6 years old… ect. ect. ect.

    So no… my point is nothing like comparing Dukes of Hazzard and Taxi Driver at all.



  18. I thought this through …

    So if NBC shows ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ and ABC shows ‘Taxi Driver’. We ALL know that Dukes will get the popular vote.

    So by logic deduction, ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ is the better film.

    ah, now it is all clear to me. Thank you, John.

  19. Eek! Top 10 lists always suck dont they – I alsways struggle and normally introduce the argument ‘ok – top 10 by genre’ Regardless:

    Anime – agreed that there is the ‘whoaaa’ factor but; Spirited Away, Ghost in the Shell, and the mighty Akira.

    And where the hell is Finding Nemo?? A travesty sir!

    Shrek 2? no Nemo? I’ll be biting my knuckle all day over that one :-)

  20. another underrated animated movie: not top 10 by any means, but underseen.

    The Thief and the Cobbler, aka Arabian Knight. ignored as an Aladdin ripoff. its better than that. you have to see the crazy mind trick animation style in so many parts (its kinda cheap in other parts though)

    the songs stink, admittedly. theres some pretty cool characters though, Vincent Price in a Jafar type role, and Jonathan Winters doing some great voice work.

    i definitely recommend it as a rental though, and since kids movies are cheap, you better.

  21. “Shrek holds up extremely well. It’s jokes and lines are qotable in

    about any situation and are allways funny.”

    thanks to Mike Myers and how every one of his movies ends up overmarketed to death, its quotes are just as annoying for me to hear now as Austin Powers quotes are. Shrek is basically a second rate SNL movie.

    “Somewhat enjoyable the first five minutes, then you get bored of it or it breaks.”

    no, its just way more ‘not for kids’ than people expect. Thats what you get for having Woody Allen as the star. I still wouldnt put it above A Bugs Life, I’m just saying its underrated, and its the only Dreamworks CGI movie I actually enjoy.

    “Also, goon, adult doesn’t mean better. Sure those movies were unique, but not top 10 of all time material.”

    I’m completely pro-kids movie, I think they’re not given enough respect. But a few of them really are better than some of those on the list.

  22. Heya, John —

    Great picks. I see a lot of people bitching about your picks but nobdy is really saying what they would pick.

    Here are mine…

    Toy Story 2

    Monster Inc.

    Nightmare Before Christmas

    Toy Story


    Black Cauldron



    Iron Giant

    Beauty and the Beast



  23. I agree with Arethusa that the complete lack of anime makes it hard for me to accept a list of the Top 10 Best Animated Films of all time (along with Jon’s recommendation for the Iron Giant, I recommend anyone who hasn’t seen Graveyard of the Fireflies to watch it). Jon, I can tell your tastes run toward American animation, which is fine (plenty of anime fans doubtless have the opposite opinion), but I might retitle this “Top 10 American Animated Films of All Time”.

    Of course, no one can really be qualified to make a Top 10 list for all the world. I personally enjoy some Japanese animation and some American animation (and it’s not a coincidence English is my first language and Japanese a second language), but I wouldn’t purport to know much of anything about animation from other countries.

  24. I can’t respect a list of animated films that doesn’t have a Miyazaki. I’m not sure how anyone could watch My Neighbour Totoro or Spirited Away and only come away with a “wow that looked cool”. If you *hate* it, that would make more sense to me.

    (Yes, I know be sensible, it just doesn’t do anything for you but… common sense is overrated.)

    But yes, the list is very American-centric (and I’m not only speaking to the lack of anime). Are there no good indie theatres where you reside (ergo limited viewing options)?

    I’ll stay mum on the Shrek inclusion.

  25. No Ralph Bakshi Fans?

    Put my nominations in for:

    “American Pop”, “Wizards” and “Coon Skin”.

    Also left off the funniest film in the last decade, “South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut”.

  26. What? No Love for Heavy Metal? (Give me my Lochnar, Bitch!) Anyway, I certainly would put in votes for Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Kirikou the Sorceress, Mind Game, Triplettes du Beleville, Fire & Ice, (Hopefully you are prepared to put A SCANNER DARKLY on that list…High hopes for that one!)

  27. Wow, i was the first to comment and my my, did things esculate fast for this topic. audio edition will be strong today. reminders everybody, top 10 lists are hard to do. and not everybody can be satisfied. poor john. i was just thinking of when the top 10 best actors list was made.. i think its comments are close to 80 now, and the list was posted 2 years ago. i’m quite alright with the picks. i think john takes good time and thought when making his lists.


  28. Hey there Jeff,

    If you read the post… I didn’t exclude Anime films. Just none of them made my list (although I liked most of the anime films mentioned in this post except Princess Mononoke).



  29. If you’re not going to include all animated movies (i.e. anime), then why not title the list “The 10 Best Disney or Pixar Movies of All Time”? Dismissing anime as just throwaway movies that “look frickin’ cool” does them a disservice.

    Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke have better (and more unique) storylines and imagination than most Disney films of the past twenty years (which, up until lately, are just retellings of tales in the public domain).

  30. It may just be my age and preferences but I certainly think a true test that proves a movie such as Shrek is how often a group of guys in their twentys will go out drinking and then return home and watch an animated film. Shrek and the Incredibles are two certain films to accomplish this test.

  31. I disagree with goon so much. Shrek holds up extremely well. It’s jokes and lines are qotable in about any situation and are allways funny. Antz stands the test of time as much as a dollar store toy. Somewhat enjoyable the first five minutes, then you get bored of it or it breaks.Thesecretsafe is right on about the brave little toaster and land before time, those movies were also good. Also, goon, adult doesn’t mean better. Sure those movies were unique, but not top 10 of all time material. Now I’m sure you all think I’m a little wussy punk for liking kiddy cartoons. That’s because I was most succeptible to cartoons at that age.

  32. I was going to suggest Akira, but Miles already did. I also liked Ghost in the Shell, and yes even Titan A.E. lol.

    How about stop motion? Wallace and Gromit, and Nightmare Before Christmas come into my mind (oops Goon mentioned that).

    I was also thinking of Who Framed Roger Rabbit even though it was both live action and animation.

  33. Iron Giant but no Fantasia?

    An American Tail,Brave Little Toaster,Land before Time brought me to tears as a kid.

    wHY NO Akira,Princess Mononoke,Spirited Away?nOT just cool looking films .

  34. Goon is a genius.

    ‘Cept for the Waking Life bit – which I hated. Not because of ‘Big Words’, but rather how the big words were directed. Horrible.

  35. Shrek doesnt deserve to be on there. Shrek is a disposable film, both it and its sequel. Enjoyable at a first viewing on some level, but dont hold up to repeated viewings. Also, terrible soundtrack. Of all the Dreamworks CGI animated movies only Antz holds up to repeated viewings (its so underrated)

    Nightmare Before Christmas, Spirited Away, Finding Nemo, or a more adult movie like Waking Life or Akira should be on there instead.

    I’d have put Iron Giant at no. 1

  36. hahaha, so i tottally did not even read his entire post before i got offended!

    he is still wrong!

    i love sleeping beauty!

    now that was a cartoon. and that malifecent…REOWR (<<supposed to be a sexy cat noise)

  37. YES! The movie i wanted to win won! first time ever. Shrek 2 was by no means better than Shrek 1. Same for the Toy Story movies. I’m very glad Incredibles made it on the list. Where was Bambi? That is one classic that deserves to be on the list. My list would be as follows: 10-Charlottes Web 9-Lilo and Stitch 8-Tarzan 7-SpongeBob Squarepants Movie 6-Bambi 5-Incredibles 4-Shrek 3-Iron Giant 2-Toy Story 1-Lion King.

  38. Eli: I can’t say as I’ve seen Triplets of Belleville, but Finding Nemo terrible? Nah. My only issue with it is that it can be a bit repetitive with each sequence being a new life and death situation, but the quality of the visuals and larger story make up for it.

    John: You said this about Robots in March:

    Robots is a pretty good film.It’s not spectacular. It’s not great. It’s not bad. It’s a fairly entertaining light family film with some nice moments and just enough funny parts to keep your attention.

    And now it’s on your 10 worst? You must not care for old Tom and Jerry cartoons much if you don’t like Robots. It’s just a fun romp in my opinion with some sequences merely there to demonstrate animation prowess. Nothing wrong with Blue Sky showing they can approach Pixar animation quality while entertaining at the same time.

  39. Hey Jay,

    You make a good point. I guess I would responed by saying that gorgeous looking animation or a cool new style loses it’s novelty on me in about 10 minutes. If that’s all there is… then you’re left with Final Fantasy.

    On the other hand, Shrek 2 made me laugh out loud for almost 2 hours. Thus my overall enjoyment of the film was higher than say “The Triplets of Belleville”. (Which I liked by the way).

    And Jason,

    Hmmm… you MAY be right. Perhaps I should have made a spot for Fireflies. But oh well… I didn’t.

  40. miles if you read John’s entire blog above he addresses the classics. And just because its a classic doesn’t always make it better, think in cars. Sure the original racing Mercedes were great cars and are still cool but put them on the track today and it would be sad. Classics do not hold up in the areas of animation and story.

  41. “I’m ranking these by how well they performed as movies. Did they make me FEEL something, laugh, get choked up and most importantly get interested in the characters and their story… Also, I have no Anime films. That’s just because most of he ones I like, I like because of their “That looks fricken cool” factor instead what I’ve set out as my criteria.”

    Why use those criteria, then? Part of what makes animation fun and exciting is the “that looks fricken cool” factor; without it, why use animation instead of live action aside from it being easier to create a fantasy world on a budget?

    Film in general and animation in particular is a visual medium as much as it is a storytelling one; sure, “The Triplets of Belleville” (for instance) may not have the strongest story, but by looking gorgeous, it certainly merits a spot above the likes of “Shrek 2”.

  42. and for god’s sake, where is snow white?!

    hell i’ll even put forward a movie like akira!

    all movies that will, and have been remebered long after the marketing hype died away. I mean come on, who is goig to watch a movie in 20 years filled with burger king adds and pop music?

    no one.

  43. those are all flash in the pan!

    where are the classics?

    where are the cinderellas and the sleeping beauties?

    they’ll sure as hell outlive shrek 2, toy story 2 and monsters inc.

  44. I like the list John. I agree with Lion King just as its a landmark film. Its more memorable than most movies animation or live action. Same with Toy Story, these are films people will remember for a long time. I saw Robots and liked it but forgot all about it, some movies are memorable some are forgetable, again good list.

  45. How about Spirited Away!? It has more heart than most of the films on your list, anime or not. Props on Iron Giant and Incredibles though. Also, Beauty and the Beast was WAY better than Lion King.

  46. Shrek 2 instead of Shrek? Is that a misprint, or did you just like the more adult humor in Shrek 2?

    As far as the rest of the list, I would put the Incredibles in the #1 spot. Lion King may make some tear up, but the way Pixar balanced the adult theme of the Incredibles with the action and a kid-friendly movie wins them my #1 slot.

    You’re also missing Robots which has a lot of good themes, amazing animation, and some contraptions even Rube Goldberg would consider too complicated.

    And no Nemo…just be glad my 2 year old isn’t typing this. You’d really be hearing it from him…

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