Kevin Spacey As Lex Luthor Pictures

Lex_Spacy.jpgWhen I first reported that Kevin Spacey was going to be playing Lex Luthor in the new Superman Returns film, I was just about doing backflips. Who would be better to play Superman’s nemeses? I submit NO ONE.

Well, now the good folks over at Cinema Blend have posted up some of the first shots of Spacey as Lex Luthor. They’re not actually production photos, but rather shots taken on set. Still… seeing these pictures really makes the whole thing finally seem real. Here what Blend had to say:

It kinda saddens me that there is so much misplaced ill-will being thrown out towards the new Superman Returns movie. If it’s not someone bitching that Brandon Routh “looks too young” despite being only 2 years younger than Reeve at the time of Superman II, it’s the disgruntled X-Men fans who are determined just to hate it because of some melodramatic sense of betrayal over X-Men 3.

The truth is Superman Returns is shaping up nicely, far better than anyone could possibly have hoped given the project’s troubled past and far better I’d wager than if we had Nic “Nervous Tic” Cage in the role with Tim “Lost my edge” Burton in the hotseat.

So get on over there to take a look at the pictures… then return here to tell us what you think of them. Are you getting excited yet about the film? Or do you think it’s a big mistake?

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6 thoughts on “Kevin Spacey As Lex Luthor Pictures

  1. He looks exactly like Gene Hackman from the older series. I think Singer’s only goal was to cast the main actors as people who looked like the older ones, with the exception of Lois, who looks nothing like the older Lois.

    This movie is going to suck. I feel it.

  2. Check out those pictures and tell me that Spacey doesn’t look like a bald Gene Hackman…this movie is going to rule.

    Next summer, people will judge comic book (and super-hero) movies in general by Batman Begins and Superman Returns. Can’t wait.

  3. If Kevin Spacey is in the movie you know they are making an honest effort at producing a quality product. Spacey only plays in things like that to begin with. I have a lot of respect for him.

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