Rumour of Watchmen cancellation

watchmen3.jpgHighly speculative and unconfirmed, but a damn bad (or good) one liner through an interesting article on FilmRot – Has Watchmen been cancelled?

Chris Kenny & Nic Korda are UK Producers on Paramount’s ‘Watchmen’ which is preparing for a spring shoot in Pinewood Studios. LATEST: we hear this morning that: “Watchmen” has been cancelled!

I’m with James on this one, it’s looking flakier than the crumbliest chocolate I’ve ever tasted before by the day, and this rumour isn’t something that would surprise me. In fact, it would make me happy.

Woa, don’t get me wrong I am a huge fan of Watchmen, but what I don’t want to see is a half-hearted bad stab at it, because it will only have one stab, at least in our lifetimes. Do it wrong and I doubt anyone else will touch it again, for a very long time. Let’s see it done right. So Paramount, if you’re not up to the task of bringing this highly complex and human driven novel to the big screen, drop it now. Let someone else with guts and backing get it done.

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6 thoughts on “Rumour of Watchmen cancellation

  1. My wife works at Pinewood and revealed that the Watchmen production office had closed down and shipped out.

    Whether this is a relocation or a cancellation she doesn’t know for absolute certain.

    However, due to the nature of her work, she would still be intimately involved in the production whether it was filmed in the UK, Ireland, Australia, Europe or the USA, and it’s all gone quiet….

  2. Hi all, just trying this site out for the first time, as i needed an rss movie site.

    I’m disappointed with this news if it’s true. Paul Greengrass was directing and he knows his stuff as far as i’m concerned.

    There was a cool interview with him here and there is also the offical site message boards if your interested.

  3. Just as when I am getting a good grip with all these comic book adaptations then they decide to cancel it.

    But I suppose youre right Rich, better cancel it than ruin what could have been a great adaptation if they had the resources. Shame really.

    Rich says, “it’s looking flakier than the crumbliest chocolate I’ve ever tasted before by the day”, can I use this as a punchline and take credit for it? *winks*

  4. (^_^) yeah!!!

    i’ve been saying this forever now and in every thread concerning watchmen.

    get a bunch of creative people together and do a 24 episode series on hbo or cartoon network.

    get it? good. now do it.

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