We’re Back!

Hey Folks! John here.

Well, as most of you noticed, we were offline for about half the day as we were switching to the new servers and the domain name propagated MUCH faster than I expected. Oh well, we’re all moved in now and everything seems to be running well. Let us know if you notice any technical problems.

unfortunately, a new server won’t improve my grammar, spelling or insights. That upgrade cost too much. :P

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9 thoughts on “We’re Back!

  1. It’s FETAL actually. *winks* Zoon, were you also sucking on your thumb??? LOL

    It felt like something was missing for those hours we were down, but hey, we’re back on!!!

  2. Ha, I tried to log on yesterday and it said temporarily un-available…I cried..alot…I was in a fetel (spelled wrong I think) position for the rest of the day, tugging hair out, and rocking back and forth…never do that again..ever… o.0;


  3. “…a new server won’t improve my grammar, spelling or insights.”

    Heh. You got that right, sir. Spelling, anyway: it’s ‘ogling’, not ‘oogling.’

    I noticed it wasn’t a typo. You say it that way ALL the time. As in: “Yeah… I’m sure all the guys who touch themselves when oogling at her pictures voted for her because of her work with refugee children. Good for her though.”

  4. Ehr, yes, that’s what I have noticed myself, but I like repeating myself anyway so you’ll see those posts again here soon! *winks*

    It must have been a happy moving day for TMB. And John, Rich dont worry about the spelling and the grammar, its the insights that we all appreciate.

    The show must go on!

  5. That’s why I’m here!

    Ermmm…actually, I’m not sure that’s quite true.

    Just to point out to everyone who added comments in the last two days, due to another of those technical issues we’ve lost those comments.

    Please accept our apologies and I really do hope you go back to those posts and comment again.

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