Rock talks Doom…although not that much

Doom.jpg“We’re all doomed!”…perhaps not many of you will get that, prize if you do! Coming Soon has news from a Pro Wrestling Touch interview with Rock about his upcoming movie Doom, and what it promises in way of weaponry:

The flick is funny, but it is rated R, as it is unapologetic, like the game. He loves blowing stuff up. He recalls the actor who said he doesn’t like to use guns or blow things up, but Rock says he’s not like that. He loves using powerful weapons He gets to use a bio force gun in the movie and the letters “BFG” is actually written on the big friggin’ gun. So he had a great time doing that movie.

Is that all there is to say about it? It’s entering post production a phase where the actors and crew can go out and start selling the movie, and all we get is that the BFG is in there. Does that mean there’s not much more to the movie than the big guns?

Yeah, I know that’s what Doom the videogame is all about, but that does not make a movie. Well, a successful and enjoyable movie that is. You need some semblance of plot in there. This has me worried that we’re going to be hit with another Resident Evil. Even then, with the news from previous stories it’s not going to be resembling the game either.

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5 thoughts on “Rock talks Doom…although not that much

  1. Well done John, it says that in the post! Sounds like it could be the same interview…yeah, it does sound good now that he gave us that.

    Oh, and the quote is from BBC’s Dad’s Army!

  2. Is the doomed comment from the 1983 movie “Hysterical”? I remember the old man on the bike telling everyone they were doomed! When I was in seventh grade I subjected an entire class to that movie!


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