Who Will Win? Alien Vs Predator

A while ago we posted about this weekend’s sure win for #1 at the boxoffice. Aliens Vs Predator. People responded passionately about who would win, offering their theories as to why.

Myself, I voted for the unnamed third competitor. The Humans.

Anyways, here is your chance to put your money, er.. mouse click where your mouth is. CLICK HERE to go to the official website.

20th Century Fox has put up a Real-Time Alien vs. Predator Billboard, on the southwest corner of Olympic and Barrington, in West Los Angeles, that keeps track of who fans think will rule in the ultimate battle royale. You can vote at the official website and the Billboard keeps track of the votes.


It would appear that the Alien has a slight lead, but I still contend that the twist will be the Humans who walk away from this mess.

Go vote, and see if you were right on Friday.

Or go see the Princess Diaries 2, and have the fanboys in the other line laugh at you.

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22 thoughts on “Who Will Win? Alien Vs Predator

  1. It’s a close match but i like predators more even if more people vote for aliens plus the underdog alawys wins wich would be predators besides if aliens win i will personally kill the director so go predators k peeps

  2. You forgot to mentioned Aliens have another attack! It’s stealth.. It can climb walls and ambush out of the sudden and even if predator has the views it cant detect Aliens unmoved as Aliens termal body heat matched their surroundings. Predators cloaking is useless as Aliens dont need to view but sense.

  3. Despite the movie, here is the drawdown:

    ALIEN: First, the alien must hatch from it’s 4 pedaled egg, find a host, and become a chestburster, then it will keep shedding until it is an adult. The alien is a easy kill with flames and only has four weapons: The all known claws, the whipping and stabbing tail, the unforggetable 2nd jaw, and its freakish but interesting ability to spit it’s own acid blood.
    If alien even had the chance to keep up close and personal with the predator, there would need to be a lot of them.

    PREDATOR: This merciless horrible hunter is one sick fighter. Equiped with 4 different visions: Normal, Thermal, Electro, and Predtech. Has armor plating and the nice touch of the cloaking ability. Now on to the weapons: 2 sharp knuckle blades on each…claw hand, a compact rod that springs into a spear, a speargun, plasma cannon, netgun, and don’t forget the suicidal bomb. (hey, gotta go out with a bang!!)Plus many other items like the medicomp and energy shire. The best chance of an alien killing a pred would be A) there were 20 aliens or B) there were 10 facehuggers

    TIES: 10%
    PRED: 40%
    20 ALIENS: 60%


    TIES: 0%
    PRED: 80%
    ALIEN: 20%


  4. Yeah, that was so cool: the Queen Alien was having the cr#p shocked out of it. Go knows how long it’d been abused for -Lucky her kids let her go so that the Predator could put it out of its misery! hahahaahhh!

  5. In the comics and movies Predators only hunt and battle worthy adversaries; so why are they fighting aliens? anyway; I love it how they have the queen chained up! lol

  6. human and predators ar gonna team up cause back in the second movie the predators gave the humans an old HUMAN gun. and on the the website there are hyroglyphs that show the human and the predators togther, with the humans worshiping the predators as gods. it also shows that the predators helped build the pyramids!

  7. Lets see. Predator and it’s sequel were fun popcorn films, fun to watch, espiecially with a group of friends.

    The first Alien, still the best of any of the films mentioned (weather A or P), a truly great Science Fiction film. Aliens is One of James Cameron’s best films (still give The Terminator an edge in that catagory), The Aliens 3 director’s cut I understand is a vast improvement over the theatrical release and a must see, and Alien:Resurection goes into the Predator catagory of a fun popcorn film.

    So who will win Alien vs. Predator?

    Blocbuster and Hollywood video, that’s who.

  8. By looking at the Advanced clips available on their website — “Face-Off” and “Alien Predator fight” here….

    It seems they’ve made the predator about 80 times clunkier than he was in the original(s). The predator appears slow, clunky and incapable of throwing a punch that’s remotely quick.

    In the original predator, he floated from limb to limb and could sneek above and below trip-wires with the grace of Karen Kain. Here, the lug-nut in the outfit is clunking around like a big Galoot.

    Based on the original characters, PRedator would still take, or at worst tie (explosion), — but here it looks like they’ve made the predator a bulky lunk.

  9. But have you seen what those pred weapons can do?

    They have a laser beam that will not only strike the first alien but carry through and kill the 75 behind it.

    And it would appear that “someone” takes advantage of a nuclear exploding predator.

    Remember. You dont have to be the best Predator, you just have to be far from the one that blows himself up.

  10. aliens gonna kick ass i mean have u seen the preview theres a frikin army of aliens and like 5 predators if u ask me there another commercial were an alien kills a predator just by jumping on it then jumps through a brick wall honestly if u ask me aliens r gonna win but not till the end cause they need to build up numbers first and if u ask me predators suck balls

  11. Unlike Freddy vs Jason there are more than one colony of Aliens, and there is an entire race of Predators.

    This is going to be one conflict on one remote planet. Whoever wins will not result in genocide. There will always be more aliens, and there will always be more Predators. There will always be more sequels no matter who dies.

  12. It is going to be like freddy vs. jason, stupid old humans will win, and we will all be dissapointed.

    I would love to see predator win, and kill all humans, but it won’t happen, and i am bitter.

    Can’t wait to see the movie though.

  13. I can’t believe it took that many posts for a healthy dose of cynicism.

    That Whoever Wins… We Lose tag line is surely misleading. Unless it refers to people buying tickets for a WS Anderson film.

  14. You know they are going to have a win-win situation like Freddy vs. Jason. There is no way they are going kill off any sequels. It will be something like, Predator wins, but as the movie fades out, we get a close up of the last remaining Alien egg or the Aliens win but we see the last Predator hiding somewhere.

  15. Aliens might win in hand-to-hand combat with the bite, acid blood and all, but they have no ranged attack and only an animal intelligence (albeit cunning). Predator wins with its brain and weaponry.

  16. Apparently there’s some concern that the film may not be ready in time to get prints out to theaters for this weekend. Apparently they’re still editing it … things are so tight that they’ve already cancelled any advance press screenings ’cause things just aren’t done …

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