New Jumper Poster

I can’t explain why, but I’m getting more and more excited about seeing Jumper. Yes, at first to me it sounded like a bad mix between a Nighcrawler spin off and the Highlander TV Show… but the more I’ve read about it, and the more I’ve seen, the more enthusiasm I seem to get generating for it (and no, it’s not even because I’m an extra in it).

Anyway, a new Jumper Poster has come our way via latinoreview and I think I like it more than the original one. Nothing fantastic, but it’s a good little poster.


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11 thoughts on “New Jumper Poster

  1. Would your rising expectations be due to, I dunno, being an extra in the movie? LOL. Just kidding. No, I have to agree that this film is looking pretty cool, and I have already made a note to catch this in theaters.

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