General Zod

Kneel-Before-ZodSuperman Returns is a fantastic movie… but as great as it is a lot of people were disappointed that it wasn’t an action film. That’s a fair enough complaint. But one of the problems you get with Superman is what kind of action can you put him in? He can take out anyone and anything with a flick of his super-finger (that almost sounds sexual).

Some people have suggested various characters from the Superman Comics (Like Mister Mxyzptlk) but most of them wouldn’t interest the wider film audience at all. There are only 2 real options for REAL superman foes. Richard Prior and Nuclear Man! (Oh goodness I hope you know I’m kidding).

No, the only real 2 possibilities for legitimate action type villains that can give Superman a run for his money that would also appeal to the bigger action audience would be 1) Doomsday. Damn I’d cream myself to see that flick… OR…..


Zod was easily the best Superman character (aside from the Man of Steel himself) in all of the previous Superman films. Do another Superman film and have “THE RETURN OF FUCKING ZOD!!!” Well… maybe take the “fucking” out of the title. That would be badass, and EVERYONE would love it. Great chances for high action, and a fantastic character as the bad guy.

Maybe someone is already thinking about this. The folks over at Cinescape give us this:

“I was lucky enough to attend the UK premiere of Superman Returns on Thursday night. Before the film the cast all said a few words. When it was Singers turn (last) he invited his writing partners to come up. One of them walked up to the mike and brought attention to what was written on the T-shirt he was wearing “Kneel before Zod. If this is what they are thinking, Zod Returns would make a cool sequel.”

Damn skippy that would be cool! WB are you listening?!?! Do another Superman and bring back ZOD that we all might kneel before him. Come! Come and kneel before ZOD! Frick that’s a wicked idea!

And where the hell do I get one of these “Kneel Before Zod” T-shirts that the guy was wearing?!?!?!

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42 thoughts on “General Zod

  1. Donner already covered Zod in Superman 2. Matter of fact, he already covered the basic plot of Superman Returns in Superman 1, too.

    These clowns (WB, Singer), when all is said and done, are spending hundreds of millions on these fucking movies. Show me something I can’t see at my local blockbuster.

  2. The Return of Zod. Are you shitting me? So much for original ideas. That’s the lamest thing I’ve ever heard. Ah, we cling to the memories of our youth, don’t we? Boy, I hope they make another “Jaws” movie too. Or maybe “Close Encounters of the Third Kind II” or “Krull II.” Jeesh.

  3. I would prefer to see a new villian to. I think Zod would be cool but a ‘rehash’ is not what Superman needs. I new villian is whats needed to bring in new audiences.

    I know alot of people who didnt see supes cause they were thinking, ‘supes vs lex? so what. seen it in three movies already.’

    A Brainiac or Darkseid would be most important I think. If they bring in Doomsday and the death of Superman, they would just be rehashing Superman Returns. And yes we have to deal with the superkid now.

    Brainiac should show up and try to persuade supes to become earths sole ruler, like in smallville, supes doesnt do it so Brainiac goes for the next last kryptonian, that kid….maybe kills him.

    I think Darkseid and the New Gods would be great cause there is a whole group of those guys who could give supes a run for his money. But that would be one heck of a movie since the New Gods storyline could be its own movie franchise….just some ideas.

  4. A new Zod would be cool, but I’d rather see a new villain. And judging from much of the criticism that ‘Superman Returns’ was a rehash of the original Donner film, I think most fans would, too.

  5. You guys are forgetting that any sequel to Superman Returns would have to deal with the little 5 year old surprise Singer left for Superman.

    Lex Luthor would have been cool if they had made him into the multi-billionaire industrialist who practically owned Metropolis. The Lex Luthor of the comics. Lexcorp. All that. But no. We just get a lame rehash of the cheap wig-wearing real-estate monger Hackman created. NO fun.

    Luthor was a repeat of the first Superman movie which sucked. Zod would be a double repeat. Double suck.

    They’ve gotta do something new. There’s so much to choose from. Metallo, Bizzaro, Brainiac, Parasite…you got 70 years of villains to choose from. And you wanna do Zod again? No thanks.

    And the idea that Singer thought that only Jude Law could be Zod (NO Jude Law=No Zod) just confirms for me that Bryan Singer directs movies with his dick.

  6. Then only way I could accept ZOD in SR sequel would be if a new/different baddie retrieved him from whereever and then double teamed supes. Alot of people made good points, theres been enough rehashing, something new needs to be done, but I dont see anything wrong with a mix of old and new.


  7. I would like Zod and Brainiac (The Timm/Dini animated series version.) in the sequal. First they could fight over whos more powerful, then wham! They both realise and remember the past. They can destroy the son of Jor-El.

    So be careful, for we will all KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!

  8. Darkseid and Doomsday would rock. Darkseid sending Doomsday would be cool….Or Zod being found by Darkseid who both team up to fight Supes.

    Brainiac I think would be the most natural choice though.

  9. Zod was cool as hell in Superman 2, but I’d love to see them bring in something (anything!) that hasn’t already been done in a Superman film. I know he doesn’t have the best cast of villains, but surely they can do something with Brainiac or Bizarro or Doomsday. Also, would it kill them to give Beppo the Supermonkey a cameo? HE’S A GODDAMN MONKEY WITH SUPER POWERS!!

  10. This is a terrible idea. You have Brainiac, Darkseid, Metallo, Doomsday,… villains that people have never seen before. This was one of the big problems with Superman Returns, people are sick and tired of Lex Luthor. So you make the same mistake again? Why the hell would you do that?

    SR was not that great either. Its sort of boring with too little action, except for him lifting stuff, wow real exciting. And it has that dumb kid and the boyfirend thats a part of the story now, just so Singer could make some kind of point about adoption. Singer shouldn’t get anywhere near the sequel, he blew it, so did the writers. Keep Routh, but thats about it, maybe Bosworth.

  11. “Peter Parker didnt have organic web-shooters in the comics, but no one complained about that.”

    Yeah they did. I personally didn’t really care too much, because the Spider-Man flicks have way more wrong with them than organic fucking webshooters. They took away Spidey’s sense of humor and made him a whiny emo bitch.

    But that’s an entirely different post altogether.

  12. Sure it would be a good idea but Superman is done. For awhile anyways. SR is a dissapointment and Warner’s will never give Singer the money he wants to do another. This is another Batman & Robin

  13. Then have Chuck Norris play Zod….

    No…I’d like to see Parasite, Darksied, Bizzaro or Doomsday. But if Doomsday were in the mix..I would think a Zod appearance (even if depowered) might be just fine.

    Get Dolph Lundgren as Non.
    Get Claudia Black as Ursa
    Get Jude Law as Zod

    Get anyone else for Lois Lane.

  14. Maybe in the next one superman should have some serious issues with drugs or alcohol and battle with moral issues…or be gay…take an american icon and completely flip the script…fanboys…i know he is superman he can’t get drunk or whatever…but boy can he be gay and then Zod comes and they fall in love…but then Zod falls in love with the Hulk and superman v zod v hulk…super love triangle

  15. zod coming back is just plain dumb…can’t singer do a movie that is HIS. I mean I didn’t like SR, but he gave donner a long 2 hour homage, now you want him just to remake donners vision. jesus..gimmie a break.

    WHY have singer do these films if he’s just going to re-do previous films, use another character…for the love of GOD

  16. As much as I would like to see the return of ZOD, I have to agree with some of the above posters. It would be another rehash. Superman Returns was obviously an extended re-do of the Metropolis portion of the first movie. Think about it… Supes announces his presence by saving Lois fron an air disaster – Supes and Lois do interview on rooftop and then go flying – Lex plots land-grab scheme – Lex tries to take out Supes with kryptonite – Supes saves day by doing something he shouldnt be able to do. Which movie am I talking about… could be either one. I mean come on! A shard puts him out for the count immediately, but he can lift a chunk of it the size of one of the small islands of Hawaii out of the water and all the way to space. And dont give me he powered up or that it was surrounded by rock. He was “powered-up” when he got to the island and in a minute he couldnt beat up Lex’s henchmen and most of the rock had fallen off by the time he got it out of the water.
    I liked the movie, let me be clear, I just had a strange feeling of deja-vu the whole time. And sadly, I feel that if Singer was to take on ZOD in the sequel it would feel the same way. Doomsday maybe being brought forth by Braniac would be a better scenario. I know its not like the comics, but the movies and comics exist in different “universes”. Peter Parker didnt have organic web-shooters in the comics, but no one complained about that.


    And SNAKES ON A PLANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. You may be right, but we’ll see. You’d be surprised how good a movie can be with a little less budget.


    Hell, if Zod invades our planet, I would gladly let him kill me first (hey, Freddy waited too long)!

    BRING BACK THE REAL BITCH-CONQUERING MOTHERFUCKER, ZOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I wonder if Terence Stamp is willing to return? Just give him a new costume, and even badder MO-FO’s, and we’re set to kill Superman!!!

    C’mon people, if you’re not watching ‘Superman Returns’ for the franchise, do it for ZOD!!!

    ZOD! ZOD! ZOD!

  19. It’s definitely not looking good. The flick has just fucking stalled at the box office. It’s not good when you get beat by ‘Little Man’.

    I still haven’t seen Superman Returns, so it’s not like I’ve got anything against it, but none of the commercials or previews made me interested in seeing it, and it looks like a lot of people agreed with me. A lot of the previews made it look like shit actually.

    And plenty of dudes I trust didn’t like it at all. Paul fucking Dini (Head writer for Batman The Animated Series and the Superman one as well) didn’t enjoy it much.

  20. There will not be a sequel.
    People say there might be if he made it cheaper…but to make it cheaper would mean more than likely less effects…less action….uummm you couldn’t have less action than superman returns…

    I have accepted it….we all should…there will be no sequel…..

    but on the slim slim slim slim slim chance warners risk another 200 mill on this “franchise” you can almost guarantee singer will not be invited back to direct it….

  21. Bringing back Zod would rock! I’d like to see them duke it out again. As for who would play him, I’m not sure I’m liking the Jude Law idea but if they could get Depp, now THAT would rock.

  22. Well….we rehashed Superman 1 with Superman Returns for the most part. Next up we get Superman 2 rehashed. This time Superman will actually get Lois Lane and maybe we will get a new version of Superman throwing a giant transparent S at his enemies to severly inconvience them. Way to go Singer. Can you get any less creative? I have no doubt that Superman will cross $200 mill…. eventually. But hopefully WB has enough sense to give it to someone else. Someone who has the balls to cast a real Superman and have him go up against real threats. Not whine and mope over Lois Lane. After watching Singers version I suddenly was wondering if McGs/Ratner/Abrams version really would of been THAT bad to see…. as after Superman Returns, its clear that the man of steel is in dire need of an updating.

  23. I loved Superman Returns, but it is a little like a remake of ’78 Superman. If they use Zod in the next one, well then that would seem like a rip off of Superman 2.

    They need to invent an all new baddie. Maybe some sort of Super Hannibal Lector that fucks with Supermans mind or something..

    Or maybe get Ron jeremy to play some fat super baddie, who licks Lois Lanes ass out infront of the man of steel !!! Now that would piss off the man of steel.

  24. Isnt it funny that Boston Man uses the phrase tea-bagging…..

    (boston tea party…hilarity ensues)

    I dont think they have the cohones to do Braniac 13…you know? It would be a huge endevour and I just dont think the producers thinks that Singer ahs enough vision for that to happen.

  25. Singer’s superman was AWFUL each and every way (plot, acting, casting, special effects, etc, etc, etc. I had to walk out of the movie theater in the middle of the movie. I could really not stand it. It’s not the lack of action, is that nothing worked in this movie. I like slow movies, drama, etc. But they must be well done.

    What happened Singer???

    They should just do a replica of S2. Get Rattner to direct though. Get the tea bagging singer out of the franchise.

  26. I liked Superman I thought it was a good film but it was lacking in certain areas but overrall it was a decent film. They do need to bring a better villian for Superman to fight because lets face the S Man is simply to powerful.

    They should bring in Doomsday or maybe even Darkseid in my opinion.

    Charles Morgan is correct about Bryan Singer trying to bring in Jude Law to paly General Zod. If they do try to bring Zod back I think that Jude Law would be a pretty good choice but I dont know if he would even accept to do it now.

    Personally I would love to see Doomsday.

  27. Superman Returns is a bad movie, I’ve said it before. Movies are for entertainment purposes and this movie was not entertaining.

    Zod: Johnny Depp would be the only good choice… He kicked the crap out of him at the box office…might as well do it in the same movie…shit put Kiera as Ursa and Geoff Rush as Non

  28. As for the t-shirts you might try …not sure about the shirts though.

    I was talking to friends about Superman returns and thought it would have been great seeing General Zod making a brief appearance at the end. Maybe going into that truck stop/diner from Superman 2 covered in clothing and not seeing his face (remember it’s cold near the fortress of solitude), then revealing himself and telling the patrons inside to ‘KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!” Oh well I can dream.

  29. At first, I was thinking “BUT Zod died at the end of S2” and I thought about it..We never saw Zod die. He fell into some foggy area, that we assumed was an abyss. But we never actually see any of the die. And then, the Donner version(and one of the early tv versions) had them being arrested at the end.

  30. As a matter of fact…

    Singer’s original treatment featured our favorite General coming back to bring Superman to his knees.

    Singer’s one and only choice to play General Zod: Jude Law.

    But after Jude Law turned down the role — multiple times — finally citing scheduling conflicts, Singer gave up the ghost and eliminated the General from Big Blue’s mighty return.

    To get a glimpse of just how glorious Jude Law would have been in the role, head over to this link at

  31. The problem with Doomsday is that he would have to be CGI for sure, but Zod could just be anybody….

    What do you guys think

    Alfred Molina as Zod……he shapes up just a little bit and he would be great.

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