Wanted 2 is still a possibility

I really enjoyed Wanted when it was first released. It wasn’t the movie I expected, but it was definitely the movie that I hoped it would be and thoroughly enjoyed. The idea of a sequel typically evokes mixed feelings about the prospect because the film had a sense of finality to it that doesn’t encourage further installments, but the rumor of a sequel has been persistent ever since the box office results of the film was very successful. That has not yet changed for director Timur Bekmambetov.

Source: Latino Review

During an interview on the set of “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter,” Timur spilled the beans on whether or not they’ll try to continue on making a sequel:

“We still talk sometimes about ‘Wanted 2.’ We want to try and continue that story because it’s a very interesting one for us.”

And no, for sure they won’t bring back Jolie’s character:

“The reality is we love [Jolie] and we’d love to do it with her, but also that story has such a big idea behind it that it can also go on without her.”

I really enjoyed Wanted and appreciate the movie for making me take notice to James McAvoy, (otherwise I would have missed out on the awesome show “Shameless”), and for making me believe that Morgan Freeman may be more nimble than he appears. I enjoyed that a lot but I am not convinced that this is a movie franchise that needs a sequel. Of course a great idea can make me change my mind so I look forward to finding out exactly what has Timor so excited about the possibility with or without the involvement of Angelina Jolie.

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

One thought on “Wanted 2 is still a possibility

  1. I feel like even though it was an enjoyable film to watch, I hope they do not make a sequel. This way after a couple years someone can make a proper adaption to the comic book that this was loosely based on. I really loved the comic book that is why I’m so sour about how the film turned out since it turned out completely different without a single alien in the film. Anyway, just an opinion. I do agree being glad that it waved a spot light on James McAvoy for he is an enjoyable actor to watch.

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