May the Fourth Be With You

Today is May the Fourth – the Unofficial, but widely assumed “Star Wars Day”!

I am proud to say that EVERY single Star Wars movie and TV show released is in my DVD collection. I even have a VHS bootleg of the embarassing Star Wars Holiday Special that George Lucas will deny ever existed. Yes, even the Ewok TV Movies, Ewok and Droids animated series and the Clone Wars shorts and subsequent Animated series.

I have read all the novels. Collected the comics and had an armada of action figures to this day I regret getting rid of, but NEVER regret playing with until I lost all their tiny plastic guns and lightsabers.

I have been itching for a live action TV series, and despite my passion, I don’t think it matters that Han didn’t shoot first. I actually enjoy the special editions, and I do feel they are an improvement (visually)

Hell, I don’t even really mind the Medichlorians and I think we were meant to hate JarJar. He was easy to manipulate, and while we were pointing our fingers at this easy target, we almost didn’t notice Annakin slaughtering Jedi children with a lightsabre.

I love the vast and imaginative spanning galaxies of adventure that Lucas has given us, and the positive so greatly outweighs the bad (which I won’t deny exists).

So yes, this scruffy nerf herder Loves Star Wars, the good and the bad.


There are no flaws in Star Wars… from a certain point of view.

Happy Star Wars Day!

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8 thoughts on “May the Fourth Be With You

  1. For the greatness that is Star Wars, one must also accept their flaws to truly appreciate it for what it is. The Greatest Stories every told. Are those bookends part of a collector’s set coming out? I would love to have those.

  2. Really, you have a bootleg of the holiday special. You who rallies so hard against piracy? Honestly I’m a little suprised. Is there possibly some wiggle room in your iron hard judgement of pirates? Perhaps if it is not avaliable to you any other way?

    1. Yes, I am against piracy however this is one instance where this product simply does not exist in any other form. If it was available for legal download or purchase I would gladly purchase it to say I have it.

      This in no way allows “wiggle room” on the morality of piracy.

  3. Han Solo Bitches!

    Him and Chewie/Chewy (how is it spelled Rod?) always brought the fun and excitement for me in the Trilogy. add in the Awesome (to this day very few directors can make space look this good :Green Lantern trailers!)Space Opera and the fearsome Vader and we my friends, Have the most celebrated Sci-Fi family fun thrill ride I have yet to experiance with another film to date.

    Happy Day guy’s!
    and may the force be with you

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